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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. rule 1 your grandma Schwa.!
  2. While she's been on my to-do list for a while as well, I'd never go see her in concert
  3. ...and Ramos is sacked in 5...4...3...
  4. big of you to come out like that Alpha mark this day on your calendar, phriends of Alfanerd
  5. don't go changin mon ami!
  6. tell us more about the mouthy little thing in the "sleepover dance"
  7. I heard you can render milk from his nipples now
  8. 8.3/10 scanks are nauseated, 1.5/10 salivate, .2/10 unaccounted for
  9. ::resists temptation to digress into slopppy Mom "joke"::
  10. I heard that he and CCC have this up in their living room
  11. I heard a similar story about Michael Jackson's "Beat it" [color:#cccccc](never mind the single glittery glove theory?)
  12. Remember when he ate my goldfish, then you said I never had a goldfish ? Then why did I have the bowl Bart? WHY DID I HAVE THE BOWL?
  13. neo-con wookies are ruining it for everyone!
  14. well if they've kept that awesome hair I'll consider giving it, if they are in fact taking it
  15. AD's Dad's gonna be smoking bombers with larry_llama!
  16. great article, the ineptitude is astounding
  17. I wonder if the guy who sets up the boards at the Centre Bell still has a job today
  18. hoho, the Leaves fans will be the ones serving us the Pepsi, Joe Louis, Laurentide and Export A (green pack) with humble expressions on their poor deluded faces
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