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Everything posted by KarinGarage

  1. plus, the reason i went for 4 tickets instead of 2 was so i could help our friends who didn't get any. jay, do you have a place booked near alpine yet?
  2. I see your point, i originally tried for stlouis through alpine, thought i'd take the whole week to travel and see phish, but since i didn't end up with st louis or deer creek tix, i'm less likely to drive all the way out to PA for one show, so I'll prolly end selling/trading those tix, but maybe not, not sure yet, maybe i can still swing it, or trade for some deer creek tix.
  3. ok, not sure if you were refering to me, jay, but, I got tix for alpine, and i plan on going, being that they're the closest shows to where I live. however, if they add shows at red rocks, in my backyard, i will sell/trade my tix to alpine, for face value because it would make more sense to save my money and see the shows close to home rather than driving 1300 miles across the country. i don't see how that's wrong... i'm not going to pass up tix to a show i wanna see because i'm betting on a chance that they may announce more shows closer to home. what if they don't do a west tour, if i didn't get alpine tix, i'd be screwed
  4. well, not sure if i can do it, with alpine and all, plus i'm still trying to make jamland...
  5. I'm still waiting to see if there's a west coast tour. If they announce red rox shows, all my tix will be up 4 trade/sale, for face value of course. But if they don't, I'll be at Alpine, for sure!
  6. As far as I know, I'm still "wanted" in ohio, thanks for reminding me! Can't believe you would turn me in, I'm hurt, Jay! And, everyone knows lawn chairs aren't safe around me, bring them at your own risk;)
  7. got 4 tickets to both nights at alpine valley, and 4 to pittburgh, no indy. Might be looking to trade PA tix, depending on the 2nd leg o' tour.
  8. Seriously, I'm happy for (and jealous of those of)you that can go, but for those of who can't, must we have it rubbed in our faces for the next 5 or so months?! :mad:
  9. Do you have a waffles invite, schwa, or need one?
  10. So, I apparently hadn't logged in in awhile and they deleted my account, dammit! Does anyone have an invite for me, please?
  11. Nelson Ledges is definitely a place I'll miss out here!
  12. Now I would pay $100 to see that!
  13. Schwa, your hair is practically a helmet in and of itself! But, seriously, keep looking... I know you'll find one that fits comfortably eventually.
  14. I agree, don't like warren with the dead. Even if they had Jackie Greene from Phil and Friends instead...
  15. Cheer up, buttercup! There's always Phish tour!
  16. link doesn't work. it is that difficult. and I couldn't find anything on dead.net about pre-sale credit cards... Someone's got the monday blues...
  17. Phish tickets are $49.50
  18. HAHAHAHAHA!! Are the psychedelaerobics full contact these days?
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