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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. there are a number of typos/grammatical errors in your blurb. I'd advise correcting them in order to come off a little more pro constructively yours, db edit to add- sounds like a lot of fun
  2. maybe once your acid stops refluxing
  3. well if that's all she'd disapprove of you'd be doing pretty well, i'd say pretty pretty pretty well
  4. I'd imagine that lawsuit filed by Ecojustice and Friends of the Earth will do more to get a fire lit. hopefully this squak will have an effect as well
  5. associate producer at sportsnet! rock the fack on Chewie [color:#cccccc]more women's beach volleyball please!
  6. totally. the only reason i'd want him to stick around would be to continue this shitstreak
  7. Songs yo momma would disprove of: 1. Ween - Spinal Menningitis 2. Rolling Stones - Star Star
  8. what are the odds that if Blackwater do get booted they'll just create another army and call it Bloodwater or something, have a few different names in the upper management but come back new and improved? hell i wouldn't be surprised if they somehow profited from this– parlay their equipment and ammo and everything to the new mercenaries (at maximum profit) and get the american public to pay for it (again)
  9. My guess is that, like a bear, he is stocking up for the winter
  10. bollox to that- how about Made in Canada (I love Leah Pinsent)
  11. I'll miss josé's megalomaniacal rants, blaming everyone but himself when things don't his way... just kidding, he's a prick and glad he's gone. apparently he's taking over for the Portugal nat'l team
  12. don't forget booche's leap-of-logic curse filled anti-hippy hyperbole. which would have been more colourful had he logged in while crunked last night
  13. sadly the only way the arseholes will stop is if Ryan stops reacting to them
  14. so stop watching pretty simple really
  15. maybe they'd dedicate "Already Gone" and "What Am I Doing Here" to you
  16. maybe inglewood jack can sample the sound of your converse allstars plodding along the streets of Mtl
  17. well CL group stages start up today, Lpool on @ 2:30. sadly i'm having to tape today's game. the Pool will without Riise and Sissoko however Stevie G, MBE and Torres should be rested and ready Chavski take on Rosenborg, featuring a Canuck keeper– hopefully Hirshfeld won't be overly busy
  18. don't you have a tshirt with that on it ollie? always hard to read it though when you're hiding behind trees
  19. frig, i mooned the Sun balloon and got told off by some bitch walking her dog for it. what a waste ::pouts::
  20. happy birthday Dave- i'll be giving your taut ass an extra hard squeeze next time i see it
  21. i'll try to get out to the middle of our nearby park (Laroche) and moon youse guys maybe i'll paint my ass red so that yuo know it's me
  22. yes apparently "they" say that 'cold starts' are hard on the engine, fwiw
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