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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. i knew my publicly pro con stance this past election would come back to bite me in the ass. :P

    i'm all for self governing too (i am a libertarian). but i'm sure if someone with enough "resources" twisted my arm enough i could go all bushy colin powell on your waiting to be invaded asses. oh wait...we're not talking about cully here.

    i seriously think we can all govern ourselves appropriately, i mean hey, god let's us make our own choices....but every once in awhile....he does come in and flood this plizace out.

  2. so here's the deal with the cable. the cable has been installed to the house, but there is no cable box. my buddy came over in the summer with his fancy cable box opening screw driver and told me it was a no go. he traced the line back to the hydro pole it's attached to. he pointed out 3 little circley pull thingies and said the one either hanging down or sticking up was my house and that all someone had to do was either a) pull the circle thingy down or up so it was inline with the rest, or B) split the cable from the box at my neighbours house and hope that they don't notice the shiney new cable making the 20 ft crossing between our houses.

    i was thinking about charming the CSR who takes me order. any tips for this here sitchiation i'm in?

    thanks for the suggestion paisley, but i'm paying the 1957 rate for my phone from when it was installed, and cully has cable phone through his internet and he's got some complaints about it. maybe in 5 months when my sweet $25/month deal with bell DSL runs out. but we need cable now!!!

    edit to add: i don't have an issue with paying for the actual cable....i just don't like having to pay $70 for some schmuck to come and pull that ringy thing when i can't even throw empty wine jugs at him to test his balance and intestinal fortitude

  3. if i read jamhappy funhouse i'd think it was a house filled with people who liked pb+j samiches but without the pb....or maybe you enjoyed spreading jam on yourselves or each other cause it makes you happy...hence the term jamhappy. and fun house is just the pc was to say nuthouse. hehehehehe good luck girls y'all got a good thing goin over there

  4. there's a secret skank gift here at my house that was left here by a friend of the giver when they were hungover, so they can't be blamed. then i forgot to bring it to the keller show to give back to the giver...but as soon as i see one of those giver gang folks who can pass it along it'll be back on track. it's currently in a bag, wrapped nicely, waiting for me to take it with me when i see one of you fine folks who know this skanky receiver.

  5. i'm sure if you held out a bit longer and convinced cully that it wasn't THAT far he'd move in....what about that mangled guy in kdub?

    and i'm SOOOOO sure you and livingstoned could bully that guy into never leaving his room but to pee and make a lightning fast run to the fridge. life won't be so hard with the killjoy.

    have you tried putting an ad in view or craigslist or something like that?

  6. emerson SHOULD give that money back that the libs gave him to run. i think based on precident, he shouldn't have to run again. ethically is another story. if you leave mid term, yeah ok whatever, but RIGHT after an election? you don't get to switch sides because you picked the team that lost. and i never want to hear the cons bitch about someone turning tail and switching, or the libs "enticing" members of their party to leave.

    as far as this whole anglophone guy...isn't it the ministry of official languages? since when does that mean ministry of the french language? i bilingual quebecor is the minister. who cares who the secretary is? the guys has learned a bit of french, and is going to learn more. it's called on the job training. a BUNCH of all of us have received this. we have 2 languages...not 1. i dont see an issue with this, at all.

  7. seriously though......WHO cares about this stuff? is the big deal because it's wayne gretzky the super shiney he-god of hockey? i just don't see what the big deal is. there's WAY more important stuff in the world to be paying attention to in my opinion

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