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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. They would work really well with either really loud amps or a really live room. Just presuming.
  2. It's way different to go to a little town on a bus than across town by public transit. What a great weekend of events to be whisked away to only to be whisked away someplace else. Have a great time listening.
  3. Just think - see this guy and stay for BRICKHOUSE!
  4. How else can a groove last for 3 days?
  5. Humans are hard-wired to interpret divinity, not faith - is that essentially the verdict? Did I call it before I saw it or what...is that really what this all boils down to from where you've gone so far? Each day I find something that intrigues or challenges me if it's something as simple as the pattern of flooring samples on my desk and how the shadows hit it to the view of the mountains through my kitchen window in the morning, reflecting a sunrise on a clear norning... I believe that it is only ourselves that creates a short in the circuit in either ourselves or other people, essentially destroying innocense and holding ourselves back. What a heady day...first a discussion about theology this morning on MSN with my seventh day adventist cousin, to chats about passover with my jewish friend and his parents at an easter dinner in Langley, to coming home to an enormous purging sit on the crapper as I rushed in from the road...now to this. All in all my day was filled with moving experiences.
  6. I'll be there for sure. Can't party too hard as I need to drive my ass back to the city but we'll meet up and hopefully crash some glasses into a frothy mess.
  7. SaggyBalls


  8. Anyone wanna carpool? BASSNECTAR | BIG AIR SATURDAY APRIL 14TH ZILLA | BIG AIR SATURDAY APRIL 14TH STEPHEN MARLEY | SUNDAY APRIL 15TH K'NAAN | SUNDAY APRIL 15TH THE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS | SUNDAY APRIL 22ND HAYLEY SALES | SUNDAY APRIL 22ND I went last year for Umphrey's - and although it ws a short set it was great to get up there.
  9. thanks for posting that. I'd nver have looked around to see that Portishead are still getting together. I think that's the real reason Luke is getting married in England.
  10. I drive myself crazy all the time to the point that I'm often shocked that people still see me as 'happy' or 'positive' while I feel tugged at every which way by my imaginary obligations and poor use of my time and personal freedom. Never really know why people keep calling me to hang out but who am I to complain about that?
  11. mostly harmless? that's entirely unfortunate. welcom aboard. hope you brought your seasick pills
  12. You're just 30 now? Happy Birthday!
  13. As far as 'identification' - I talk to a lot of people that don't really care to BE identified, or labelled, and care to be 'individuals' and all dress similarly, are open to the same media, and tend to live in similar neighbourhoods. Many people identify with their job, their relationships, their personal tastes, their interests, their skills, their alignments - but is that really a just identity for anyone? As of late I've been wanting to identify with being a 'disc golfer' but I've really only got out a few times this year and really don't care to identify with anything worldly. As for my relationships, if they ever end and I identify myself with them I would have identity crises. As a musician, the only way to identify myself as such is to play regularly which is difficult when there are so many things I spend my time doing. I'm a poet that doesn't write, a musician that rarely gigs, a poor disc golfer, a lover, a Sales Administrator and Business Developer, lucky cook and eater of fine cuisine, and music fan that doesn't actively pursue new music for hours each week. I've got an online persona that people in 'the scene' seem to recognize when they first meet me...'so YOU'RE canned beats...' whatever the fuck that's getting at I'll never really understand. it's pretty interesting while entirely appropriate that people haven't really been friendly with me after hearing a few people identify me as being 'from the messageboard' at shows. I'm completly suprised and wholly appreciative that I've been as welcomed as I have. Truth be told, very few people have been specifically indifferent to me as I feel very indifferent to so many people. What does this REALLY lead to? a truly ambiguous personal identity that most likely conflicts with each and every person's understanding of me personally. How does this relate to 'the scene' - well it could be that I appreciate the fact that this is entirely apart from my family and my work. Perhaps it shows that I identify with being argumentative or my longwindedness, as this post as countless others have bloated up into article length. If anything, I identify with being open to concepts...Perhaps that's what draws me into 'jamband' music...that it's more conceptual than specific...Bluegrass, Jazz, dub, funk, soul, rock, folk, and gospel elements, musicians that sort of get the concepts but aren't all totally immersed in just one focus. It meanders, there's some meaty thought in there, it strings a listener along and says some really important message then flips around to make another parallel point, only to go elsewhere or come back to the original point...why I identify with this scene.
