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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Co-workers being idiots? This isn't news... The reason I was over in A/P today was to pick up a cheque that I've been trying to have processed for 6 week (yep, SIX WEEKS). Despite my submitting the cheque req with the vendor name and address clearly delineated, they have twice made it out to the wrong vendor name and the wrong address (this was after a month of trying to get them to set up the vendor in the "system", which was evidently too laborious or confusing for them).
  2. Perhaps the entire Accounting department is perpetrating a scam on my department due to all the work we make them do...lol..
  3. That may be, but one of my co-workers actually already took one of the 6 puppies...soo..that's odd...
  4. My co-worker's husband found 6 puppies in a box by the side of the road. Here's the email she sent: "We've bathed them, sprayed them for fleas and wormed them....but we can't keep them. They are currently in a kennel in my basement since I don't have a fence. I've lost count of the number of rescue groups that I've contacted, only to be turned down due to no room. Please check with every dog person you know to see if they want to adopt a puppy. PLEASE help me find them homes - Otherwise, it's Animal Control - which means they only have 5 days." If you can't see that picture, follow this link: Puppy Pic And if you know anyone who wants a puppy, let me know ASAP and I'll get you in touch with the person who has them!
  6. I thought you said you were going as Wonder Woman...
  7. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight in anticipation... I'm not dressing up. I'm anti-costume on Halloween(unless it involves sequins)...dressing up is better when the calendar doesn't dictate it...
  8. Basher does a frighteningly accurate Harland Williams impression. It's pretty gross...it's that good..
  9. I already ordered one for you...though it actually says, "I schwent to the Schwifty lynching and all I got was this lousy t-schwirt". Hope that's Ok.
  10. Wait--so NOBODY's getting lynched? What am I going to do with all these t-shirts??! I was also planning to have the lynching catered...there goes my big BBQ deposit...guess I'll cancel the barbershop quartet, too.
  11. I wouldn't have participated in the lynching thread if I didn't believe it was all a big joke--I mean, c'mon, what's funnier than a lynching?! I'll tell you what's funnier than a lynching--a staged lynching with witty commemorative t-shirts for sale! Yeah, baby!
  12. I'm in charge of the "Lynch Swifty" commemorative t-shirts! Woot-woot!
  13. Our friendly neighbourhood legal expert, StoneMtn, had this to say about your dilemma: "He should ask them in writing what they require to authorize them to release it and then obtain that."
  14. I actively despise the last track...makes my skin crawl.
  15. 2 listens and Ordinary People is my favourite, so far...but I'm not blown away by the album as a whole. Maybe it'll take a few more listens.
  16. "In a minute, I'm going to turn around and show Phil my O Face..."
  17. For those of you interested in a very specific type of hook-up: The Dave Matthews Fan. http://dmbdate.com/
  18. Well, if you're looking for a woman who understands that your preferred mode of transportation is a giant chili dog canoe propelled by a gargantuan dart-shaped paddle, then a city girl isn't likely the one for you...
  19. Did you hear Kid Rock got busted this past weekend for beating someone up in a Waffle House parking lot...I can't make this shit up... A new marketing campaign cashing in on his newfound waffle house noteriety:
  20. That's weird. I did enter it..but it's not there. Hmmm. I suspect the Sandman had something to do with this...
  21. My initial response was slack-jawed shock. Then I snarkily responded, "Because charities to which I donate are nobody's business but my own." She didn't inquire further after that.
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