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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. boogieknight is a hulking mass of vegetarian power his land had fields of Romanesco along the outskirts of town to feed the starving lunatics The poor don't just get fed. they get fed trippy. Eat your vegetables, Luke. growing plots need to be fed well.
  2. So what's your point, shit sniffer? I know you've got your nose right up against that turd but you don't have to tell us about it.
  3. So what if the Chameleon Project aren't world class, Luke? What does the rest of the world matter to your moment? Can't enjoy your moment because of the tweaked out JamTronica? then go home and drool all over the picture of a shirtless elvis costello while you've got your ascot around your neck. Personally, I believe a healthy dose of Wilco should fix your 'not quite there' itch. Quit trying to give it to us.
  4. I've been listening to this for awhile. Thanks KC - this is a band that afrobeat lovers will eat out of your ass with a spoon. graciously. If Fela Kuti and Sun Ra shared a band this is what it would be like.
  5. improv players lurk everywhere.
  6. I upgraded the RAM in my Mac Mini this week and all it took was some putty knives. I filled the slot, got its top back on and we were good to go. What to do with that extra chip? I put an ad on craigslist, got a call on my way home from aircaring my car. I got a deal for the computer so I figure I'll sell the RAM for a case of beer...$35 plus a couple of Twoonies (I figure I need to get a beverage at least as good as the computer deserves), and they're coming to pick it up. How much for a case of beer anyway? Either way; Definitely worth it to me. I'm putting on some tea.
  7. SaggyBalls

    I'm Sorry

    I'm sorry. I just wanted to put it in a little and it felt so good. I didn't mean to make a mess like that.
  8. If it's anything stated thus far it'd be www.WhatScene.ca but what the hell do we need to change it for?
  9. Bob Moses is bang on even years after that letter was first written.
  10. identity is the fact of being who you are. True, it has roots in the latin word for 'same' - however, although I might have an affinity towards or identify with something you have an affinity towards or identify with that doesn't mean we share the same identity. We just would have something in common. Mouse...I'm not suggesting that people are their identities. I'm saying that one person's identity should be truly autonomous and if it is not then there had better be some strong symbioses happening And if you pay attention enough you'll know that I am very tautological - except right here.
  11. I was just about to not go to any more shows for a long while and you go and book a fucking brilliant concert for Friday night. I was set to be antisocial and itchy for weeks
  12. Since when did your identity have ANYTHING to do with anybody else?
  13. I'm ok d-rawk. Glad to see y'all trying to figure out what the heck I mean or am getting at. keep it comin'!
  14. Dr. Mouse, not all enthusiasts approach the scene as if it's something to cling to. Most people are just there. it was a blanket statement for hangers-on. I know I'm generally not impressed easily Chameleon - but it's not because I'm comparing anyone to bigname talent. I'm not always impressed by bigname talent. I would wager a guess that those people that don't dance at your shows also don't dance at the bigger concerts either. Perhaps most of the smaller acts just don't quite hit the mark. It's a bit out of line to expect anyone to live up to another's expectations (something I'm really trying to live my life by these days) but just because someone CAN play a show does it mean they SHOULD? Anyway, that's getting a bit off topic. Thankyou Bokonon and Edger and Dr, Mouse for actually engaging this thread. Not 'why do you go to concerts' not 'what do you like about this pastime'. Sure some of you have said what you like about the scene, but what do we seem to IDENTIFY with? Anything? Nothing? If you're in a hurry to post or to get your point across make it count. It's easier to shrug off a trite jab at our community than it is to know what it makes tender. It's fair to say that some of us identify with the people, some identify with the messages in the music, some of us identify with the feelings that sonics create in our bodies, some of us identify with hedonism and some of us yet identify with a crowd. I'm sure some of us identify with the potential identity this scene lends itself to, while others still don't identify with anything here and only come for the music and party. Anybody else care to speculate or share their understanding?
  15. Anyone here get distracted by their passengers squirming, moaning, and feverishly pawing at their glistening genitals? I'd call for a lie-detector test to verify if it held legal grounds.
  16. Good times all around. Glad I went even though Freeflow does nothing for me. Their bass player sure has a nice 5 string. I find it strange how Foundation opened the entire show and NONE of their usually huge crew showed up. I don't think they told very many people and they ditched the gig pretty quickly...bizarre how a band that last summer had huge momentum, was playing shows every week and a half now isn't really into partying with other bands and a happy crowd.
  17. SaggyBalls


