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Everything posted by Gateaux

  1. Sweet half day. Got in at 8, surfed the net for around an hour and a half. Went to the gym for another hour and a half, had a smoke with Freeker and left. Merry Facking Christmas
  2. Happy b-day to my big bro!!! Love ya dude!!
  3. I think it's a 3% increase. That's basically all we get as well.
  4. Just make sure you go in prepared to prove to them why your worth what your asking for. Have examples of how your job description has evolved, speak to new tasks/responsibilities you've taken on and basically build a case for yourself. Cover some of your accomplishments as well dude.
  5. Same, we saw No Country for Old Men straight up two ticks booyah!!
  6. If it was cheaper i would have been there. Just to mmmmmmm bop tis live is a dream of mine.
  7. Happy birthday broheim!! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!!
  8. Jesus christ C-Towns as well!!! Our birthday triangle is eerily similar.... Happy bday buddy!!
  9. It's nice sharing birthday's with one of my fave people of all time. Enjoy your day broseph!!
  10. She fuckin ate it at the bottom of that shaft though. I'm with you Dinghy, way better than 2/3 and was full of good action.
  11. Congrats brother. Beautiful baby!
  12. Ween crowds are definitely a strange mix. Lots of Jocko douche bags, some hippies and then your funbag of good time Ween weirdos like us. Compared to the U.S. shows though your spot on PP we don't give them what they deserve.
  13. That principal sounds like a real twat.
  14. PP you are so right about that guy in the white tie being a complete douchebag. Slow and unfriendly= shitty bartender. The highlight of my night was watching C-Towns trying to get that prick's attention at the bar. Pure gold.
  15. Gateaux

    Knocked Up

    I really didn't like it at all either. I laughed out loud once or twice. Too much yelling i thought. Superbad is 100x funnier than that flick, it murdered me.
  16. Happy B-Day S. I haven't seen you in ages darling so let's hook the fack up!!
  17. I've seen a few Ween shows now too and that ranks right up there. Great energy from the crowd and the band. The Dominion was good times too, C-Towns had me pissing my fucking pants.
  18. In, i'm dressing up as me circa September 2007.
  19. Sometimes your Avatar lulls me into a sweet dream world Sean. I just stare at it and everything else melts away...I fucking hate working.
  20. Marge I sent you a PM regarding some ticky poos darling.
  21. This is bullshit, nothing on the forums. Hilarious joke....
  22. Holy christ i want to see so many of these tunes played Palace!! I Don't Want It What Deaner was Talking About Blarney Stone STAY FOREVER!! Freedom of 76 Holy shite i hope we get some of these.
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