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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. a muffin.

    really, was that worth the time rolling up the rim?

    Shut yer muffin-hole and quit yer bitchin'...there are children in Scarborough who don't even HAVE muffins (never mind a delicious cup of Timmy Ho-Ho coffee!)!

  2. From Piranha on the Terrapin board re: Constantine:

    I went to high school with him and he's a TOOL!!

    We went to Ramapo High School togther, in Franklin Lakes, NJ.

    He was a grade above me, 1994 Grad.

    My band opened for his garage band in HS. Funny sh!t, he played/sang with Joe Russo on drums. *Now with "The benevento/Russo Duo"!!

    No sh!t!


  3. Chad,

    We won't be doing the run this weekend due to other expensive trips on the horizon that are also using a lot of vacation days. Hope you have a good time!


    P.S. Can we borrow your Travel Scrabble? We'll provide a real-life size Scrabble game loaner while we're gone so you don't have Scrabble withdrawal.

  4. ...does anyone know any other sites with a variety of shows/artists to stream?

    Nugs is unpredictable (perhaps its just my system), only a select few of etree archive shows are available for streaming (in addition to download) and I'm rapidly working my way through sugarmegs collection.

    Anyone know of any other good ones?



  5. There are times when I can't get "OOOPS I DID IT AGAIN" out of my head. The worse part is I imagine Booche singing it in a thong. OH God I need help!!!!

    Oh, that's just fantastic. Another mental image I'll be unable to purge without significant therapy or, perhaps, a lobotomy. Thank you so much.

  6. I'm on hold with the Royal Bank attempting to do some financial wheeling and dealing.

    Which is worse: The fact that they're forcing me to listen to the Backstreet Boys or the fact that I know the words to the song?


  7. This PSA brought to you by the number 9 and the letters "T", "T" & "C".

    As in the Bellamy 9? I grew up just off of McCowan Ave. between St. Clair and Eglinton, and used to catch the Bellamy 9 out of Warden station whenever I could on my way home from downtown...



    Naw, 9 as in "Getting to work for 9"...though I like your explanation better, so I'm just going to go with it...

  8. The free daily Toronto "Metro" ran a 4-star review of the new disc this morning...which could mean even more interest in the upcoming show...word to the wise if you want to go to the show. :)

    This PSA brought to you by the number 9 and the letters "T", "T" & "C".

  9. We’ve been doing the “loud yelping” since she came home to let her know how hard she can bite. She has plenty of toys, which she loves to chew.

    She still does kooky things like attack and start biting really hard when playing or when you’re petting her.

    She bit my roommates head/neck and he has infected puncture wounds (they were playing, he knows it wasn’t her fault).

    I tried the “keep her mouth shut” for 10-15 seconds last night and it seemed to work.

    Unfortunately, when I got home from work and opened the kitchen door, she was so excited to see me that she leapt up at me and, since the kitchen is a few steps higher than the landing on which I was standing, her big nails scratched right down my face!

    Facial gouges are “in”, right?

    Thanks for all the helpful tips!

  10. It's a matter of getting the dog's owner to comply. My landlord/roommate is the owner of the dog, but it seems the neighbour who looks in on her/walks her during the day is doing more of the training than the guy who bought the dog.

    Hence, my concern (for your reasons listed above, StoneMtn). So I'll see what I can do. She's hanging out with me a lot in the evenings now. Though I know its difficult if everyone she spends time with isn't reinforcing the training.

  11. don't forget wassabi

    ya, i agree. it's important to have some time when you can pass out in your tent to get some rest and not feel like you're missing out on anything.


    Good one.

    If I was a geologist, I would say: My sediments EXACTLY!

    I'd just be happy to see one band on the list who we DON'T see all the time...not that there's anything wrong with the local talent. But an up & coming U.S. band would be a nice treat.

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