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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. nibbler's 'Weather Modification...' Thread and subsequent discussion has prompted me to start a new thread to be a resource and discussion about smart, simple fixes that could save us from all of this 'impending doom' that keeps getting pushed on us from the media and overzealous religious environmentalists and those they've dazzled. ...let's keep this constructive - maybe link to a blog post (as provided at jambands.ca or elsewhere) with any potential 'conspiracies' if you feel they tie in? nibbler's Weather modification thread That great WSJ Article So...I'll start off by addressing a necessary point that some of these solutions would CHANGE the way we experience life on this planet, even if it's only temporary. Blocking the sun to stop it from heating in the first place severly limits agriculture and our experience of the sun (Vitamin D is amazing as is solar power) and how weather would react to our interference (higher cloud tops? Bigger tropical storms? Severe weather patterns?). What about this guy? "Perhaps the best we can do for now is simply say even discussing geoengineering is totally off the table until we get climate change policy and carbon pricing in place." A. Steffen (link) Pumping man made clouds or seeding clouds with chemicals to either grow or cull them seems like a great concept at first, but with growing skin cancer rates and epidemics of influenzas happening around the globe: man made or not, people are still getting sick. So what other solutions are out there that would help us either reverse the effects we've had on the planet? What would move us away from the outdated concept of fuels...or change our politico-economic concept of fuel so that we will stop making greedy decisions that undermine the well being of man and the planet? How about Bunny Fuels! I guess it's not just the humans in Stockholm that are facing hard times. Anybody care to weigh in on this: "Geo-engineering is unnecessary because permaculture can be used to solve the same problems with additional net benefits and zero risk." -greensolutions Personally, I'm more on the side of permaculture and back-to-basics solutions that everyone can do and that municipalities and cities can introduce into shared land and parks than big technological breakthroughs. Coming from that (as well as past catastrophe) Would a solution to this be to incite Precautionary, Proactivity, or Reversability (link)? Artificial Trees that soak up carbon? Then - of course - there's the Nuclear solution: Safer Nuclear Fuels and reprocessing Thorium, as well as uranium and plutonium, can be used as fuel in a nuclear reactor. A thorium fuel cycle offers several potential advantages over a uranium fuel cycle, including greater abundance on Earth, superior physical and nuclear properties of fuel, enhanced proliferation resistance, and reduced nuclear waste production. Safer, non-weaponizable, Thorium. Solves nuclear Waste Problem! So spent uranium and plutonium can be reprocessed with thorium to turn back into uranium again and again, or a mostly-thorium compound can be processed with a significantly shorter half-life and much less actual waste. With Canadian Nuclear reactors still being the best in the world, this would present a significantly beneficial solution for Canadian Industry and the subsequent boom in electrically-powered vehicles and geoengineering solutions around the world. While I'm into low-impact, small scale, and back yard development, I also have a love-hate relationship with Nuclear Energy. So much potential and until now (IMO) we've squandered it. What solutions, ideas, talking points, or questions do you have about any of these or other solutions (and potential hurdles) on the political, technological, or economic landscapes?
  2. +1 on that, nibbler. ...and +1 on that, DB.
  3. The band was tight. Were they amazing? That's subjective, as is 'good'. I hope that person had a good night out at least. Great to see y'all!
  4. A 'phrase sampler' only is a great tool, but be sure to put it AFTER your guitar's preamp. If you have a pre out/pwr in section or FX loop, that's the best place to put it (IMO) if you're using one amp for your setup.
  5. That's going along with the fossil fuel theory, nibbler, which I can't justify buying into aside from never thinking to bring it up on the internet or in regular conversation again. The fossil fuel theory has never been proven but has been pushed on us for well over a hundred years. Funny how so many people refute that there is no climate change but don't know enough to even assert that oil is abiotic. Many of the climate change disbelievers do so because of the scale of economic change, but if they looked into Abiotic oil, their lurking 'but oil is so precious we need to sell it' sentiment would be as valueless as the incredibly abundant toxic soup. The 'ancient sunlight' concept is so tidy but it's wholly incorrect. I really like the 'living on borrowed time' analogy - too bad i can't use it.
  6. If you're still looking at the rc-2, Digitech released a jam man single - same size as the RC-2 but uses flash memory to give you loads of recording time. I'm going to wait for the LP-2 to get into looping again methinks.
  7. Why open the door when the furnace is still blazing?
  8. I dug it as a skimmed read, but not as the afternoon-killing article it could otherwise be.
  9. as it was loading I thought the 'first person tetris' thing would have been a view from above. thanks for the link, but 9 ball on miniclip.com is enough for me right now.
