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Everything posted by ollie

  1. OK but, will I be able to play Taxman?
  2. Yeah, right now the biggest pro with Mac for me is the bundled software. I'd probably get a lot of use out of Garagband and iMovie. And the whole "new" factor. But the thing is that I like having the kind of control over my file structure that you see as a bane with PCs. I don't like or want my OS to organize my files for me. I enjoy the organizing aspect! And again, knock wood, but I've never, ever had use for a backup system. Having duplicate copies of my files is something I *don't* want. If I'm concerned about preserving some data I can always make a couple of DVD backups.
  3. I'm looking to get a second laptop sometime soon and have been toying with the idea of buying my first Mac. Not because I'm dissatisfied with PC or anything, but thinking more along the lines of... why have two of the same thing? Anyway, I still can't get past the incredible difference in cost for a Mac. The model I'm looking at is almost 3 times the cost of an equivalent PC. Can any Mac fans sell me on something other than "it just works better". What actual, tangible benefit am I getting from buying a Mac? I should say that I've never (knock wood) had a problem with any PC I've owned in terms of viruses, hard drive crashes, etc. So even something like "better security" isn't much of a selling point for me. I want to buy a Mac. I just can't convince myself that it's a sensible choice.
  4. I'm going to try to make it down for John Vanderslice at 4:15 on the Hard Rock stage. I've never heard him but Randy gave him a strong recommendation. I'm also interested in seeing The Church at 7:15 on the Subway stage. And I guess I'll have to check out Matisyahu if I make it that late. Damn, I thought I was going to have an early night.
  5. Did anyone tape Okkervil River?
  6. Lawn chairs aren't really an issue this year, especially when it comes to the bands that play to a younger audience. I wouldn't worry about it in the least. Watch out for the roaming goon security guards though. They really seemed to be into hassling people last night for no apparent reason. Okkervil River was great. Probably my favourite show so far. King Sunny Ade was wicked. I was surprise to hear some Genesis inspired solos from the keyboard player. Jackson Browne was godawful. On the food tip, check out Jean Albert's stand. It's the last one on the right in that big strip of food stalls. Kinda pricey but so good.
  7. Hey, Where's AHess and his backstage Bluesfest stories? Always get a kick out of those.
  8. I noticed it all over last night. Felt like a huge frat party. I didn't like the vibe at all. The jacked up security goons in red shirts didn't help either. I'd advise using a little extra discretion when engaging in proclivities. Security seem to be going out of their way looking for smokers this year.
  9. At work, the guy in the stall next to me the other day was watching a video on his cellphone.
  10. I really enjoyed Iron and Wine last night but all the chatty people at the front can go straight to hell. Very young crowd last night, bit of a sketchfest I thought. KISS is going to be messy.
  11. I think it's just going to be Iron and Wine for me tonight.
  12. Tip for those sneaking in beers: make sure you get a proof of ID wristband before you start drinking them. Otherwise it's a dead giveaway that you didn't buy your beer from a vendor. Oh yeah, they ran out of Creemore again.
  13. Van Der Graaf were great! I wish I'd stayed for the rest of their set, Jeff Beck just wasn't what I expected. Meh. Nice white pants though. Overall, a great first night at Bluesfest!
  14. I'm going straight after work to see Tyler Kealey at the Hard Rock Stage. Then probably wonder around until Black Keys > Van Der Graaf Generator > Jeff Beck. Man has it ever turned out to be a nice day! Let's hope the weather holds.
  15. Happy Birthday Mr. Labtop!!
  16. Just play Back In Black on repeat. "For Those About To Rock" is a very sweet tune too.
  17. ollie

    Last Meal.

    What? You don't like fish and chips?
  18. Hey flipzoso, Did you get the June 18th recording fixed yet? I really enjoyed the first one you posted. Thanks! Nice review of the Jazz-fest show. Sounds awesome. I wonder if Watson is going to blow up huge or just sort of stay at this level?
  19. My dad just called me from the road to tell me about this. He never calls me for anything. I can't believe how excited he is. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop before I react pro or con on this one. Intrigued to say the least.
  20. Even Phoenix drew more fans for its rally.
  21. Possible murder/suicide now. Sad news. I always liked McNair. Kind of a chump way to go out cheating on your wife though.
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