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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. well, Neil Young's "It's a Dream" does it to me almost every time. On the CD, when his voice breaks as he goes for the high part of the melody ("it's only a dream...") and then his sigh of inevitably ("and it's fading now, fading away....") - I pretty much lose it right there. Sometimes I think that's the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Dave Matthews' "Stay or Leave" will always remind of a particularly low period for me and can take me by surprise sometimes. Lucinda Williams' "Sweet Old World" can hit pretty hard sometimes too. wow, at first I didn't think I had an answer for this topic!
  2. Hux just ruined my whole fuckin' day.
  4. Steph- what album is that from? doesn't ring a bell.....
  5. "Guyute" is hardly my favorite Phish tune.
  6. MarcO

    SCI - Done

    This just made my day. man this board is fun sometimes....
  7. I fuckin' love the album I'm cranking right now. My poor neighbours. np: Bullet The Blue Sky!!!
  8. Benny Goodman is the definition of mainstream. I'm an unhelpful asshole.
  9. screw this alert system. Mike - take a time out.
  10. am I the only one who finds 22 Minutes impossible to watch? no joke can be delivered without a coy wink and a nudge and I'm not nearly as fascinated with our politicians as it seems to be. I find it almost unwatchable. I wish I found Mercer funnier too. When he's on form he's great. Put me down for an SCTV vote. Followed by Kids In The Hall and 4 On The Floor. Corner Gas is cringeworthy.
  11. December 8th is gonna be hilarious.
  12. anybody try that new Tim Horton's Breakfast sandwich yet? it's marvellous! I like the sausage one.
  13. btw, breakfasts are ALL about the homefries. Fuck those up, you're useless. Anyone can fry up some sausages but the homefries tell the whole story.
  14. banquet burger with fries and gravy. pint of guinness. I'm not kidding.
  15. no-one loves the sound of his own voice more than Robbie Robertson, save perhaps Ray Manzarek. shut up and play your guitar.
  16. is that the official DVD release? I have that as part of the BTR boxed set but only got about half way through. It was most excellent but for whatever reason I turned it off and meant to pick it up again later.... which still hasn't happened yet. I do recall that a lot of seemed awfully dark though. maybe this weekend I'll finish it off!
  17. MarcO

    SCI - Done

    stop teasing us StoneMtn! (I'll never get sick of your avatar, btw)
  18. and consider me entertained!!!!! more seriously, thank you to anyone and everyone who works hard and puts their reputation and money on the line to bring us great live music!
  19. Jaimoe - thanks for an honest review. It's so refreshing to read an honest assessment rather than "I love The Who and this is their first album in years and it's great becasue it's The Who!!!!!". you rock.
  20. which is why I keep coming here every day. You're spoiling my fun!!!!!
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