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Puppet to burn?


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can't have puppets lined up.. for the love of...

it's more about Making the puppets (whist getting screwy), making food and eating it (while getting screwier), having puppet shows, and then burning em.

i bet there are a good number of people out there who think i'm a total idiot. and thats cool.

'puppet to burn, puppet to burn..'

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I personally love the idea. I'll bring the thimbles, wouldn't want all those musicians hurting their poor little fingers by jabbing needles into them. Buttons, we need buttons for eyeballs, unless someone has those googly eye thingys you can buy at craft stores.

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Some friends and I have been kicking around an idea. it's a weird one.

a big group of peeps head up to a cottage (perferably in the dead of winter), and we all spend the day making puppets with whatever craftstuffs we can pull together.. (of course while partying all day), then after a huge feast, we preform a puppet show in several smaller groups.. then, we take turns throwing our puppets in the fire whilst chanting.. "puppet to burn, puppet to burn, everybodys got a puppet to burn.."

Ill post details when i have it worked out. [smile]

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That's just crazy enough to work. You could film/tape it all (probably with several cameras) and turn it into some kind of surreal cinema project.

Other ideas:

  • Interactive puppet party: You walk around with your puppet, and interact with the others there as your puppet. A random intervals, you have to switch puppets (and personae) with somebody close to you. (Puppet-cams would be fun, here, too.)
  • Rig up some kind of campfire-driven turbine thing to randomly move the puppets as they burn.



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For some reason, I think GM's parents took him to the following when he was younger:


"Gospel, boogie, country, bossa nova, folk, R & B and more ignite the skies in this unpredictable musical review full of singing and dancing. The Weather People open up the floodgates on the mysteries of Mother Nature with over 25 hand puppets, rod puppets, marionettes, shadow puppets and body puppets."

Secretly, he is afraid of puppets and he hopes to be a banker some day.

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