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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Ironically, some grocery stores charge you for bags. It's kind of a hidden cost that no one thinks about.
  2. Ugly ugly game last night. If the Raps just shot the ball adequately, they would have won easily. When Ford is bad, he's the worst player on the court. He was the worst player last night and was out-played by that fucking gangster wannabe White Chocolate. Nice work from former 10th overall pick Luke Jackson. I hope they sign him for the rest of the season, although once again Leo and Chuck over-praised another fringe Raptor.
  3. Great idea. Well done indeed. I re-use plastic bags as much as possible and use those bins and cloth-based shopping bags. I can't believe it when I see how many people at the corner store bagging a can of diet coke or a chocolate bar.
  4. I can't wait to see this film and Pan's Labyrinth. Del Toro is a freaking genius.
  5. Too bad Halladay didn't get the win, but he still pitched pretty good. Well done Jays winning on the road.
  6. True Ollie, I thought of my mixed message. But, if the beer garden prices are outrageous, then hiking it for 15 minutes isn't the worst option. I was kinda hoping a pub would be within crawling distance to and from the stadium.
  7. They are building some kind of beer garden outside the stadium, so that will do in a pinch. The Wheat Sheaf isn't far away and you could walk to the stadium from there in 15 minutes or go to Ontario Place for beer. There's a couple of pubby sort of restaurants on site there.
  8. I believe my old roommate Stu Smith will be playing drums at this thing. He always does. He's in a band that has reminants of his 80's Hamilton band The Dik Van Dykes. This is a well run tribute and if I didn't have to work, I think I'd hit this up.
  9. I drove by the stadium twice today. It looks good. Nice seats and the openness of the stadium works perfect for the C.N.E.. The only big problem is that there's no pubs within a 15 minute walking distance. But, it is on the Bathurst streetcar line, which goes right by the Wheat Sheaf = 10 minute streetcar ride or less.
  10. Jim Kelly was saying that there was more immediate accountability with the players and assistants when Lou was behind the bench. Makes sense.
  11. It takes the Raptors making the playoffs for Basher to make a comeback to the Sanctuary.
  12. Shockingly, no one's posted until now that the Raps clinched a playoff birth last night. It's been a long time coming. We've all suffered enough. Well done boys and well deserved!
  13. It's at Spirit's Bar & Grill just south of Bloor on Church Street. It starts at 8pm. I'm working on some songs tomorrow at work in preparation. It's a low-key night of fun tunes and solo performances. I normally sit in with the host band and play lead guitar. I think I'll test my new DigiTech loop tomorrow.
  14. Fucking eh! Now if only someone could bring back Bill Graham!
  15. Incredible game last night. Mo Pete sulked on the bench for the whole game until he got put in for the first time late in the 4th quarter when TJ fouled out. Then, Mo Pete hits a desperation three-point shot with one second left (with two hands in his face) to put the game into overtime. RAPTORS WIN in OT!
  16. I'm in total shock. I have no idea who these people are. What a shitty picture:
  17. Hey Kev, Chum is hiring a traffic co-ordinator. The job was posted today. Just in case...
  18. I'll try to get it done by Sunday. It's hard to write while I'm at work. My favourite parts of the album are with Col. Bruce and the ACU. I'm kinda straying away from jam bands as I get older, but man, Oteil and Jimmy ripped it up. The album also leans heavily into heavy blues, which isn't surprising given Warren mailed out the invitations.
  19. Where's Kim Mitchell's "I Am A Wild Party"?
  20. I'm in the process of writing a review of this album. It's really good.
  21. I guess you weren't wearing your Face Values t-shirt then?
  22. I'll be calling Booche when the Canes pull ahead in the first period.
  23. I'd love to see Jack (aka King of the Hill's Boomhaur) Armstrong do hockey. The Raptors and Canadian basketball fans are lucky to have this guy. Leo is a blabbering fool by comparison (and Leo was my favourite college player of all time).
  24. Hey Scott, I'll take a TSOOL one if you got it?
  25. Why? They are playing at a higher level than the PLQ or the Dead circa 1977-91.
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