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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. it used to be $40/case not anymore (but it only comes in 24s)
  2. Muskoka lager- less than a buck a beer and was priced @ about $40/case a few short months ago [PS- I think Jenny Franchi is married to the owner ta boot, jaimeo]
  3. I see it as an effort to combat these idiots who are still in denial, the michael crichtons of the world
  4. So should that read, "I used a hammer to pulverize Booche's testicles in order to prevent him from utilizing his wookie-spawn across the Earth." ?
  5. oh that's a really really sweet darling thing to do, LSJFH
  6. mmmmmmm MarcO's scrotum is shrivelled up like a walnut so i doubt if his boys are in any shape to swim the marathon, Hal all thanks to booche
  7. ~ you've decided last minute-ish to go out, only to scrounge around looking for a clean shirt to wear and subsequently have half a dozen people ask you if you just pulled that shirt out from the bottom of the pile ~similar vein- cleanliness is a relative term
  8. The Wiggles peaked in 1999, they're a chariacture of themselves now
  9. yeah i know. i still tip' date=' and i think i tip well, but i can't wait for the day when i don't have to. [/quote'] Can we come visit you in Australia?!?
  10. Gilette seems to be offering something like £500 more per share than the Dubai folks had offered we'll see what happens
  11. has anyone tried the reduced salt Bits and Bites? they've got a totally different flavour to them, strangely. As in not just less salty, but also the whole spices balance seems to be thrown off anyway i love bits and bites. Giant Tiger had a spcial on a bigass box of them a month ago or so- that was a very salty couple of weeks for me
  12. i guess time will tell if the old Power Corrupts adage will take over
  13. That picture's taken from the Crispy Cream RD Centre isn't it!
  14. don't block the doorway then LJFH- it was prolly ollie that was pushing you out of the way
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