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Everything posted by paisley

  1. right after my enthused pre-show build-up, I promptly went out and missed the whole thing yar!
  2. 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time 8:03:37 8:03:38 8:03:39
  3. wasn't last night trust me
  4. Comet McNaught, the Great Comet of 2007, has grown a long and filamentary tail. The spectacular tail spreads across the sky and is visible to Southern Hemisphere observers just after sunset. The head of the comet remains quite bright and easily visible to even city observers without any optical aide. The amazing tail is visible on long exposures and even to the unaided eye from a dark location. Reports even have the tail visible just above the horizon after sunset for many northern observers as well. Comet McNaught, estimated at magnitude -2 (minus two), was caught by the comet's discoverer in the above image just after sunset last Friday from Siding Spring Observatory in Australia. Comet McNaught, the brightest comet in decades, is now fading as it moves further into southern skies and away from the Sun and Earth.
  5. don't think the song (8 days a week) came from the czech lady in the can... she just fueled their manic lifestyle as young men with shaggy hair who played all night and occasionally slept during the day (in their suits) in an abandoned rooom at a theatre
  6. =) sounds sublime... (maroon? well, perhaps you've won this round, but)
  7. during this stretch of time, was an old lady who sat all night in a men's room stall of the club selling speed pills to club go-ers... the band later credited her contribution as having helped shape and mold their free and easy rock n roll image... (allowed them to cram "8 days" into "a week")
  8. money to save the suddenly important environment has to come from somewhere (certainly not from Alberta)... usually one of the first public services federal Conservatives like to go after... that said, I flat out don't know if young people are still staying up late to "ride the waves" or if they'd rather "surf the web", and therefore if it really is as culturally damaging as it would have been 20 years ago (or if maybe only being on air after midnight finally took its toll, some people have work or school in the morning) and amazingly presented it interestingly and intelligently manner, regardless of how out there... pretty amazing... someone should really do a documentary exploring the factors that made Brave New Waves so unique Ralph Nader or Chomsky for PM
  9. (think it was actually "some people call it burgundy"... to get all technical-like) and I sure do! =)
  10. they say the first 15 are the hardest... congratulations and an earnest thanks very kindly for many the stellar evening over the eons cheers! and wishes for a suitably festive evening for all the whole night through and through
  11. have yourself one happy birthday Mr. LR!
  12. stuck home... smilin thinking of the times to come out that way, last time was such sweet sweet lifer memories have no fears you kids'll do er up right! have good fun
  13. the epic informative and far reaching radio series, great excuse to be proud of being canadian.. broadened my music sphere greatly... was a sanity life raft when living in inhospitable top 40 radio regions (up north, out west) too bad for the youngers, perhaps now finding their own brave waves online... have to admit it has rarely been on my stereo unless I've been travelling late at night (still always ended up enthralled, entertained and knowier) hopefully they'll make some of the classic episodes from over the years available somehow
  14. used to drive all the way to Niagara Falls every weekend to listen to the Deadhour... have heard and appreciate his own live show a lot... a man who means it bring him on! (will talk to the people who book such things down thisaway)
  15. right on brother, goods ta hear
  16. never been, but maybe Things to do in Houston will help a little
  17. been on the SixShooter mailing list for years interesting organization... great to hear
  18. but I tried treatin ya like a bitch
  19. what? they only wanted you to weigh 65 lbs?
  20. thought my birthday was on Christmas Eve until I was 10... when I realized it was 3 days previous and the damn catholics had just lumped my birthday in with Christmas to save bother and expense a Festivus for the Rest of Us!
  21. you're the best Trevor... thanks for puttin up with me (in style) last trip out hope ya have yoursself a wicked day!
  22. there's a thread around here somewhere or other, think it started off as a Kae Sun thread lookin forward to it... lovin the JSB more n ever
  23. rent an early season and sit through the whole thing for a weekend (no sleep!)... I hate when it gets repetitive too (as does Keifer in interviews, says it it gets too hard keeping it fresh he'll walk) but it always manages to resurrect itself if Trey had've taken the time to get into 24 he'd be in less trouble
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