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Everything posted by ollie

  1. The lack of this feature is particularly bothersome.
  2. Mellon Arena has the greatest in-house soundtrack of any team in any sport hands down. All metal, all the time. Hoping for a game 7.
  3. How would I use that to plug in computer speakers, which typically have the single 1/8" jack as output? Thanks.
  4. What's the difference between an SB2 and an SB3? I've seen both of these acronyms used but on the SqueezeBox site they refer to the different models with brand names like Classic and Duet. Thanks.
  5. I think the Sonos can handle different music per receiver but I'm not sure about the Squeezebox. Sonos has the slight edge in the reviews I've read but the price difference for the Squeezebox is incredible. So far I'm leaning towards that. I also appreciate the other feedback and will consider all my options. Keep it coming! Thanks.
  6. Looks cool but so many questions! What advantage is there in running a Vortex Box server vesus streaming from your everyday computer? Can you plug computer speakers into the receiver or do you need a traditional amp and speakers combo? Theoretically speaking, could I just buy the receivers with no display and run everything from my computer? Seems to be the best way to have them in 3 or more rooms on the cheap. Also, any interference with internet traffic? i.e. Does the streaming slow down your browsing and downloads? Thanks!
  7. Nice to know Jeff Hackett is still employed. Or was.
  8. This looks really cool... http://sonos.com/
  9. Do you have the boombox? So basically it receives a stream from your computer and you move it around to whatever room you want to listen to music in? Thanks.
  10. So it will stream to WiFi speakers? Does such a beast exist? More info on the PS3 option please and thank you.
  11. I'll be moving from an apartment to a house at the end of the month and I need to start thinking about my home stereo setup. Ideally I'd like to have speakers all over the house being fed from a single source. Doing this the traditional way means lots of wires and lots of work getting those wires in place *and* hidden. I started thinking wireless would be the way to go. Does anyone have a wireless receiver/wireless speakers setup? If so, how do you like it? One concern I have is that wireless home stereo technology might be in its relative infancy, meaning I'll have to spend a lot more to get something that sounds as good as a wired setup. Or go cheap and get something that sounds like crap. I don't like either of these scenarios. Anyway, just looking for some personal experience to get me started. Cheers.
  12. I think the realization of what just happened is finally sinking in.
  13. Happy Birthday Greg!!
  14. Loved the awkward crowd shot of Bryan Murray and Brian Burke.
  15. WTF? He spends all of early last season pushing for a move to Liverpool at the expense of alienating his Villa teammates and now he up and signs with City?
  16. You don't get Mondays off anymore?
  17. Just came across this article: Five Best Netbooks
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