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Rob Not Bob

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Posts posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. since when is it cool to wear shoes that are horrible for your health and look stupid with jeans? jeans are pants sent straight from heaven, who would want to contaminate them with ridiculous shoes? and flying v guitars were never cool, they were used as distractions from either the lack of talent of the player or the player's ugly face. i think i need that bucket.

    Cool People who played Flying V's :

    1: Bob Mould

    2: Albert King

    3: Tom Petty

    4: Joey Gaydos (the kid guitar player from School Of Rock ... a bad ass musician who plays a flying V in the movie)

    ... and that's about it :)


  2. Til There Was You

    In Spite Of All The Danger

    Wow! Paul dug pretty deep for those numbers, kudos to him! "In Spite Of All The Danger" was like the first Lennon/McCartney composition, only an acetate recording of them performing in one of their bedrooms c. 1961 exists and it has never (to my knowledge) been officially released.

    In Spite Of All The Danger was released on the first Anthology CD.


  3. Got it, love it ... my favorite bit was the quote from Carlos Santana where he says to Trey , "NEver develop your self image on the road, because you are surrounded by people telling you everything you do is great, and it's bullshit. Come home, take out the garbage, mop a few floors, change a few diapers ... *then* try and figure out your place in the universer." :)


  4. Folks,

    I haven't mentioned it before because I didn't want to jinx it : Fiona and I are going to be moving at the end of December to the place where our friend Michelle is living currently. It is on 258 Bronson here in Ottawa, and while being slightly more than our current place it has many advantages over our current, the two most important ones being that it is on the ground floor (a big factor as Fiona's back has been giving her a lot of trouble lately) and it is *much* bigger than our current place. Just want to ask a few things of the good folks here on the board :

    1) One of the things that won't be making the trip with us is the loft bed in our second bedroom. As we will be getting a second futon, along with our main bed, futon and camping bed, we just don't need the loft bed anymore. If anyone is interested in buying it, please get in touch ... it's great for people who need more floor space where they live. It was purchased at Ikea, it is very solidly built and in great condition, it's just surplus to our requirements right now. It's called a Tromso, it was originally $249.00, we are asking for $100 or best reasonable offer. Here is a picture of it :


    2) Secondly, with the move we are looking for boxes and other containers to help with the move. Does anybody have any they are not using and could donate to the cause? Also, does anybody have any suggestions as to where/how to acquire containers for moving? Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    3) Finally (and we all knew this was coming), I'm begging for help with the move. I will explain the set up : our friend Michelle will be moving out of her current place on the 6/7th of December. The landlord will then be doing some repairs on a couple of the rooms before we move in. However, we have the all clear to move some of our stuff into the rooms he is not repairing. We are going to have one or two moving parties on the weekends of the 11th and 18th (no more than one move per weekend). We will not be moving any furniture on the moves, that will be done by a moving crew when we finally move in on the 26th, it will only involve moving boxes of books, Cds, dishes, etc. etc. We will be filling up exactly one full van load per move and everyone who helps will be paid in pizza and beer. Any help that can be given would be hugely appreciated, Fiona's back is in no shape to do any moving and I just can't do it all on my own.



  5. It actually has a mix of intellectual hidden within the TPB funny ... Doug, gotta say your initial impression of the ads is off base, it is *far* from pro-Bush, pro-USA, what it is is a devastating parody of that attitude ... not wanting to give away too much or the, errr, "plot", there is a scene where Team America are taking out terrorists in Paris . Team America manages to destroy the Eifel tower, the Arc De Triomphe and The Louvre with their heavy handed approach to get the terrorists and stand around congratulating themselves and patting themselves on the back while French citizens look horrified and the soundtrack plays "America! fu©k Yeah! Coming in to save the day!" At the same time, it attacks zealots on both sides of the argument, but it is definitely not a "Hooray for the USA" movie.

    During the scene where the two puppets have sex, I thought I'd die laughing :)


  6. Just to be different, Bands that have burned their image into my soul and nobody else has mentioned them :

    1) King Crimson

    2) Joy Division

    3) Roxy Music

    4) Sly & The Family Stone

    5) Van Der Graaf Generator

    I worship them, and you are a lesser person because you don't ...



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