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Everything posted by jaybone

  1. jaybone


    I LOVE whole green onions grilled on the BBQ until they char, a revelation in eating green onions! Try it!! A little olive oil, s & p and slap them on - goes great with anything, particularly a nice steak. But anything really. I tried the grilled green onions last night with grilled salmon. They were pretty good. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. No. You are thinking of the electric guitar. 666!!!
  3. I saw Plants and Animals last year at Hillside. I had not heard of them before and they were one of the stand-outs of the fest. I can't get enough of Parc Avenue.
  4. Yo Basher- you, me and a bottle of tequila. Who cares who is playing?
  5. Happy B-day Douglas! I expect some mangled threads by morning!
  6. Sounds like a good plan! Next time I'm in Ottawa I'll give you a shout!
  7. Sounds like you are already having a kick-ass birthday!! Enjoy it and have a wicked good year! You rock the bus!
  8. jaybone

    beef tenderloin

    The braised chick peas is a recipe I stole from the show "The Maine". Dice up some bacon- about 6-10 slices, and cook it up. Drain some of the fat but leave a fair bit. Add some shallots, a little garlic, s&p. Throw in a couple can of drained chick peas (I usually don't completely drain them b/c the liquid makes for a good braising agent. Add some white wine, and chicken stock. I usually just throw in and oxy cube and water. Cook it down until the sauce is thick. Hit it with fresh herbs- thyme basil, whatever, finish it with olive oil and serve it up. It goes great with everything- beef, chicken , fish. It's pretty simple and my wife loves it. Hope you do to.
  9. Yeah- I've asked for suggestions before. I often get whole beef tenderloins from work for great prices. I was just looking for some inspiration. I ended up steaking it, marinating it in olive oil, rosemary and salt and pepper and wrapping it in bacon. They were pretty damn good. With the end piece I did some beef carpaccio. You take off the sided muscle and throw it in the freezer for 1.5 hours(ish). Heavily season it and sear it off over super high heat- just enough to get a crust around the outside. Cut it razor thin and serve it on a platter with arugula, parm and olive oil and lemon. Pretty damn tasty! We broke out the good wine and feasted for hours!
  10. My wife invited some work friends over for dinner. I bought a huge AA beef tenderloin. I'm thinking of just steaking them up, wrapping them in bacon and grilling them. Being as they are only AA, I'm looking to infuse some flavor. Any suggestions out there?
  11. jaybone


    My wife hates them so I don't get to have them as often as I would like. I love mushrooms and miss them in my cooking. I'm only luke-warm on raw ones.
  12. I mentioned this in another thread but my in-laws were raving about a place called Moji in the market area. It's an Italian place run by an Iranian chef. It sounds pretty good.
  13. I work as a sales rep and drive around all day. If they put a ban on cell phones and driving in Ontario, it would seriously mess with my work day. On the other hand I see a lot of bad drivers on the road who are talking on their phones instead of concentrating on driving. I think blue-tooth is a good compromise- at least you have both hands free to drive.
  14. I'll drink to that! Happy B-day!
  15. Late night balloons and sunflower seeds.
  16. I bought a power adapter at Europe Bound, across from MEC.
  17. jaybone

    Frasier Café

    Not to be picky but your sea bass was definately not local. Sounds like a great meal! My in-laws were in Ottawa a few weeks ago and were raving about a little Italian bistro called Moji. Anyone familiar with it?
  18. jaybone

    Gas Range

    The flat top I have is electric and it takes a long time to heat up and cool down. It makes it difficult for some delicate sauces b/c it's tough to find the right temp for a nice simmer. With gas you turn down the flame and the temp goes down right away. It also shows spills and can be tough to clean- especially if you don't clean up right away.
  19. jaybone

    Gas Range

    I am extremely jealous of you! I have always wanted to cook with gas. I have the electric flat top at the moment and it drives me crazy. It takes a long time to heat up and longer to cool down. Plus they show all the mess of a spill-over. I spend more time cleaning then I do cooking. Oh well, this is my first house and for my next one (like you) I'll choose gas. Congrats, btw!
  20. This is some great golf!!! I didn't think I would ever have said those words a few years ago. Seriously tense competition.
  21. You also might want to send Giggles a pm. He is way into the bluegrass scene.
  22. You probably already know this, but he should check out Wednesdays at the Silver Dollar. He might meet some like-minded musicians.
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