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Rob Not Bob

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Everything posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. It's not really Styx without Dennis De Young ... oh, and REO Speedwagon had one of the worst performances on the Live Aid DVD (quite a feat, considering the competition) based on Kevin Cronyn singing flat throughout the entire performance. Def Leppard? Count me as one of the ones who enjoyed them back in the lost days of my youth, but haven't felt a real need to listen to them since Paranoia (although instead of moving on to Hendrix or Stevie Ray, I got into the far less cool likes of Yes and Prog Rock). Can't fault anyone for going to enjoy the show or relive old memories, although I do have a bit of a grudge based on going to a party (in the late '90s, mind) where they played Hysteria in full from beginning to end ... then immediately played the whole damned album again. RnB
  2. There's lots of songs protesting this particular war (heck, Neil Young did a whole CD of them) , but the limitation to release in 2007 is probably stumping a lot of people.
  3. did you dress all in black in high school? Why, however did you guess?
  4. [quote name='Alabama Esau But then I would debate that hemi-powered drone wouldn't fit this catergory either. But' date=' I guess it's a matter of interpretation - to me its a simple dig at those guys who drive their cars up and down a main drag/street. Yeah, looks like as the thread goes on a lot of "nonsense" words or expressions will get cleared up
  5. I believe Dead Can Dance and early Cocteau Twins (which I had mentioned earlier) were working on the same principal ... Magma in fact created their own whole new language to sing in.
  6. I thought that was Starlight Express.
  7. The only funny Vacant Lot sketch I ever saw involved a debate over the lyrics of "Blinded By The Light", with nobody getting it right until one guy gets frustrated with everybody else and explodes with the correct lyric. "Wrapped up like a loofah sponge ..."
  8. I always thought a fishwife was the wife of a fishmonger or a female fishmonger, hence "screaming like a fishwife". My understanding was that "I Am The Walrus" was Lennon's response to critics poring over Dylan's more surreal lyrics, trying to find meaning. Lennon figured he would give them a song that was complete nonsense, and critics would debate endlessly on the "true meaning" of the lyrics. So far, he seems to have been right.
  9. Springsteen again. I always figured this was just some sort of jumped up racers lingo, but then again, I didn't even know what a hemi-powered drone was
  10. Or staying true to the topic' date=' can you watch it without drinking? [/quote'] Yes and no. Much of the action takes place in a bar and the cast are always drinking.
  11. For some reason was thinking about this topic recently. I'm not talking about new plays on words where you can tell what the songwriter meant. Or the poetic gibberish of something like a Yes lyric or Bob Dylan at his most surreal. Not even the completely made up languages of Magma, Dead Can Dance or Cocteau Twins. No, I mean where a song is mostly making sense, and then the songwriter throws in a word or expression that is completely made up and you have no idea what it is supposed to mean. The most famous instance I could think of is probably in "The Joker" by Steve Miller, where he speaks of "the pompatus of love". I believe in "Heroin" by Velvet Underground, Lou Reed refers to "all the jim-jims in this town". And Bruce Springsteen did it twice in the same album : first in the title and chorus of "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" (when listening to this with me, Fiona asked me what a 10th Avenue Freeze-Out is and I confessed I didn't know ... then when watching the Wings For Wheels documentary, Springsteen confessed he had no idea what it meant either, "... but it's important!"), and secondly on "Born To Run" (the same song where he rhymed "visions" with "engines"), where he mentions "hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard". As best as I can find out, there are no such things as "hemi-powered drones". Can anyone think of any others?
  12. In catching up with it on DVD after Fiona got me into it, I officially declare How I Met Your Mother to be the greatest TV show in the history of anything. "Falafel!"
  13. Now Rent ... there is a musical that made me cry.
  14. Not even the last scene of the last episode of Six Feet Under? (My official record longest sustained televisual/cinematic cry, and I cry at a lot of things.)
  15. I remember that we had no power or heat, and a friend of mine who lived in an area where power had been restored came over to warm me up, God bless her.
  16. 335. Songs Released in 2007 Protesting Against the Current Bullshit War Waged by Our Southern Neighbours 1. Hmmm... - Trained Monkey 2. Richard Thompson - Dad's Gonna Kill Me 3. Springsteen - Last to Die 4. Ani Difranco - Self Evident 5. Spoon - Don't Make Me a Target 6. Billy Joel - Christmas in Fallujah 7. Ian Brown (Stones Roses) featuring Sinéad O'Connor - Illegal Attacks 8. Saul Williams - Tr(n)igger ("Would Jesus Christ come back American / What if he's Iraqi and here again?) 9. Bruce Springsteen - Magic 10. 11. 12
  17. Ian McShane is completely the new Michael Caine AKA older actor who is in everything.
  18. Underrated album, like this one a lot . Chunga's Revenge, Transylvania Boogie, Nancy & Mary Music ... classic.
  19. One Size Fits All and Roxy & Elsewhere. And Bongo Fury (sags in the middle, but Advanced Romance is killer). Also Zappa In New York. Got to see Terry Ted Bozzio with Chad Wackerman a couple years ago and they both played a blinder. Terry looks 18, Chad looks about 15.
  20. I remember it from its first go round on the radio in the eighties' date=' which means I'm... VERY OLD!! [/quote'] "Go to bed, old man!"
  21. Looks like a new addition to the "words I love" thread! My mom uses it all the time.
  22. When I heard Vedder's version, I couldn't believe that he covered that song.
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