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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Some people at work could barely contain their glee at being the first one to tell everyone the "news". Fitting quotation DEM.
  2. ollie


    Yeah, I noticed GoDaddy lowballs you on the inital price and then make their money back in add-ons. But it's still cheaper (for what I get) than any of the other hosting companies I researched.
  3. ollie


    For an extra $2.99 per month ($36 per year) I get a dedicated IP address. Worth the investment I think.
  4. You two can go suck on some Croatian balls!!
  5. As a Spurs fan I am dumbfounded as to why Robinson still plays for the national team.
  6. Me and Christine went to the market on Sunday. We got there pretty late but it seemed like all the vendors were well stocked. The best thing about it is the convenient free parking. We picked up some veggies along with some honey, some bread and some meat (Elk ribeye steaks and Bison Oktoberfest sausages). Elk was good but not good enough that I'd seek it out again. Bison sausages were decent but lean meat doesn't really lend itself to sausaging -- drys too quickly. I like a little more fat. The market is only open for two more Sundays! (8am to 4pm)
  7. Anyone have an audio link for the England game? Bloody BBC and their non-streaming policy!!
  8. Was Japan a democracy before World War 2?
  9. ollie


    I just signed up with GoDaddy.com last night. Super cheap prices for the amount of stuff you get. I paid $75 for the year, 100GB disk space, 1000 e-mail addresses, unlimited domain management, etc.
  10. FWIW, here is a photo essay by a Russian who visited North Korea: A trip to North Korea
  11. I don't have a HiDef TV but of the ones I've seen the CRT ones impress me the most. Sure they are bulky but I'll sacrifice that for picture quality. Can you spell out the "which says alot" for me? Thanks.
  12. Here's one more: Patrick Watson will be playing Zaphods on October 11th. Caught him and his band at Osheaga and I think people here would like 'em. Full line-up: PATRICK WATSON AMOS THE TRANSPARENT MARK WILSON & THE LAST DINOSAUR
  13. Can I have your signature?
  14. One of my favourites! Love the High Time.
  15. Sorta related to all this, did anyone else see the clips of Ron McLean refereeing a pre-season game this year? I fucking loved it! Is that sort of interaction between refs and players normal or did Ron just suck at his job? e.g. asking the players who got the assists.
  16. Shawn was already an icon on the scene when I went to my first punk show in '89. He deserves all the kudos he gets.
  17. If that were the case I would agree but it doesn't seem like they are there yet. The only suggestion at the moment is to rename "schizophrenia" to something more user friendly. But I wonder if this would just confuse a public that already knows next to nothing about the disease. And while it might take away the stigma of having the disease it still doesn't do anything to address the disease. I think the biggest problem right now with the mental health system is the lack of support services provided outside the hospital. And for the services that do exist, a lack of communication between agencies renders them mostly ineffective. I'm in the same boat as you Alexis. My hope is that more people start talking about family members with the disease and that this will lead to a more open national dialogue on the issue. It's amazing how many people mental illness touches and yet we still don't talk about it.
  18. Get one of those $30 cheapie DVD players from Future Shop or Best Buy (e.g. NOVA, KACO). They play PAL DVDs.
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