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Everything posted by MoMack

  1. I found another package that includeds transportation - being dragged on a flying saucer toboggan.
  2. I don't buy that one either. Sure, they couldn't get a long and there is no more GDP. But, they sold that to us as making sure that everything gets preserved etc. Most big bands don't do their own business me thinks. They simply hire GOOD PEOPLE THEY TRUST. If what you say above is true, then they didn't hire good people - they hired based on the zeros. My experience is with panic - panic doesn't do their own "business end" and somehow their handlers take care of us concert goers. ps. as much as I've been bitching - I'm going to stop once I have a ticket. From that point on I'll be trying to go up not down. But hey, I didn't get presale tickets, so I'm letting them have it!
  3. Well, don't worry! I'll be selling travel packages Contents: 2 Tickets 1 DOUBLE SIZE air mattress** 2 of my old T-shirts that don't fit anymore 2 posters of Pulp Fiction characters that are rolled up in my closet. And all for the low low price of 15$ DEAL OF THE CENTURY!!! "...fuck the Dead, i'm going on Diesel tour" ~elemeno **must blow up yourself Let me hear more about these vintage t-shirts...
  4. I'm curious about that too. Maybe that is an estimate with their concession cut, and it also assumes a near sell out. Regardless - they're making bank. And they have the dough to live out their lives already - GDP is still bringing in millions a year I'm sure - no too mention all the talk of the motion picture..
  5. This is from another board and is a more eloquent version of what a lot of us are trying to say: I dunno. I am a bit upset myself. The dead business model is a bit different than other bands. I pay a decent amount of my entertainment dollar over a long stretch of time to various dead related concerts. ie. Phil, Bobby, etc. If a Dead related band is at a fest, It would be a deciding factor for me. I buy shirts, cds, dvds etc . I have seen multiple shows a year for over 20 years. I have traveled to see them. Part of what I respected about them is that they understood their end of that model, and so did I. The prices were relatively low, and that was cool. I know other bands charge that much, but to me, they are charging too much as well. I also understand that its worth what people are willing to pay for it, but I am on the hook for multiple times. Also other bands have their principle players in them. Not so with the Dead. My favorite band was the GRATEFUL DEAD, not necessarily THE DEAD. People are not paying a hundo to see the Neil Young Band without Neil Young or Crosby Steilowicz, and Smith... I enjoy going to see the Dead, have seen them, the other ones, etc. but if I had never heard the GRATEFUL DEAD, I probably would be much less forgiving when they trainwreck, mess up lyrics, or play lackluster sets. My wife and I wanted to go to both Philly Shows. Thats $400 just in tix. Add another 40 for parking. Add another Hundred or to for party favors, beer and food, and I am up to $600!!! 600!! Can I afford it? Yeah. Do I want to pay it? NO! will I? Maybe. But maybe I shouldnt. Maybe I can go see a smaller band with tighter chops for a fraction of the cost. We both arent going to both shows, thats for sure. Maybe I'll be a w00k and go to the lot and get fucked up. Why the fuck not. I dont see alot of respect coming from "the other ones" so why the hell not? Do I care about the scene anymore? NOPE. That party is raging on with or with out my old ass. Do the dead care about the scene? NOPE! Maybe I will be in the right place at the right time when some schnook who paid 200 hundred for he and his old lady and she cant go. Maybe I will decide that I have given enough to this machine. I can go to The Gathering Of the Vibes for 200 bucks and have 3 days and nights of entertainment of top acts. I can go to moe.down and have 3 days and nights of bands. I can go see PHISH for 50!!! for christs sakes!!! I mean what the fuck?!?! Those kid would have paid anything, and Phish aint taking advantage of them, and the have all of their principle players! I may have just spent enough on these guys. Might be time for me to step off the bus. Its looking more like a hamster wheel. Especially since it seems they are so sure that I will still run it.
  6. We slept in a mini-van after that show. Wow. Talk about stupid.
  7. Nice. Its my b-day too. Well, no, I guess thats a lie - but I never have a show on my birthday, so its damn well close enough. I love the Lanc for all the same reasons I love Panic. Cheap, dirty and fun.
  8. ps. on further review I was confusing myself with the prices - but I still don't see it as a good deal.
  9. From what we can gather its $100 for the seats period with some seriously shitty seats being discounted. But who knows. Tigger - I think you're a little off on the travel packages price wise. I'm guessing you did the Buffalo math, I did the Albany math. Either way, you're paying big time. Consider that in Buffalo the Adam's Mark is an under $100 hotel. The "free shuttle" yes the hotel has, no you won't find it after the show and unless you're physically disabled (again, referring to after the show) you're basically walking on the front of the bus and off the back. Its across the bloody street. So you're paying $150 for the two shirts and two posters - which I suppose isn't that far off... but I'm sure there is tax to push it to $180 or so. Albany is a chunk more at $489 for that package, and the hotel is across the street - but again hotels that are walking distances are $100-130. The big advantage is the access to the good seats. I'm figuring that people can't really afford the $475 Golden Road packages and that those seats all get reissued to ticketmaster 5 days before the show.
  10. Thank you. I just with they "got it". And it really makes me mad that someone like you, that does get it, is going to skip out now. Sure they don't want "tour rats". Well guess what - there aren't any anymore! There's no fugging tours out there! And if there are, then guess what, they don't buy tickets anyways - they'll still be there!
  11. Have you got the email yet? Me neither, but the info is all there now...
  12. But shouldn't they have been backing the Republican candidate then?
  13. consider it dead the dead suck.
  14. What a fucking joke. VIP tickets for all the good seats. Baloney
  15. THanks! That one worked - but it still doesn't give any pre-sale info. Maybe its just plain old snail mail mail order. Could you imagine paying the big bucks and getting somethign in the top 2 or 3 rows of the venue. No thanks! I'd be shocked if any of these shows sell out. Maybe, maybe MSG. Okay, let me try again, MSG will sell out and maybe Nassau, but other than that...
  16. baby that ain't no lie
  17. link doesn't work. it is that difficult. and I couldn't find anything on dead.net about pre-sale credit cards...
  18. No chance of sell out. Buffalo is blue collar - no money. The Dead are going to end up looking like the TOronto Bills. They made a mistake here and the venues will not sell out. Shitty part is that a sell out is a better show, so we suffer in two ways. Greedy fucks.
  19. That seating chart has to be a joke. Thats the shitty part about mail order too - you could end up paying big bucks and getting 300 level seats. Its not going to be quite like the old days where admission = free rain (sp?)
  20. There isn't any info about a credit card pre-sale yet. But ya, ticket prices are crazy - that seems to be the consenses everywhere but here...
  21. On further review it looks like the prices above include the GDTSTOO fees. So they're total prices....
  22. As far as I can tell the pre-sale is just plain old snail-mail mail order so far.
  23. I"m just disappointed because a) I wanted to be able to see a string of shows, and just can't justify it at that price and I wanted to miracle a few people - the ones that haven't done any "dead" or even "jam" shows in years but have called me in the past week saying "hey are you going, lets go". Phish can keep their prices reasonable. Panic can keep there's reasonable. Mule. Its not like they need to inflate the price because the shows will all be super sell outs. Nothing they've done has sold out since, oh, I don't know August 1995. At least not to the point that there weren't tickets everywhere pre-show.
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