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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. No ABB for a while I'm sad to say. I have a busy summer with three weddings before the end of June. There have been job listings posted here from time to time, but we got bought by CTV/Bell, so if layoffs happened here, you'd be one of the first to go due to seniority. When the dust settles, ask me again.
  2. Thanks AD, I just found a better avatar than Bruce Campbell as Elvis.
  3. Tuesday is a big night at The Horseshoe, where they feature many new bands for, I believe, FREE. It's a fun night, and you can't go wrong with the Rex either. Healey's may be fun too, since you will be in the area.
  4. Hey, I have top prep a live Hillary Duff interview at 7. I got you beat.
  5. Sorry about the booger line. It is the same... I think. However, the episode where Johnny left and then got fired from another station was changed. Remember he came back and told everyone that he got fired, but not for saying booger. He got fired for saying something else, but what he said was edited out. What got him fired?
  6. I think it's valid, especially since the Earth Day just passed on April 22. What about all the other recyclable materials at this fest. Will this material find its way into a garbage dump too? I think so.
  7. Thing is, it wasn't just an enthusiastic wave, it was a rather jaunty version of the Black Power salute ... this was the conversation that began with Les saying, "I couldn't help noticing that both of you are black ... " I love what Herb said to Venus and his pupil: "How's... it... going... brothers".
  8. No Ollie, they cut key scenes and dialogue, plus some contraversial words. You can google WKRP and you'll find a site that lists all the changes. It's staggering. BTW, it's not just the DVDs. All the reruns that air on TV are chopped and the DVDs will be identical to the current rerun versions.
  9. My favourite is when Les preached about music to Venus during a lecture Venus was giving to a tough gang-banger kid: Les: If the Beatles are the construct of modern music - and I use that word "construct" incorrectly - surely they were given birth to by Elvis Presley, a giant for sure, but the product of the black experience. Ergo - and I use that word correctly - blacks created modern music! Scratch an Allman Brother, and you have black. Scratch Billy Joel [pronounced Joe-well], and you have Howling Wolf! I could go on, but my mother is in town. Let's just say that every white rock and roll musician working today should take half of his or her paycheck and mail it directly to Chuck Berry. At least that's what I think, and I won't even go into jazz. Arnold, enjoy your visit to the station. Venus, nice visiting with you too! (He waves goodbye enthusiastically and exits.)
  10. Herb to Sparky Anderson: "Hey Sparky, why the white hair?"
  11. Scum's Des Barres is also in the Sidney Poitier film, To Sir, With Love (that aired on TCM last night): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062376/
  12. Here's a little mini-bio of Michael. It seems he has crossed paths with some rock "legends" as well: Former British hard rock singer and front man of the 1970s Los Angeles band Detective, who were one of the featured acts on Led Zeppelin's Swan Song label and were produced to sound as much like Led Zeppelin as possible. A longtime friend & confidant of Led Zeppelin leader Jimmy Page, Michael Des Barres married Jimmy Page's longtime girlfriend, the notorious Rock groupie, Pamela Des Barres, herself also a former girlfriend to WHO drummer Keith Moon, composer Todd Rundgren, and experimental rocker Frank Zappa. She was also a former-member of the famed 1960s groupie clique "The GTOs." The couple had one child, a son named Dean. Michael Des Barres has appeared on television and film a great many times and is considered quite a skilled actor. Indeed, he is probably much better known as an actor, having made appearances on highly rated television shows like "Roseanne" (1988), "St. Elsewhere" (1982), and especially as "Dog" on "WKRP in Cincinnati" (1978), where he and Detective actually performed. He also did terrific work in a recurring role on "MacGyver" (1985) as Murdoc, a demented assassin bent on killing the title hero. In the 1980s, he briefly fronted Duran Duran offshoot Power Station.
  13. I know. Technology in TV moved really slowly until about 5 years ago. Now it's gotten crazy. We do still use BetaSP on a daily basis. I'll be recording Hillary Duff's performance today on BetaSp for repeat purposes.
  14. Check out this Jan Smithers website. She still looks amazing: http://www.clothmonkey.com/smithers.htm
  15. Jan Smithers lives in the Maritimes and like Bailey and Johnny, I also wear a Black Death t-shirt from time to time. I bought one for Booche too.
  16. I think the Les on the ledge/Jennifer's sex-change operation episode is the funniest sitcom episode I've ever seen.
  17. Although the exteriors (the few that were filmed) were from Cincy. One of the best written and acted guest hosted shows I've ever seen was with Sparky Anderson.
  18. Even one of the early reruns of the show had some editing. When Les was out of the ledge because a Reds player thought he was a homosexual, Herb originally leaned out and told Les that's it's ok "that you're a homo". It was later changed to "a gay". The Booger line was changed too. One example of the new edits proves again why WKRP on DVD should never be purchased: The entire Tiny Dancer/The Russians Are Coming episode was edited, removing all mention of the Elton John classic tune (which ran over dialogue and within dialogue itself).
  19. 'KRP is still funny in it's butchered form. It's a testament to the excellence of the show. I'm not touching this release. Thanks for the memories.
  20. Best guitar rock songs without any guitar solos: 1. Sister Surround - The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
  21. This was, and I stress was, my favourite sitcom of all time. It was cutting edge, controversial, outrageous and hilarious. Unfortunately, the show has rarely been seen 'intact' since the 80's. Back when WKRP was first sold into syndication, if a TV station bought the original series, they could air that version (which was the complete uncut show). However, when these 1-inch or 3/4 inch tape format versions became obsolete, if a TV station wanted WKRP in a better format, i.e. Beta SP, they'd have to buy the series again, but the series they were sent and required to air was the severely cut-up version... the version that is being sold on DVD today. Here's more on the tragedy that is WKRP in Cincinnati. http://www.startribune.com/459/story/1131165.html
  22. He does indeed deserve the award. This should save his job.
  23. I'm going to the Toronto show. Lloyd's work with Rocket From The Tombs and Mathew Sweet is fantastic. Television is in my Top 10 favourite bands ever. BTW, Lloyd's special guest is Edgar Breau, leader of the underground 70's and 80's psychedelic garage rockers Simply Saucer.
  24. Here's a CityTV video piece pre-viewing BMO Field and the new field turf: http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_9877.aspx
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