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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Rumours abound...here are some of the acts I've heard about that are supposedly playing... REM Beastie Boys Phil Lesh 311 Ani Difranco Matisyahu The Roots Umphrey's McGee
  2. Good luck on the brewski position!!
  3. The hall outside my office on the floor of my building (where the elevators are) REEKS like SHIT (literally!)!! We had a power outage yesterday for about 20 minutes which affected the bathrooms on my floor (only on my floor, for some reason)...yesterday, the stench was already quite foul, and we assumed someone had taken a giant crap in the handicapped bathroom (as people are wont to do) and either: a) didn't realize the toilet wasn't going to flush/there was an issue with the toilets or couldn't wait or c) didn't care Today, it's much more pronounced. I actually gagged getting off the elevator this morning. Now I'm wondering if perhaps there's some sort of sewage issue. I suppose I could contact Facilities to find out what's going on...but I'm reluctant...I see the conversation going a little something like this... "Hi. I'm on the 10th floor and..it..um..reeks like poop." *silence* "Hello? Did you hear me? It smells like an outhouse on 10." *silence* "Is there something you can do about the stink or are we just going to have to retch every time we need to go into the hall?"
  4. I'm psyched. I haven't seen these guys since '98...saw them at a few fests when I was travelling around and I LOVED 'em.
  5. Evidently, my boss got us VIP seats (within the first 5 rows)...I'll be within pheremone distance..eek!
  6. Anyone got a blue Gap dress I can borrow? You know, for shits and giggles?
  7. If anyone's interested, Rex Weyler, the co-founder of Greenpeace, is speaking tomorrow night in Toronto. Friday, November 9, 2007 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6 Join celebrated author and Greenpeace original Rex Weyler for a fascinating evening of talk and film exploring the environmental movement and today's major issues. Includes a showing of the documentary film Greenpeace: Making A Stand, plus a Q & A and book signing. Tickets $10 ADVANCE, $12 AT THE DOOR Homepage http://www.zoocheck.com/events.html You can also win a pair of tickets from NOW: http://www.nowtoronto.com/cgi-bin/EH/EventHandler.cgi?Actn=Entry_Form&Fnm=rexweyler&User_ID=contests
  8. Ew. http://consumerist.com/consumer/disgusting/secret-camera-investigation-every-single-hotel-failed-to-wash-your-cups-and-glasses-320053.php
  9. I should be getting this book via mail in a few days.
  10. http://www3.clearlight.com/~acsa/quiz1.htm I thought I'd do well..sadly, I failed miserably.
  11. What you love about your job: Wearing a robe with nothing but a dickey and leg warmers underneath.
  12. Let's bitch and brag about our jobs. I'll start. What I love about my job: That I've already sat courtside twice this year to see the Raptors. That's $4K worth of bonus and they've only played 2 home games! What I hate about my job: Tomorrow, I have to purchase Celine Dion tickets for a promo we're running. I'm not sure I'll be able to live with myself afterwards.
  13. Yeah, I got that, too. I wonder from where they obtained all of our email addresses?
  14. Jan 17 Fillmore San Francisco, CA On Sale 11/14 Jan 18 House of Blues W. Hollywood, CA On Sale 11/14 Jan 19 The Grove of Anaheim Anaheim, CA On Sale 11/14 Jan 24 The Pageant St. Louis, MO On Sale 11/14 Jan 26 The Eagles Club Milwaukee, WI On Sale 11/14 Jan 30 Lifestyle Communities Pavilion Columbus, OH On Sale 11/14 Jan 31 The Town Ballroom Buffalo, NY On Sale 11/14 Feb 1 Electric Factory Philadelphia, PA On Sale 11/14 Feb 2 Orpheum Theatre Boston, MA On Sale 11/14
  15. Chapters has yet to call me, 5 days later. So either they weren't planning to call me, or they actually did, in fact, lose all 20 copies of the book they allegedly had. Methinks I'll try a new bookstore.
  16. Bored? Test your knowledge! Even the intro scared me.. Link
  17. I think they're Ohition...Ohio-ites?
  18. Congrats, again, guys. She's absolutely beautiful! Next pic should feature the wall of the nursery, too, methinks.
  19. Why don't you just steal one of your brother's? It only seems fair...it's not like he NEEDS two...maybe that was an accident, on the part of your parents? One of the names was meant for you! I was given initials that spell "JAM". Oh and I went to school with a guy whose name was Justin Case. And that's all I have that's even vaguely relevent to this topic..and the connection is tenuous, at best..
  20. -My Quest to Purchase this Book- I went to try to purchase this book on Friday night at the Chapters in my neighbourhood. I searched the "New and Exciting" displays at the front of the store, with no luck. Then I checked the auto/biography section, with similar results. I couldn't see anyone who looked like they worked there, so I located one of those look-stuff-up computers and determined that the store apparently had 20 copies of the book and they were, evidently, shelved in the "Arts & Entertainment" section. After wandering around for a good 10 minutes looking for the aforementioned "Arts & Entertainment" section (and seeing nary an employee who could assist me), I decided to butt into the check-out line and ask the woman working there where I could find it. Despite shopping in this store pretty regularly for the past 3 or 4 years, I had no idea there was a second floor. Huh. Who knew? Evidently, that's where they keep their arts & entertainment. I ventured upstairs and still could not find the book. I did, however, find an employee and asked her to assist me. She searched the same section I had just perused and also came up empty. She then told me, if the book was new, it might still be "in the back". She went to the "back" and came back several minutes later, empty-handed. She then informed me that the 20 copies were likely unpacked and loaded on to a trolley for shelving...she went upstairs, located the cart in question and...did not find the book(s). Apparently, they lost 20 copies of Slash's new book. They're supposed to call me if/when they find them. I have a sickness where I can't leave a bookstore without purchasing something. It's expensive, but I'm getting help. Anyway, since I had to buy something, I bought Kevin Smith's new book...it's a collection of his blog entries, in book form...it's oddly and remarkably compelling reading. -end saga-
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