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Everything posted by paisley

  1. "You god damn kids get off my lawn before I call the cops!" don't forget the iPod suicide bomber... and they just nuked Los Angeles
  2. yays, these guys are amazing one of the most mesmerizing bands I've seen
  3. hope the healing goes well Jeff
  4. if thats the same one I have its awesome (pretty sure, don't have time to dig it up right now)... Neil talks a bit about what most of the songs is about... solo show, guitar, harmonica, piano
  5. if you're not already there, whatever torrent client you're using needs to know where the downloads are now having a look through your preferences and adjust "location of downloaded files" or whatever it says should work
  6. maybe I can slip in in on the pepperjacks website somewhere lookin foward to this
  7. looks like it must've been really dark in that room
  8. hmmm... same day as groundhog fest sucks... am overdue for a kitchener visit, and mystery meat looks like a hell of an excuse
  9. finally brought myself around to readin/lookin through the weekend's during and aftermath all I can say is: awww look'n fantastic everyone... can't wait to give the shows a thorough listen
  10. according to their myspace AoH play the Casbah Feb 2
  11. Chloe just keeps gettin hotter.
  12. if you're going to crack best make sure Jack isn't in the immediate vicinity, and that your cracking doesn't threaten national security. figure Curtis should've known better.
  13. Comet McNaught Over Catalonia This past weekend Comet McNaught peaked at a brightness that surpassed even Venus. Fascinated sky enthusiasts in the Earth's northern hemisphere were treated to an instantly visible comet head and a faint elongated tail near sunrise and sunset. Recent brightness estimates had Comet McNaught brighter than magnitude -5 (minus five) over this past weekend, making it the brightest comet since Comet Ikeya-Seki in 1965, which was recorded at -7 (minus seven). The Great Comet of 2007 reached its brightest as it rounded the Sun well inside the orbit of Mercury. Over the next week Comet McNaught will begin to fade as it moves south and away from the Sun. The unexpectedly bright comet should remain visible to observers in the southern hemisphere with unaided eyes for the rest of January. The above image, vertically compressed, was taken at sunset last Friday from mountains above Catalonia, Spain.
  14. if you know anyone who belongs to Demonoid get them to swing you an invite... best selection for that type of and many other sorta things, imo
  15. Shad K is really good... was a little hesitant after checkin out his web presence, but have been really impressed by his live show a couple of times now... seems to really mean it have a good show... see ya's thursday
  16. likewise at the very beginning of the first show, I loved that the bus that got blown up by an asian-looking muslim kid (after the racist bus driver wouldn't let a middle eastern guy get on the bus) using an iPod to trigger his suicide bomb damn it, you people are right... there is another 2 hours on tonight as well... producers of this show are like crack dealers
  17. indeed! said exactly that last night but the people sitting with me were un-initiates and looked puzzled... Lost Boys flashbacks
  18. was at a buddy's and we watched the end of the football game, then switched on 24 about 15 minutes in... have to admit I was having a little trouble getting used to a new "President Palmer" and some of the plot development but then after watching it through I flipped on the "out west" 2 hours delayed version and caught the beginning (which rocked) and that made a huge difference to my satisfaction level... enjoyed lots of new faces... they need a home-bred backwoods, northwestern states, anarchist, cuts up the flag for toilet paper, uni-bomber type introduced into this season
  19. he doesn't get out of town much lately but keep an ear open for Reverend Selecta, hamilton guy... used to be part of Glaswegian Underground (was drum 'n bass/jungle stuff mostly) fantastic ear, loves it... solid character scratchin with a live band called Lo-Fi mostly these days (don't let the home-made website foolya, definately catch the band live if you get a chance... loads)
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