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"Republicans win control of U.S. Congress"

"Exultant Republicans took control of the Senate and held onto the House, handing President Bush historic bragging rights and two years to push through an agenda starting with deeper tax cuts. "


what the hell is going on down there??!!

billy, i'm worried...

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There's an article on Salon.com today, whose thesis is that it's the Democrats who are to blame. An excerpt:


A party that will not criticize the incumbent president cannot defeat him, now or two years from now. A party that has nothing to say about unfair tax breaks, a vanishing surplus and a looted economy cannot expect anyone to listen when it asks for votes. A party without passion or vision is hardly a political party at all. Even in their righteous defense of Social Security, Democrats too often sounded as if their chief concern was to preserve their own institutional position. Today the future looks grim for them because they blurred the purposes of their partisanship.

Remember, societies generally get the government they deserve. Apathy, indifference, and an unwillingness to take potentially unpopular stands are sure ways to tyranny.



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Guest Low Roller

It's funnier to think it's real. Just let it be. The third picture, for argument's sake, is the more obvious fake because of the jagged borders around GWB.

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Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

Totally depressing. And there's already talk, that if W wins a second term in 2 years, brother Jeb will finish his second term as Florida Gov. just in time to devote 2 years to gearing up for a run at the presidency in 2008.


We're all gonna die!!!![Eek!][Eek!]

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Yeah, the game grows serious. I figure it'll just be a matter of time until "the land of the free" start sending their "homeland" police kicking in doors of all the kids making humorous photoshop pics and shipping them off to holding cells in Cuba.

I just heard on CNN that when the supposed Al'Qeuda members currently being held go to trial, that defence lawyers won't be allowed to ask the accused any questions. Nothing like a trial where you have no opportunity to defend yourself.

In a historic sense, we are entering interesting times. In a practical one, things are pretty spooky.

Anyone going on this tour?

Ass Tube

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hmm. interesting.

a friend of mine has a belief system that includes the idea that if your morals won't allow you to do something for $5 then morally you shouldnt do it for $5 000 000 either

i try to think about that sometimes when i find i'm liable to judge someone ...

then who am i kidding, i judge the hell outta them anyway... [smile] but i try to work it out first

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I was at the Discobiscuts on Monday night and as we were leaving I was telling folks not to forget to vote tomorrow...well out of all the kids only one guys had any idea why that was even important...too bad but people just seem to be pretty disenfranchised and don't even want to try to participate. It's really scary. Even if the democracies we're living in are basically jokes the only thing we can do is try to use the mechanisms we do have to our advantage. I know it does get demoralizing but hey if we don't even try what excuse do we have?

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already...here it starts:

PBA Ban -- Bank on It, Lott Says

By Fred Jackson and Bill Fancher

November 6, 2002

(AgapePress) - Tuesday's stunning victories for Republicans in the House and Senate are good news for pro-family issues.

The new Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott of Mississippi, says with Republicans now in control of the White House and both houses of Congress, the logjam of bills is going to be broken. Lott says not only will important legislation dealing with homeland security and the economy be moved along quickly, but also a key issue of importance to Christians: a ban on partial-birth abortion.

"We will move the partial-birth abortion bill through [the Senate]," Lott says. "The House did it this year -- [but] once again, [outgoing Majority Leader] Tom Daschle would not call it up [in the Senate].

"I will call it up, we will pass it, and the president will sign it. I'm making that commitment -- you can write it down."

Lott made his comment Wednesday morning in an interview with American Family Radio.

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what's a partial birth abortion? um. ick

this is very very touchy, i'll be very surprised (though i wont be surprised to be surprised) if they ban abortion...

i mean without starting an abortion debate on the board but ofcourse the whole thing is very sad

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