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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Which page is that? I'm bloody agnostic for fuck's sake!
  2. Reciting that every day throughout public school wasn't the worst thing that happened to me. "Take what you want, leave the rest." Edit to add: And it certainly didn't lead to any brainwashing.
  3. Ha ha. Another ipod testimonial for the archives. Get a Creative Labs.
  4. Not at all. I think y'alls fear of Christiantiy is a little weak.
  5. I wish my name was Hugo. I just found out my great grandfather's name is Alfred. That got me pretty stoked.
  6. I would have preferred River Kings but this is close enough and a huge improvement on Lynx.
  7. It's not only Valentine's Day, it's Christine's birthday!! Happy birthday my love!
  8. I think I'm cooking up some steak for dinner so I'm already half way there! Much love to everyone today.
  9. No, but it reflects our heritage. I don't mind a little god talk for the sake of tradition.
  10. Who does Will Ferrell have photos of?
  11. AC/DC because they look less like old women.
  12. ollie


    This coming from the woman who sold out her dead father for a Grammy. Classy.
  13. ollie


    I went in with sky high expectations because I had heard not one bad thing about it. Balance is good. Casting Jason Bateman on the big screen is not.
  14. ollie


    Beware: Juno is good but overrated.
  15. That's exactly the sense I assumed.
  16. This trade hitting a nerve with you Booche?
  17. ollie


    This is also how you punished Andre and Mike when they were kids isn't it?
  18. I thought this comment on the tsn.ca page was pretty cute:
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