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Everything posted by AdamH

  1. Did you help Alexis with the white pizza?
  2. Pulled Pork from blah blah outlaws or whatever at elgin and Sparks...Outstanding
  3. That was made by a pothead.
  4. Totally jealous of the ramble too. Post some pics of the trip....this might be the year I do this myself.
  5. A friend of mine who works for Edge has a photo of her with stuart murdoch from belle and sebastian, who was in studio for an interview despite B&S never making the airwaves there.
  6. There were/are no advance tickets? So is it 8 at the door or 10?
  7. Patently and unequivocally false: Readership of newspapers in Canada's Top 10 markets has remained stable over the last 5 years according to NADBank According to Neilsen the average number of People Viewing Television (PVT), which measures the percentage of weekly viewers of any television, has remained at 23% for the last 5 years. According to the Television Bureau and an OMNITV survey, the main sources of "News" in Canada is Television...58% vs. 14% for internet. The main source of "National News" is television..69% vs. 8% for internet Of course this is Bev Oda and I don't know why I'd expect anything else from her.
  8. No beer? No problem! If I keep the titties I can enjoy a fine glass of boobscotch
  9. I don't know what "good music" is exactly but it's probably a number of variables coming together at any given time to produce the "good" you're looking for at that moment. Just like loving a hot dog at a certain moment, and loving filet mignon the next. Being a chef doesn't mean that that you immediately understand what good food is. Good food is subjective. A classically trained session guitarist doesn't know good guitar anymore than a snotty 12-year old banging away on his yamaha the chords to Finger 11 songs. Anthony Bourdain's cookbook, good as it is, is the epitome of this "faux peasant food" mentality when you consider that his recipe for a poor man's dish like pot-au-feu would in fact cost you $60 or more in meat products to recreate. Same with cassoulet. same with bouillabaisse. I love all of these foods but making them and telling your friends is culinary wankery, just like IMO shunning processed foods are. I don't as a rule encourage people to eat oreos and count chocula but I also can't trust chefs who don't slum it once in a while, or even worse, who slum it but don't admit it. Again it's not a MOBE slight at all just my perspective on this "no processed foods thing" and what interested me in the comfort food thread which unsurprisingly is littered with processed foods that bring people joy. And there's no shame in that.
  10. One By One by Wilco with Billy Bragg - excellent choice. Daniel Lanois' album Belladonna has a few tasty licks.
  11. 1) a really nice cool breeze coming in the window, especially welcome after a long muggy week 2) when people mess up communication/ideas on the interweb r) a rim job 3) cold beer(and a joint) on a hot afternoon of outdoor working. 4) simple acts of kindness; one man/woman's garbage is another's gold 5) campfires in your own backyard 6) sunday afternoons with steve kimock & pete sears 7) Mojito (rum, mint, lime, ice and club soda) 8) Losing a really close game of Cribbage 9) fuÇking in front of mirrors (but not underneath, that sh!t's 80's cheesy) 10) Stomping around in rain puddles 11) Playing with your dog and a water hose. I laugh out loud every time. 12) sunrises/sunsets 13) birds singing to start the day 14) danniel o,donnell,s music 15) eggs benny on a hungover sunday morning 16) catching raindrops on your tongue and spinning naked while cooking up some hemp oil tofu steaks and listening to a sick Phix show 17) the experience of enjoying a refreshing beverage, doesn't even have to be alcoholic 18) Phone Calls from friends Overseas 19) Laughing at the expense of others
  12. Ok let's re-state what actually happened here: 1. She was charged with reckless driving on September 7th. In January, she pleaded no contest to the reckless-driving charge and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines. 2. Later in January she was pulled over and given a warning for driving on a suspended license. She signed a document that stated she was not to drive due to the conditions of her probation 3. She was again stopped February 27th and at that time charged with violating the terms of her probation. 4. She was charged and sentenced May 4th to 45 days in jail, but was expected to serve 23 based on good behaviour. She was also to be housed in a section of the jail reserved for celebrities Not playing sides, just giving you the facts* *as "factual" as the National Post can be considered
  13. You're a lawyer and presumably believe in probable cause. On the whole I think a reasonable person would avoid the ducks where it was safe to do so. Not to say I disagree with you but it's quite possible they did not see theducks. I will NEVER forget being behind a car that ran over a cat as a little kid. The cat was injured and in shock and died right there, and it was horrible. The only thing more horrible was the reaction of the driver who hit the cat, as she fainted, and came to, and started crying, and then fainted again. It was shocking for everyone involved and though I can be a crusty old coot at times I like to think that most of humanity is good.
