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Everything posted by paisley

  1. but is the cup half empty... or half full believe the correct question should be "how can we be the ones to provide iTunes and iMovies to Canadians considering the inevitably evolving technology?" and retire happily to the Cayman Islands ever after
  2. I'm the one who tells people that who tell me I should be a teacher. Kinda joking too, probably wouldn't ever have a problem, but prefer not to find out. The teacher who tried to talk me into it said I'd feel different once I held the position of responsibility. For all my crass words I have a very innocent mind. And am pretty sure I'm no mental match for a lot of 17 year old girls out there.
  3. lol almost had me convinced. beautiful =)
  4. I like fresh thinkin... Pepperjacks had a suprise hit with "Guitar Hero II Video Game Night" some local people dreamt up (next installment - Tuesday, Jan 23) spotted it as a winner straight off... must make money to buy stocks... must make money to buy stocks... must make...
  5. yays, in the thread on the other board someone said that part of a band's payment at the Rooster is a DVD of their performance... you sayin there's maybe pre-setup tapers section? sounds like their run by Apple
  6. thanks for the keynote speech, great read you can tell Apple is up to something outstanding when Jobs gets charged with tax fraud "Yes this is Micro.. ahem, an anonymous caller, who'd like to report some questionable balances in the books of Steve Jobs and Apple Computers." wish I had've had the money to throw down on Apple stock that day, when their share prices plummeted for 6 hours before climbing back up once people figured out what was going on
  7. funny how in the countries of cocaine origin there's basically no street level crime relating to crack abuse... apperently if its cheap as beer and getting caught with a little doesn't cost you your future people don't make that big of a deal over it though the cartels muscling each other, whilst trying to get sick rich off of north america, more than make up for the street level crime... kids working for organized crime rings die every day to get some lines up north into people's bathrooms... all because, like cocoa, sugar and alcohol, some people crave cocaine... and much more dangerously, many people crave the billions that can be made off of the black market on one side and cops, courts and prisons on the other
  8. if someone can hook me up with a "Mustard" reunion show, with singer/contortionist Fraser Firth at the helm, my decade is set
  9. (posted on the Hamilton stillepost this morning) blast from the past... tonight basically all the members have been out chasing different musical pursuits across the country for the past decade The Legendary Red Rooster is a new club in Burlington
  10. can't believe the Dance Cave is still open above Lee's seemingly devoid of a goth/industrial night though... perhpas they should change the name to the Dance Room
  11. Marge - "The only thing I'm high on is Love for my Son and Daughters. Yes, a little LSD is all I need."
  12. if I have the funds I'd go see sebadoh ... imagine it'll be a sell-out though, no?
  13. thanks for the newsflash! glad alls well if you're very near ocean watch out for tsunami's (think Alaska has you covered though) there were earthquakes reported under the oceans last night but no reported tsunami's hang in there, continental shelf!
  14. L.E.A.P. time to address the problem and stop encouraging the symptoms (sypmtoms being devasted lives of the poor fueling a multi-billion dollar legal industry... stoned boomers aren't much of a problem to anyone, and the hollywood variety probably account for anything good that comes on tv)
  15. look to east at sunrise/west at sunset (picture) you can even see the tail of the comet... neat
  16. watch for public meetings and seminars etc... sober mind likes to think... here in Hamilton at the Sky Dragon center they have gatherings all week... most library's have gatherings ranging from touring authors talking about their writing/life experience to workshops on how to write fiction, save energy, be more involved in the politics that effect you, etc take an online course in something... lots of schools and free books out there check out some art galleries/museums too... a friend of mine just sent me a note letting me know she'll be doing a reading of her work at the Royal Ontario Museum do exercising things... pick up some swank duds
  17. been a funky century, lots of products sold edited: because that came out all wrong... lol
  18. looks like you met some relatives! sounds fun man
  19. was supposed to be February 16 in hamilton just checked their website... says "Bobby Lee Rogers only" playing Charlotte, NC
  20. party-town... in other words impressed by what an open discussion on the topic this has been... 10 years ago it would've been much more heated... 20 years ago practically taboo
  21. don't think you can get a prescription for heroin, could be wrong but yep, both bad
  22. all I know is people I know who've tried heroin, or had themselves a habit, say Oxy is plain evil
  23. more addictive, less insightful, dirtier, worse
  24. =) pre-beard had the same problem... now they think "beardo" maybe went to school with their dads
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