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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. Unseen Strangers - 4 votes Days of You - 1 vote Looks like a marketing homerun to me, but what do I know about promoting... The Strangers could sure use the exposure more than another Days reunion, just sayin'
  2. the real question is did you find your glasses?
  3. whatever you want.....mandarin
  4. This show totally lived up to my expectations of a Crowes show. Started off up in the gallery and got the unspoken ok from the guys behind me that i will be standing for this and proceeded to enjoy what i thought was a short opening set, turns out I missed the first 4 songs due to beer wandering. Made it down to the floor seats after what seemed to be the shortest set break I have ever experienced at a show. I went in not expecting to hear my current favourite BC tune I Ain't Hiding and then BAM! second song in and unbeleivably enjoyable. Although not very familiar with the tune, Oh Josephine really spoke to me, not to mention how dreamy Chris Robinson is but....then into the classic that brought me way back to grade 8, Hard to Handle followed up by Remedy with some serious soulful back-up singers, pure bliss. Great show, great company, it's just to bad I waited until their farewell tour to finally catch one of the top bands of my generation. See you at OZZY!
  5. I beg to differ, ask Gateaux.
  6. Anyone see what the Ducks are doing with their play calling this year? play card story
  7. c-towns


    $115 beer/bottle in Canada
  8. Agreed. Salty and smaller than the american version, had to follow it up with a couple of tacos from the neighbouring T-Bell.
  9. Great series', I've watched at least one ball game every night since Monday, lovin' the mlb playoffs this year. I think I'd rather see The Phillies play the Rangers, seems like they'd match up better for more entertainment.
  10. Pretty much any man on here (that doesn't post in the french forum) I'd think...
  11. I'm not sure what the big deal is here, I know there is a fair amount of you on here that won't hesitate to eat two regular chicken sammy's or burgers from any of the other joints, its like having two sammy's without the useless bread handles. Guess what I'm having for lunch today??
  12. Georgia Football Body Painter is Insane - Watch more Funny Videos
  13. That was a pitching clinic, fun game to watch.
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