  14. Now now children play nice. We're not discussing the middle east we're talking about hot dogs. I'm very sure that your bison blueberry sausages are delicious at certain times but to be perfectly honest no homemade sausage can (at times) hold a candle to great piece of street meat, processed as it is. And I don't get craving for gourment maple cheddar sausages I get cravings for shitty-ass hot dogs or the Nathan's dog which I'm still sure you've never had or you wouldn't be spouting this heretical nonsense. I mean I can make potato chips from scratch but I'll never hit the formula for the Kettle Chips dill pickle chip so I choose not to bother.
  15. M.O.B.E's sacrilicious slant of the hot dog got me thinking...I very much find a decent hot dog comforting. I don't like whole wheat buns, I like the ValPak buns. I also like the cheapest and seemingly shittiest inds because they taste better than an organic something or other hot dog. What is your comfort food? And secondly what do you find comforting that others find disgusting?
  16. For all your culinary prowess M.O.B.E I expected better. You've clearly never had a Nathan's before or if you did you were drunk at the time. No, scratch that, if you'd been drunk you'd have remembered it even better. The distinguishing feature of a Nathan's is the crisp bite to it that only a natural casing can allow. The flavour is not noticeable it's the texture that is. The only thing that's come close to it for me in the hot dog field (recognizing of course that hot dogs and sausages are two entirely different worlds of tubesteak) is the standard hot dog used at Tubby Dog in Calgary. I don't know where they get them but I like them. I don't mind the occasional shopsy's or juicy jumbo but nothing will ever beat a Nathan's Frank for me.
  17. There is only one hot dog in this world, and the saddest part is that they're not available in Ottawa (please...someone..correct me if I'm wrong) Without tasting a Nathan's I'd pretty much conclude..you don't know from good hot dogs!
  18. I haven't been but have been told that a typical Senegalese man is quiet, keeps his cards close to his chest until he knows you, and then lavishes more hospitality on you then you'll know what to do with. So have fun with that.
  19. Everything Must Go makes me throw up a little. But everything prior just sings sweetly.
  20. Can they still hit the Dirty Work harmonies?
  21. MarcO she drank and drove so her sentence is deserved. As for why we all care that is another story entirely.
  22. I would try switching your cat litter to the crystals/silica version. It only needs to be changed once a month and is fairly easy to clean. There's no dust or ash to deal with and it keeps the smell in check. Higher cost up front but it pays for itslef in not being a mess to deal with, and you'll be throwing out alot less.
  23. If you have a one of those acessories for your Que that holds veggies, you can do green beans. I like to shock them in boiling water and then toss them with sesame oil and sesame seeds and toss them in the bbq rack. Even better, get chinese long beans and shock those but leave them at their full length. it would almost look like you were grilling dreadlocks:
  24. Salsa verde is rendered green because it employs tomatillos instead of tomatoes for the base and for acidity. otherwise it's often just onions, garlic, chiles and cilantro just as if you were making any other salsa. I like it because it's a little tart and a little sour. Herdez is a bit watery true, I guess that's the consistency they choose. Keep your eye out for the La Costena brand, they make a few really good salsas and sauces...They have one called Ranchera Salsa which has chipotle and a few other types of chiles in it...it's outstanding.
  25. Sold out online and Busy on the phone
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