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Ferriswheeler in Kingston tonight


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Has anybody else been watching "Greg The Bunny"? It's pretty twisted (and written well/strangely). In one episode, one of the puppet characters, who's a bit overweight, leans over, and you hear a ripping noise.

"Uh-oh. I think I just tore myself a new one."

Which, for a puppet, could be a common problem, you might think...

Dave-O: are you guys taping the show? Hope it goes well.



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Taping? I plan to, if I can find somwhere to pick up minidiscs along the way confused.gif" border="0 (anyone know if there's anywhere in Kanata selling MDs?)

Income tax return permitting, I'll be getting a new computer in the next couple of weeks and getting some of the FW archives into circulation.

LowRoller - quit making fun of friends from highschool tongue.gif" border="0

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Guest Low Roller

The Rock can smell what you're cooking. rock.gif

(I apologize for this lame post. It's Friday afternoon and I'm still at work. My creative juices are sapped and I can feel my life force being slowly drained from me. I'll recharge my batteries tonight at Jambolaya.)

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Have a great show in Kingston!!!!!!!

I've seen greg the bunny, and I found it quite funny.

The Count Blah kills me. They tried to 'MTV-ify' the show, and told the Count that he was now known as Count A'ight. So instead of saying "Blah" all the time, he had to say "A'ight" but he just couldn't do it.

He kept getting all flustered and saying Blah all the time.

It only makes sense if you've seen this.

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Yeah, I was just going to mention Bleeker's on Terry Fox. It's a great store. I was a frequent customer of the one down on Merivale, but it's so nice to have a brand spankin' new one so close to home. I always buy the Sony 80min 5pk MDs.. they work alright for me.

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