  14. If you're into bit torrents, Opera, a web browser, handles them quite well. It's a pretty darn good browser. I still use safari. No need to get Firefox IMO.
  15. SaggyBalls


    How about... ...Brazilian Jungle Drums
  16. Interesting how everyone puts the onus on the consumer and not the infrastructure. We have serious potential to use hydroelectric energy, set up vast wind farms, and utilize the bay of fundy for the strongest tidal energy generation in the world. We have some of the brightest minds yet our government isn't doing anything to keep them here to better Canada and the world. I know it's been said before but the sentiment definitely rings true. My computer is the base hub for my house's internet. I'm not turning it off even if I have to plead 'ignorant' We're expected to do all the work in changing our lifestyle or habits to fit into a more ethically acceptable framework while nothing is being done to bring us innocence once more. All the while, our government battles itself over insignifigant tiffs and party politics, never really getting anything truly changed, merely tweaked. Canadian Business could easily band together and do their part by adjusting their power consumption, but what incentive is there for them? lower energy bills? There's no other incentive. tax Credits? clout of some sort? Wouldn't this be a firm point in the realization of ethical and sustainable business practice?
  17. Don't want to move in on bums' territory? Maybe it's because I live in Downtown Vancouver, but I find it seriously strange that anybody would care to give a fuck about a 'bum's' busking territory. There's ONE streety that plays guitar and sings beautiful CSNY, Cat Stevens, and James Taylor songs and makes everybody smile as they go by. He's the ONLY street musician I've seen that I would ever care to help out in Vancouver. Street people and bums are not always synonomous but does it really matter? You're making music on the street for people. If you're not accepting money for your music you are not busking. I would suggest playing in parks if you can. On sunny days people like to barbecue and if you entertain them they are more likely to give you a freshly fgrilled hamburger than if they were walking around in Sparks Street Mall all day. Unless you find a cool acousical environment or are actually trying to make money I just don't see the draw to playing on concrete. Tourists like parks too.
  18. i wonder if anything will ever take root in your dingleberries
  19. I'm tired of all the anti-smoking argument that goes on. True, second hand smoke has been linked to an increase in cancer. There are many reasons that people become ill and their bodies fail them. A wisp of smoke is different han a smokey room. I'm with Ollie on this one. FWIW I'm a pro smoking non-smoker. There are many chemicals in tomacco juice that act as anti-psychotics. I know many non-smokers that could really use a smoke. Physical health isn't the be all and end all of well-being. I'd rather see a friend get a bit dragged down with a couple extra colds a year than seeing that same friend uptight and uneasy. Non Smokers seem to whine a lot more. I said it. Look around - it's hard to deny.
  20. I'm tired of all the anti-smoking argument that goes on. True, second hand smoke has been linked to an increase in cancer. There are many reasons that people become ill and their bodies fail them. A wisp of smoke is different han a smokey room. I'm with Ollie on this one. FWIW I'm a pro smoking non-smoker. There are many chemicals in tomacco juice that act as anti-psychotics. I know many non-smokers that could really use a smoke. Physical health isn't the be all and end all of well-being. I'd rather see a friend get a bit dragged down with a couple extra colds a year than seeing that same friend uptight and uneasy. Non Smokers seem to whine a lot more. I said it. Look around - it's hard to deny.
  21. I just got 4 discs. I got a Wraith, a Roc, a Gator, and a Polecat. That'll make my Wolf and Stratus fill out a really varied bag of clubs. Distance Driver to mid range to finesse/putt. Other than the Roc I think they're all strange. What do you folks use?
  22. I just got wind that Bjork is playing on the 23rd. this will be a great summer for music. I hope to be making most of mine.
  23. hey - worst case scenario, they'll take care of your compacted bowel. chewy nougat.
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