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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. ::vomits violently:: silver lining?+: And while Victoria has no problem throwing money into the charity of fashion, she does not want to donate a dime to the religion. The insider continued, "Victoria is having none of it. She can't see the point of joining something like that where you have to donate money."
  2. Lowroller's trying to break your heart
  3. Maybe we can add Union of Authority to the list
  4. bohunk! bohunk! bohunk! bobby! obvious winner, end of thread.
  5. made turkey burgers this w.e., leftovers tonight red onion parsley worchestershire mushrooms an egg beer shredded carrot shredded apple wine (shiraz) ketjap (Indonesian condiment) garlic fry's cocoa olive oil spicey italian sausage gouda cheddar parmesan tiny pinch of curry loads of other spices frig i'm starving!
  6. i predict that i will consume mass amounts of salty snacks, 6-7 beers and maybe a scotchypoo or two and i'll head in to work a bit later than usual on the monday (good work on the sobriety there badams- you're a hero in my books)
  7. Obama Smeared As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist This morning, Fox News featured a segment highlighting a right-wing report that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) attended an Islamic “madrassa†school as a 6-year-old child. Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy pointed out that madrassas are “financed by Saudis†and “teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us,†then declared, “The big question is: was that on the curriculum back then?†Later, a caller to the show questioned whether Obama’s schooling means that “maybe he doesn’t consider terrorists the enemy.†Fox anchor Brian Kilmeade responded, “Well, we’ll see about that.†The Fox hosts failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim. One caller, referring to Obama, said, “I think a Muslim would be fine in the presidency, better than Hillary. At least you know what the Muslims are up to.†Anchor Gretchen Carlson responded, “We want to be clear, too, that this isn’t all Muslims, of course, we would only be concerned about the kind that want to blow us up.†Obama is Christian, a member of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ since 1988. nauseating
  8. holy fack! john carew to villa- that's huge, carew's a great player
  9. out of curiosity, which NHL team did you cheer for prior to 1992?
  10. and maybe once ollie comes to the realisation that being a Spuds fan is nothing but heartache and misery he'll choose another fitba team good thing you got on board this season and not last, oliver
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