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Everything posted by AdamH

  1. It's 4:22 here, and the collective IQ of this board just hit the gutters.
  2. I liked the elgin street action as well. Though late-night Pho seems like a good and healthy prospect compared to elgin street options.
  3. Is it under a different owner now? If it is in any way related to Zak's Diner I'm going to drink ipecac and hurl all over their floor.
  4. This just in - Scientology is helping the 9/11 emergency workers: Cruise raises funds for 9/11 workers from said article:
  5. So in your estimation is the proximity to Chinatown exciting for post-bluesfest consumption, or were you into the whole Harvey's/pizza pizza/elgin street thing?
  6. That's not as bad a review as I expected of the place. I would only go there if the Manx was full I think, or maybe in the summertime when you don't feel like being in a basement.
  7. AdamH

    Visit Kyla

    Yeah I saw that too, interesting strategy. Did Bridgehead pay your airfare to go and pick coffee beans for that photo?
  8. Credit cards truly are good things if you're conscientious. They have social benefits such as: Say you're out on a date in a nice restaurant and garcon brings the bill. What are you going to do, excuse yourself and stand at the maitre d's table and swipe your bank card? Hell no you're going to whip out that phallus of a gold card is what you're going to do.
  9. Popo weenie I am receiving your message loud and clear.
  10. If the address is greyed out in your doc, double-click in its area and it should open up the footer without having to do view->header and footer.
  11. AdamH

    oink invites

    How much do I have to upload in order to get invites for others? My ratio is pretty good but I don't have much luck trying to upload any of my own stuff as someone has inevitably beat me to the punch. .And I take it leaving some torrents open helps but I don't know about leaving my computer on for a week at a time.
  12. Yes you do, for so many reasons. Of course the obvious thing to be diligent about is paying off your balance (best case) or making significant debt repayments well beyond the minimum monthly payment which might be $10 or $15. Otherwise you are ripping yourself off and making very rich banks even richer. I've had a card with Citizen's Bank for the last two years or so. Initially I'd only had one credit card with CIBC and they didn't think my credit history is old enough but now they love me (or hate me since they make next to nothing on me0. My card is called Shared Interest because a portion of all transactions is pooled and, once a year, members choose a charity from a shortlist of nominees to receive the cash prize (which is around $25,000 for the organization). It's cool stuff but no, it doesn't earn you airmiles or anything. If you are a constant balance payer the bank/credit union will eventually raise your credit limit on an automatic basis. I've heard that in fact having a high credit limit is bad for your credit but that may not be true. Also if you're more comfortable just keeping a $500 limit or whatever you can ask to disable the automatic raising of your limit. In any case Citizen's Bank has been fine for me.
  13. BP's logo: The Green Party's Logo: Any thoughts?
  14. AdamH

    Tubby Dog (Calgary)

    Frank and Steins in Guelph is another hit. Tubby Dog's was licensed and had a huge video screen showing Rocket Robin Hood. It was a great place.
  15. Everything I know about Hip Hop I learned from watching Freedom Writers on the plane. It's kind of like a latter-day Dangerous Minds only with Hilary Swank and worse dialog. My feeling on Hip Hop is that since most of us are white and generally affluent our opions are generally divergent with the creators and practisers of Hip Hop as an art form. That doesn't mean I can't listen to it or have an opinion on it but for me it means I largely have no idea ABOUT Hip Hop that I feel is worthwhile to share. Not much light has been shed on the producers of Hip Hop vs. the writers and artists themselves, even given people like DMX or Busta or any of the producer/artists. Also why are there more "out front" collaborations in Hip Hop than in other styles of music? I'm thinking of videos titled as "DMX feat. Afrika Bambataa, Ziggy Marley, Pope Jhn Paul, Lil' Bow Wow, Jay-Z" and so on. Are rappers hiding their inadequacies or spreading the blame across other related artists? Kanye is right...Hip Hop is truly black music and I can appreciate efforts to keep it black music.
  16. Nice...a Herb Alpert ripoff featuring old ladies!
  17. AdamH

    Jim Bryson Update

    Awesome. I think we're going to check out the Sunday show. Tickets are probably a good thing right?
  18. That's funny because I saw them two years ago in Montreal and they were super-fantastic. Maybe Ottawa brought out the worst in them?
  19. AdamH

    bye bye belinda

    I'm still wrestling with the thought of Bill Clinton shoving a stogie in her heynanina which is either awesome or terrifying.
  20. It's "The Works" but with hot dogs instead of hamburgers. It's also way more fun and less sterile inside. So lots of different hot dog options (small, veggie, large, a 1/2 pound homemade ukrainian sausage) and lots of topping ideas in the same vein as the Works. The hot dog special of the week while we were there was called the Pontius Pilate: a Kosher hot dog, jewish mustard, bacon, two ham pieces forming a cross on top, with communion wafers and dots of fake "blood" where Jesus' arms and feet were spiked to the cross. Sacrilicious! They don't have a website but check 'er out while you're there, it was great.
  21. Oh and Cesaria Evoria and Seu Jorge aren't slouches either
  22. Bill Frisell and Cowboy Junkies hot dog!
  23. I am partial to this one because I have seen it probably one hundred thousand times in every value village or sally ann record pile in Canada:
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