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Everything posted by Gateaux

  1. Isn't the normal yearly raise for Public employees with the city or gov the 3% to cover cost of living increases, why 3.5%? I don't think anything is outrageous but the overtime thing is a bit silly. I'd have to suck cack over here for someone to actually pay me for overtime worked.
  2. Dinghy once ate a full 7 - 8 plates at the CBH and then downed a king can of Blue in the lot at our local park. The explosion of barf shook the city.
  3. Fuck yeah, I haven't seen that picture since night of and it just gets better and better!!
  4. Looks like i'm squeezing out a hurtful turd.
  5. I know you will love me even more for posting this here. Enjoy your day buddy!
  6. No tickets here yet! They said 1-2 weeks pre show they would arrive I think.
  7. Regardless of how funny you think it is to tinkle on your girlfriend's back during your first shower together she probably won't share the same feelings.... sorry sk......
  8. Happy bday Sharon! Nice to see you guys this weekend. Mike stole the show though....
  9. I would def hit this up. The last show in Ottawa was epic. Pure lipsync.....
  10. Happy bday Myrna! I will never forget our conversation about the ol ball snippage. Classic.
  11. Can't wait to see your stuff Guigz.
  12. I haven't seen much, havey ou been checking out the papers, classifieds and such?
  13. That's fantastic news Dave, enjoy the celebration everyone!
  14. I must admit I watched the U.S. debate for the most part. The Canadian debate was a shitshow, seemed like it was organized by high schoolers. Palin was certainly more impressive than her interview with K. Couric but in my opinion Biden devoured her. How many times can you say "doggone it", "maverick" and "soccer mom" without people wanting to claw their eyes out.
  15. Gateaux


    You should do a few cycles of roids and get fucking massive Brad. You would be like the Incredible Hulk bustin our of your Cons.
  16. Awesome. I would have liked a little Dr. Brule up in there though. Sweet Berry Wine....
  17. Bah, none of the videos work. I want to see this!!
  18. Don't get Dinghy all riled up or you will get bitch slapped. NHL 03 styles baby.
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