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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Am I the only one here that eats the chicken bones sometimes??
  2. I know that, it's just that I didn't see any comments from you lot after game 1. You know, the one that the Leafs lost. Easy to gloat when you hedge your bets. Bah. Two games in and I already hate all of you.
  3. Roll Call - Leaf fans who only came out from under their rocks AFTER last night's game: can-o-phish afro poppa Hal Johnson Whitey Kanada Kev Where were ya after game one?
  4. ollie

    The Office

    I can't wait until they do an episode about calling in sick.
  5. ollie

    The Office

    Dwight losing it in the parking lot... that is me every day at work. Awesome.
  6. ollie

    Song ID request

    Thank you Greg. I had a feeling it was you who posted it. Cheers! P.S. Great tune.
  7. I'm trying to tag an mp3 that I'm pretty sure I got from a link on the Skank. Guy with an acoustic guitar, song title is probably "I Don't Wanna Go To War" and it starts like this: I'm sittin' here with a puppy at my feet Thinkin' maybe get up and get us something good to eat And then in comes someone saying "War is all around" All around, all around, all around I hear the sound Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the link Brad... a lot of fascinating ideas in that entry. I'd really like to read Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. And I particularly like Hofstadter's law:
  9. Source: SP-C4s>Marantz ACM660 (50%) + SBD>Creative JB3 (50%) This is a matrix? Nice! Thanks Blane.
  10. ollie

    this is lovely

    Mmmmm... sweet delicious logic.
  11. ollie

    WTTS disc

    I was thinking you guys should have an Inglewood Jack dummy on stage... run with the idea of IJ as a character apart from the band members. The dummy could start out really simple then become more detailed with each successive show. Maybe you could mechanize it and he could move his arms around, kinda like Iron Maiden's Eddie. I'm serious!
  12. ollie

    WTTS disc

    Love the gatefold.
  13. Hey Kev, why don't you click over to Rich Stadium where you can join us in talking about last night's game.
  14. I can't wait to rock out to Even Rats with Guitar Hero on Friday!
  15. BTW Del, when did you start liking the NHL again?
  16. Stephen Harper for commissioner.
  17. Yeah, but her arm's a little "beefy".
  18. Records on Wheels was at Bank and Laurier, correct? And Shake used to be on Elgin in the strip that now houses the Lieutenant's Pump and then moved to Laurier (near Elgin) before closing shop, right? At least we still have Record Runner... oh, yeah.
  19. ollie

    this is lovely

    Twice in the same year?
  20. Case in point: Thugs storm family home This happened before NOON!
  21. ollie

    this is lovely

    I don't have a problem with religious figures refusing to perform a same-sex marriage ceremony because it conflicts with his or her faith but aren't Justices of the Peace supposed to be secular?
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