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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie


    I think Feist is pretty good but I see where you're coming from Wooly. Seems kinda random that she's getting so much attention. Still, good for her and way better than pap like Carrie Underwood.
  2. ollie


    I love the Kanye-size ego that Herbie grew between the time his name was announced and the time he hit the stage. And how the camera went to a wideshot to make sure we saw Qunicy Jones grovelling around on the floor for Hancock's dropped speech. It's the little things.
  3. I can back what Sean is saying. It works for me. For example, I haven't had a call from the Ottawa Sun ever since I asked them to remove me from their call list.
  4. ollie


    I thought it was strange that they started that segment with a lifetime achievement award to The Band... then went into a Beatles tribute.
  5. ollie


    They did cut to him in the audience immediately after the song ended. Might have been awkard to have the 3 of them up there doing that number. I thought it was curious timing to have Tina back at the Grammy's in the wake of Ike's passing. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it looked like she was dancing on his grave. Nice to see Hilly Kristal get a spot in the dead people roll call.
  6. ollie


    I thought she looked fine -- she's almost 70!
  7. ollie


    Oh yeah, and who was that woman on with Kid Rock? She was off her rocker in a good way.
  8. ollie


    Oldies wise, I thought Tina Turner and Beyonce was good... John Fogerty propping up the corpses of Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard not so much. I was a little shocked by Jerry Lee's appearance. Guess I hadn't seen him in a while. Still, props to the legends.
  9. ollie


    Vince Gill had the line of the night: "Wow, I just received an award from a Beatle. Has that happened to you yet Kanye?" Usher got another good one off before the best album award, which was the complete WTF?! that is usually is every year. Pretty good show overall.
  10. Thanks for the reminder Kev. I always like to tune in every year.
  11. What a knob. Stupid Muckler contract.
  12. I honestly do not like that album at all and think it's deeply flawed. Just like any Metallica fan that claims to like it. On the flip side, my favourite is ...And Justice For All, which itself is another controversial album with fans that hate it as much as I love it. Let's see what they can do with Rick Rubin.
  13. One good riff does not an alum make. The Unforgiven? What next? You're gonna tell me you actually like Nothing Else Matters? Seriously bad album that fooled the rubes. Didn't like it when it came out, don't like it now.
  14. The Black Album is a big fucking joke.
  15. Thanks buds! I loved last night's result, Leafs fan at work hated it. Up is down, black is white.
  16. Would be nice if we didn't have to put up so many goals to get a win though. I didn't see much of the game, was it Emery or defence?
  17. Hey, I found a bunch of other internet nerds obsessing over the Contessa: http://survivorsucks.yuku.com/topic/7275/t/Barefoot-Contessa.html
  18. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    Super Bowl XLII may set sales record
  19. AD, I'm talking about an mp3 of an audiobook. Now I understand your point.
  20. Battles - Mirrored Got a heavy Yes vibe from the first song.
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