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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I've got a basket of these juicy little fuckers right beside me i've had 3 already, could very well end up eating 7-8 today migth even have to start peeling them as i'm not entirely sure washing them gets the pesticides off completely and the rate i'm going...
  2. interesting article on the argies, bit of context and whatnot. like the comments at the bottom too
  3. brown liquid salt + MSG (i use it too)
  4. i like the nasi goreng and bahmi, the indonesian versions. i make it from a packet though, the spice mixture seems pretty unique tastey stuff
  5. we'll have to try to set up some doubles action next time- less running, in theory
  6. at least your cooler full of beer should/would be safe
  7. yup, if matty's boys can swim we've got our dirty hacking forward covered Holly can already nutmeg POG, i'll bet
  8. yup i'd sink my little guy deep inside him, givent he opportunity [color:#cccccc]he's very handsome
  9. speaking of which i withdraw my support for Mekong, particularly the general tao poulet insipid as was the veggie fried rice a sad day.
  10. Spunk Broth is the rumour on the street
  11. if you happen to get there early, and like curry (especially butterchicken) go to Curry Original just west of the ferry on Ontario street for dinner. It's an almond saffron butter chicken that is the greatest i've ever tasted, not tomato based. just unreal. http://www.curryoriginal.ca/
  12. overheardinnewyork.com alternet.org
  13. and there was a collective "The rain looks so cooool, man"
  14. general tao chicken @ mekong is v. good, last time i had it.
  15. awesome! maybe the canuck coppers will get to travel to s. america to see how their counterparts would have dealt with the situation
  16. i too enjoy the manx- in fact one of the few times i've gone there i think i did get that curried lamb wrap and loved it also i've never had a bad meal at Agave, near Lauzon music on Richmond/Wellington. Alt-Mexican, cozy, good beers on tap.
  17. yeah exactly there TM– all you on-the-fence fitba fans should skip the final, it'll just get you more angry. the game highlights should be more than sufficient i could be wrong, the argies might light it up and put on a clinic but i fear a couple of 1st half goals then more of what we saw yesterday. fortunately the czechs shouldnt, in theory, run after the ref appealing for cards and that sort of nonsense but it's tough to predict the Shame sometimes. actually a best-case scenario would be for the argies to score late in the 1st half or early in the 2nd then the czechs being forced to come out of their shell to try to get things going and drum up a few good chances
  18. this just in: Looks like Terry's got herpes now, poor fella
  19. wow, that ref was just awful, i've never seen someone so gullible in falling for players' playacting. i must say howard webb was among the best refs in the tournament at keeping the diving in check. Also there was one game that we were at where the ref wouldn't stop play for the bullshit writhing and delayed the return of players coming back onto the pitch after receiving 'treatment'- he was awesome the better team won though and that first goal was a screamer
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