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Anybody have a (jamband) song they enjoy but find it hard to admit.


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Well, Liberty too but that's a cool tune my man. Doesnt jam out, but Jerry and fingerpickin'?

I'll take that any day before a ton of other tunes I would rather not say..........

As for Waste and FEFY, those are really good tunes, I would gladly be the first to admit that I love them. Personally, I dont think that they fit this category as much as some of those other ones I have read.

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Ya, like if they didn't play Samba every single other night in the 2-2 slot, then it might have been fine. Samba was a great song for them to play also, for when it was raining, but thanks to Samba, it pretty much put an end to the Crazy Fingers and alot of other great songs in the 2-2 slot.

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I love "Keep Your Dayjob"!! It's really catchy and has that US Blues groove to it.

It's pretty funny that deadheads took offense to it, thus the band retiring it.

I once asked the bassist dude from Caution Jam to play it and he looked at me as if I was a nut. But hey, guess what I say, "Keep your day job, 'till your night job pays" confused.gif" border="0

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Wading in a Velvet Sea is one for me. I think it, especially when they play it at 5am. Although I can see how it could break up a very flowing second set and thats why I'll never admit that I like it, or at least when Dave Hendrick is around, he would kill me if he heard me say this.

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Wow Harpua really nailed the holy trinity of cheese there. I was going to concede that Lifeboy always did it for me, I remember at Great Woods 94 hearing that tune and looking up to the heavens thinking if the whole venue was a satellite dish blasting out into space aliens would probably dig it or something like that.

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Damn it Harpua, you twisted bastard im gonna take the bait and finally post. I just cant let that whole Velvet Sea thing just sit there (I shudder in fear as i recall the Sea from Big Cypress and the pain it caused me).

I was gonna say Sunrise(pure Donna cheese) but i never actually saw that live (for obvious reasons). Then i was gonna say Lifeboy but that song so is so damn good in my opinion i refuse to even acknowledge that its not a masterpiece. I think my final answer is Eternity -> "Honey, I love you, you love me, lets love each other through eternity" - classic Bobby (with Willie Dixons words). Im not sure why i ended up liking this one but i did.

Hey to everyone, except Harpua who i will now shun until the day he dies.

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Money from Mars Hotel just plain sucks (in my opinion)..........

Pretty close to the worst studio ttack they ever laid down, and thats saying something!

Bobby wore shades in the second set of that show?

Cant say I saw that but I did love Lazy River Road and Days Between, hearing them for the first time ever that night. I liked the LLRain that night too.

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