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Everything posted by Thorgnor

  1. Jar Jar Bosh is a Bostrich.
  2. I'm still waiting to see at least one more spectacular play before the end of the season, because there were none in last nights game. I felt like it was a close game, and hard fought, but didn't have much happening in the way of wow. Could be a long off-season too.
  3. No more or less questionable than our own insistence that we are secular when we still ask people to swear to god in a court of law.
  4. I wouldn't be too worried about Egypt. I'd be more worried about Lebanon. Everyone seems to forget the few examples of Islamic-Secular states where things work pretty well. Turkey is a great example of a place where, just like the rest of the world, there are powerful extremist forces and there are people who don't want to live under violent and terrorist regimes. Turkey is still having trouble convincing Europe that it is European, simply because the majority of the country is "culturally" Islamic. I think our fears about the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt are OUR fears and that Egypt will be just fine in the long term. People got all freaked out when the Ukraine went Orange, or when Bolivia went "communist", but the people of the nation stood up and demonstrated that they no longer wanted to live under puppet regimes and dictatorships. I don't feel like these protests are a request on behalf of the Egyptian people to be oppressed by another "unreasonable" group of autocrats. m2c. here's hoping for the best
  5. There must be a way found for the brotherhood to have a voice, but for the country itself to remain secular. If the recognition of Israel's validity fails, we're in big trouble. That said, the brotherhood is not really much of a threat to run the government, but they are the largest oppositional organization that hasn't been dismantled by Mubarak so they seem to be the first to get our attention; reason, fear mongering. We're not really interested in Egyptian freedom anyway, only what peace in Egypt and Israel can do for us. We aren't even interested in our own freedom. We call this kind of protest a threat and build fences in downtown TO when we know that something is coming, but we rarely stop to see what it is that's barreling down the streets. Mubarak must go, but there isn't really anyone ready to fill the void.
  6. Enjoy the Miami-Orlando tilt, that should be a great game.
  7. I think it's sad that people think that you "pay" for the education, or the degree/diploma... you're paying for the opportunity to have someone evaluate you. Think about that and then think about whether or not it makes sense to limit who can participate in education based on whether or not they can literally afford the price of admission. We don't really want the best and brightest anyways...
  8. "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein
  9. I've liked all of Anthopolous' moves since they hired him, and this trade is no exception. well done. Two great prospects in return. I'm excited to see the Jays in two seasons. They're improving so quickly.
  10. Good for you. :surprise:
  11. Aren't you a raiders fan? You're smart like a tractor.
  12. Yeah I just saw that the details changed a little. I still don't think that the Stojakovic trade was a good idea. We'll see about Ajinca, but I'm glad we didn't send Alabi away. I would point to this as the key statement about having acquired Peja in the first place... “We explored multiple (trade) scenarios and nothing looked promising whatsoever,†said Colangelo. I could have told them that before they traded for him.
  13. and give away Alabi taboot... good deal.
  14. swami sez we get Ajinca... maybe...
  15. I hate Kid Rock. I saw Kid Rock. I still hate Kid Rock's music. Most of the people in the crowd were total assholes. The concert was fucking unbelievable. Pyrotechnics, explosions, lasers, actual attempts to "perform". It was wild, and maybe the "biggest" show I've seen since I saw Floyd at the ex. I still don't like Kid Rock's music but his shows are stunning. I imagine Gaga would be about the same, but I can't really see a point in saying "I'd NEVER go see anything like that" out loud unless I was trying to make someone feel like an asshole for enjoying something. Do you think Gaga actually writes lyrics down? She spent a lot of time writing music for other pop stars before she got a shot to be on TV. I know that that's too much work for a "cool" band like KoL, but it's probably because they're sooooo artistically advanced, eh?
  16. Down here in London too. I've been fighting it for about three weeks. All nose and throat. Occasional headache, weakness, it's awesome.
  17. You sound like the genius who enrolls in a social science class and then complains that the Prof. is over-analyzing.
  18. Worst part is, customers have to take it or leave it. If we are going to pretend like politics has stopped happening because we'd rather use economic excuses to let people starve then at least he could have made his fellow city dwellers shareholders. Apparently they all had their say, and now it's his turn. I am not being hyperbolic or exaggerating when I say that this is Fascist politics on the rise in the guise of "common sense". The total lack of political awareness in this country as a whole is depressing.
  19. This is the most dangerous kind of Fascist politics at work. She says nothing, so there is nothing to disagree with. Instead, she shows her concern, worry, and fear in her facial expressions and creates an atmosphere where she "embodies" the concerns of the nation itself. The audience, always sympathetic towards the suffering of the dramatic focus, is pulled along in the wake of her micro-expressions. Identify with her, and her fear, or become her enemy, and the enemy of those who want to console her. She not only plays along with all kinds of bullshit which participates in the "feminization" of fear, but she also mimics the facial expressions used by other Fascist leaders in the past who employed "fellow feeling" as part of the modern war-machine. She is terrifying.
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