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Everything posted by jaybone

  1. Happy B-day Steph! I hope we get to play soon!
  2. I think if you are looking for a job, you have to go for it. Post your resume on Monster etc. You are trying to advertise yourself so don't hold back. Don't put your really personal stuff like SIN # or D.O.B. but everything else is fair game. I've been looking but I am currently employed so I am worried that my current employer will find out about my job search.
  3. Did anyone else expect this to be two wooks on the lawns at a Dead show?
  4. ((((((Goodluckvibes)))))))
  5. I have 6 weddings to go to /be a part of this summer! Those will eat up a lot of weekends! Other then that I hope to catch a few show (insert shameless Radiohead tix grovel), play some disc golf, fish and hang with family and friends. Hanging with the puppies should keep me pretty busy!
  6. jaybone


    It works fine for me.
  7. This recipe has been a family favourite for years. Every time I make it people rave about it so I thought I would share the recipe. 2 eggs (I usually coddle the eggs- place in hot water for a couple of minutes- for food safety reasons) 3 cloves of garlic 3 anchovies (or a good squirt of anchovie paste) 1 T worchestershire sauce 1 splash tabasco 2 T lemon juice 2 T red wine vinegar 1 T dijon 1/2 t salt 1/2 t pepper 3/4 cup E.V.O.O. Blend 'till smooth. Toss with romaine, lots of parm, bacon and croutons. enjoy. *T=Tablespoon *t=teaspoon
  8. jaybone

    beef tenderloin

    I didn't take pics but it turned out amazing! I ended up searing the beef and then rubbing it down with a mix of grainy dijon and herbs and then threw on a few slices of bacon. I served it with caeser salad, bruchetta and braised chick peas. Yummy! There is a ton left-over, so I'm having a sammy for lunch.
  9. jaybone


    Thanks for the heads-up! I'm enjoying this album as we speak
  10. jaybone

    beef tenderloin

    I have the in-laws coming for dinner. I bought a 3.5lb beef tenderloin (the whole loin) and I'm having trouble deciding what to do with it. Should I steak it and do bacon wrapped filets? Or leave it whole, sear it off to get a crust and then rub it down with some grain mustard and herbs and then roast it? Maybe grill it on in-direct heat on the Q? or smoke it? I'm definately going to prepare either steak tartare or carpacio as an apptzr. Suggestions are welcome.
  11. jaybone


    Just finished mowing the lawn. Havinbeers.
  12. jaybone


    That looks really good. bouche- how much was the Webber, if it's not too rude to ask? I wouldn't mind getting a charcoal grill this summer. I've been using my gas grill and making it a smoker-following the advice on "Licence to Grill". Using charcoal just seems more authentic and more satisfying. I really enjoy all the ritual involved in cooking so one more step of lighting the charcoal, waiting for it to get to the right temp sounds like fun.
  13. Sweet looking deal! Thanks bouche.
  14. If I can get away with 100 bucks I would be happy. I want it to be loud enough to rock out, but it's mainly just for listening while I'm working. If it is really worth it I can spend a little more for a better system.
  15. I blew my last set of computer speakers. I'm looking to pick up a new set. Can anyone recomend a brand to look for? Any shops I should check out in the GTA? Anything I should avoid? Thanks!
  16. jaybone


    I've hadbeers. I'm about to be havinanap.
  17. jaybone


    It's a cold, damp day hear in Oakville. I'm havinbeers anyway. Friday afternoons is when I really appreicate having a sales job. Cheers!
  18. Happy birthday Basher!!! I hope it's a good one! Make sure Julia treats you right tonight.
  19. I was just about to post the "Beggin strips" but was obviously beaten to the punch. I saw this site (Steve-don't eat it) at least a year or two ago but have recently been re-reading it! Thumbs way up!!!
  20. It doesn't look fake. Crazy shit!!
  21. jaybone


    Yeah- he is a 10 week old Mini Golden-doodle. His big brother is a Labradoodle. On a side note- I could use any extra-vibage anyone cares to send as I'm awaiting the results of a second round of job interviews.
  22. jaybone


    I'm definately feeling the love these days. It might have something to do with our new puppy! Farley
  23. Happy Birthday Hux! It's almost lunch time- you should be havinbeers.
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