  10. I would really like to work on the campaign, Brad.
  11. Any news on new councillors? Since they're the meat of the votes and probably add more to the ridiculousness than any one mayor could ever be expected to, does O-town get new local representation in the same race?
  12. Thanks to all that celebrated life this weekend. Grey Country sure was beautiful.
  13. I bet you could turn OFF the 3-d functions. Still...I think I'll wait for holograms.
  14. And there's also - of course - the fact that Russia has been drilling for oil below the crystalline basement of the earth's crust, proving that oil is NOT a fossil fuel and is regenerated naturally by the earth. The Peak Oil Myth Debate...why not just go with wind, sun, water, and geothermal? It sure would save us a lot of trite positioning.
  15. If Eubanks were funny like Alec Baldwin, Leno would be a hit at ten.
  16. Hux, the reason this is a necessary focus for attention is that it's a distortion of Democracy using the democratic process. While there's a chance that C-6 wouldn't be used nefariously, there is so much potential for awful things to come from it. The values that our forefathers fought for are not supported with this bill. It's easy and sometimes necessary to focus on partisan politics when looking at who's formed the bill and others, but continually coming back to that as your main argument suggests that you're only acting as a part of the machine. I've got to give it to you though - you're patient and persistent. While it seems to be 'bogus conspiracy theory' every statute that passes to favour globalization lobbied by big interests... ...validates conspiracy theory. While there IS a corporatocracy and it drives world politics, any actual conspiracy is involved remains to be proven, and I personally think should be secondary to the issue that there is a corporatocracy that drives world politics. Just because many political agendas are driven by special interests, that doesn't necessarily put it all into a crazy plot, and dispelling these issues by clinging to an unhealthy and shortsighted combination of the conspiracy theory and the reality of special interests (and the political reactions in their favour) is unfair and unjustified. Look at C-6 as a perversion of process or look at it as an unnecessary knee-jerk reaction that takes important time and resources from bigger issues (environment, social issues, employment, economic recovery, etc.) or of course you can take it at the face value that it's been positioned under, but dismissing the concerns of concerned citizens (of which there are fewer and fewer as the days go on) as bogus based on an arguably (literally) ignorant perspective does nothing to solve anything. ...And just because there are bigger issues than this to focus on doesn't mean that they're being approached by our Government, nor will those issues necessarily be solved sufficiently when the time comes. And of course, these issues are mostly popular and have quite a bit of attention already - of which C-6 had none. So while it's easy to go off about climate change and the economy, the issue of a perverted political system and the bills it produces is most definitely MORE important, as it addresses both the waste of government resources and the good faith of the public's interest. It ain't just Harper wasting our time and money and piddling away our respect.
  17. don't knock shaffer. He's a great man. How can that be perceived as a personal attack? Eubanks sits leisurely on a chair laughing at Jay with a couple of guitars, some stompboxes, and his amp. Clean and simple. Schaffer stands in a ring of keyboards and electronic equipment. Holy $ix figure rig. While Schaffer punctuates Letterman's one liners and plays up the yes man like no other, I think Eubanks' guitar sounds trump Schaffer's 'do it all' keys any day. Now if only Eubanks were as funny.
  18. and Paul Schaffer's really any better? I just like his tone. Neato guitar.
  19. Glad we get to keep Kevin Eubanks on the air. I love hearing that guy tear into his Boogie (amp) coming back from commercial. (I like his tone...) Kevin being able to sound like that has a lot to do with that pink 'hot plate' - it lets him turn down the speakers but have his amp turned up... I guess NBC's doing the same thing with Leno...less time, but back on the air in a hot slot.
  20. When I was in London, my Grandfather had become ill and my Father, Aunt, and myself were set to the task of packing up the old family home and going through the many trinkets, books, collectibles, and what have you. On the many travels over the UK, my grandparents built up a pretty large collection of Bosson Heads and wall sculptures. Of these I took roughly half, and I proudly hung them on the wall over an antique chair in my apartment. I remember walking into Amber & Jesse's place, looking over on the wall and seeing a head on the wall, and though it wasn't a 'Bosson', being reminded of my collection and the few times I had visited my Grandfather as a child. Anecdotes aside, The guy made me feel at home even without all of the little touches that tied into my life.
  21. please don't let me be the guy to kill this thread.
  22. dogs are worse than most people... ...while my bouquet is strangely indescribable, I'm glad to be part of the masses on this one.
  23. This is far bigger than it being a case of a larger USA, nibbler. European Union, African Union, North American Union, South American Union...they will all answer to the same authorities, none of which are the people they intend to impose their rule upon. harmonized statutes and standards are a must for this to happen, which is really scary about C-6 (for anyone who forgot and thinks it's really about consumer goods)
  24. you are my current favourite messenger, Huxxy.
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