    I can't help but feel compelled to start a discussion about our little heady scene. I've heard it referred to as a 'phamily', a 'community', and a 'drug scene' Of course, with the Rock and Roll comes the Drugs and (apprently) Sex, but why is that always the first thing to surface? With many of us getting a bit older and having a shift in priorities with our personal, professional, and spiritual lives I feel that many of us are examining what we really want to get from life. Some of us rock it Full Tilt and some of us shy away - but what I'm interested in is what we identify with. I know that when I'm at a psychedelic event I can be overwhelmed by the vibe. I feel like I'm in the right place as feels as though the majority of the crowd just is as they are (and not what they want to project), but of those that are approaching the scene like it's something to grasp ahold of with dear life, what could possibly be their motivation if not lack of personal identity?
  18. "Slowcoaster still have a long way to go, and I think that the CD they are about to drop is going really blow up their profile in Canada. Some of the sounds I'm hearing out of Sloco include: Hot Hot Heat, The Clash, Shane MacGowan, Sublime & Strokes... plus enough Cape Breton folk tradition to kill ya laughin'. " But what's SLOWCOASTER's sound? Does it matter with a party band? Is it worth the scrutiny or should you just focus on getting the BEST dope and drinking the BEST booze and having the BEST time you can given the circumstances? They're a fun band I must admit. I'd put them on the same bill as Bedouin Soundclash with Bedouin opening and a closer after SloCo if I had the clout.
  19. WILLAM Bye. (exits) VERONICA Bye (to DANTE) That was Snowball. DANTE Why do you call him that? VERONICA Sylvan made it up. It's a blow job thing. DANTE What do you mean? VERONICA After he gets a blow job, he likes to have the cum spit back into his mouth while kissing. It's called snowballing. DANTE He requested this? VERONICA He gets off on it. 24. DANTE Sylvan can be talked into anything. VERONICA Why do you say that? DANTE Like you said-she snowballed him. VERONICA Sylvan? No; I snowballed him. DANTE Yeah, right. VERONICA I'm serious... A moment of silence as DANTE'S chuckles fade to comprehension. DANTE You sucked that guy's dick? VERONICA Yeah. How do you think I know he liked... DANTE (panicky) But...but you said you only had sex with three guys! You never mentioned him! VERONICA That's because I never had sex with him! DANTE You sucked his dick! VERONICA We went out a few times. We didn't have sex, but we fooled around. DANTE (massive panic attack) Oh my God! Why did you tell me you only slept with three guys? VERONICA Because I did only sleep with three guys! That doesn't mean I didn't just go with people. 25. DANTE Oh my God-I feel so nauseous... VERONICA I'm sorry, Dante. I thought you understood. DANTE I did understand! I understand that you slept with three different guys, and that's all you said. VERONICA Please calm down. DANTE How many? VERONICA Dante... DANTE How many dicks have you sucked?! VERONICA Let it go... DANTE HOW MANY? VERONICA All right! Shut up a second and I'll tell you! Jesus! I didn't freak like this when you told me how many girls you fucked. DANTE This is different. This is important. How many?! She counts silently, using fingers as marks. DANTE waits on a customer in the interim. VERONICA stops counting. DANTE Well...? VERONICA (half-mumbled) Something like thirty-six. DANTE WHAT? SOMETHING LIKE THIRTY-SIX? 26. VERONICA Lower your voice! DANTE What the hell is that anyway, "something like thirty-six?" Does that include me? VERONICA Um. Thirty-seven. DANTE I'M THIRTY-SEVEN? VERONICA (walking away) I'm going to class. DANTE Thirty-seven?! (to CUSTOMER) My girlfriend sucked thirty-seven dicks! CUSTOMER In a row?
  20. When it comes to humility and personality we've all got a hard time figuring the best or our favourites. I'm personally a fan of Jeff Tweedy. When it comes to range and scope I must say that Prince has everyone beat...Freddie Mercury sang show tunes to an electric band.
  21. I let go. Slumps stem from identifying yourself from issues that you do not have the means to affect at the present moment. Get into yourself and out of your head.
  22. Empty threats come from empty souls. I honestly doubt legal action has any merit especially after explicit agreement on terms of use after years of use. The only wankitude around here is from Luke Bowden. Kung, Zero...whatever alias he lurks under. Everyone: If you posted it it's up to you to delete your public posts it but the site still has legal rights over the data you enter. Perhaps you think it's your intellectual property but the issues surrounding that are based on fair use and profit. Building a community takes more than empty verbiage and schmoozing. Print has some pull but without the foundation to support a story, it's all just hot air and opinion. Organizing parties, working with promoters and scenesters to make a community, and all the artists that make the product we grow to love is what scenebuilding is. Praising the hip and denouncing mediocrity does nothing to bring mediority out of its hole. The more inclusive a scene is the stronger it grows. After all, the subject matter is fundamentally more important than the delivery. Just cause I see you walking it doesn't mean you're going anywhere in particular, kids.
  23. I second the Martin LX1 - I played this guitar quite a bit when I was chillin' in P.Bro and it's a pleasure to play and to hear. I've played the baby taylor - and it's a taylor. the martin is definitely MY preference but if you're more of a 'taylor guy' than a 'martin dude' then you know where to start. the backpacker's a great idea if you're a traveller taking a guitar around the world but you're clearly not.
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