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Everything posted by questcequecest?

  1. It's july 3rd at lee's. Schwa. you can add this to your list, I got you a ticket!
  2. i'll be there, [color:purple]sitting around waiting for stuff to happen.
  3. is this another thread for sling 'n the stone? i heard they rock, especially in guelph.
  4. i agree $40 is too much for one night (when its $65 for 3)... 3 years ago it was $40 for the whole weekend, AND there was an extensive line-up of bands... it appears the effort to make this a successful festival has dwindled, and the organizers are happy to just take what they can get. that said, i'm going... and it will be raging!! i hope the dude with the trunk full of homemade booze is there again. mmm.... homemade absinthe.
  5. Cheers, I hope your birthday doesn't suck!!
  6. happy birthday dude, you really are a dude! Dude!!
  7. it's not a movie reference, it's the slip!
  8. sky rockets in flight... "beeeeyooooooo!!!"
  9. wait, did your mom post that? my mom lives near your mom... if that was indeed your mom. boxbury mom meet dunvegan mom. cheers.
  10. Prime Prine is his best of, I believe. I recommend: Fair & Square (his latest), and In Spite of Ourselves (duets).
  11. awesome album kevO! currently listening to Hieroglyphics - Over Time
  12. you can catch a ride with me... gimme a shout! (519.897.9349) (this may involve the GO train to hamilton, with a beer and doobie stop in hamilton)
  13. back when i worked at the carpet factory, i made a pillow out of carpet samples and slept under my desk.
  14. thanks everybody! i'm having a relaxing day working at home... cheers! hope to see you all soon!!
  15. http://www.toronto.ca/litter/clean-up/20minute.htm http://www.earthday.ca/pub/events/earthday2007.php
  16. congratulations, i hope to make it there.
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