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"Ms. Hux style" QOTD 3.28.03


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i think grey, because all of the space ships in sci-fi movies have grey vinyl siding and they look super cool... but then again, I'm totally opposed to the use of small back yard sheds, as this violates just about every one of the Geneva conventions...

i think the discussion of the day, in this case, would differ from the question of the day if the Heir Doctor had phrased the intro like so...

"Are small back yard sheds still acceptable in this day and age and, if so, what colours are appropriate?"

then someone could say "Small Back Yard Shed" by the Rondelles has been banned from all elevator muzak in the state of Tenessee...

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My dad's aluminum-sided shed has been red-and-white since 1976, therefore that is what I'd choose 'cus to me that's the definition of a shed - a red-and-white aluminum-sided shed. Nothing else is a shed.

That said, Charlie's answer about the sci-fi space ships was cool, so I'd go with grey if the Doc is gonna get all fascist and stifle our creativity. (Despite those Trudeau pictures, I always suspected he was a right-wing thug at heart...)


Mr. M.

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CharlieDon'tSurf - nice brother..hahah... [big Grin]

...as for that Tooly, it appears he/she(?) is still the thorn in the side of the QOTD....don't PUSH IT YOUNG MAN/WOMAN(?)

....just ask Ms.Hux, if you play with the Dr.'s fire....you gonna get burnt!!!![Razz]

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Shade Of Grey

Iguess it's just a shade of grey

When my head clears I might realize

Just might realize

But those grey eyes

That easy smile

Gonna stay with me a while

But out in the streets

Well it's night time on Broadway

Out in the streets

They just don't even know

But seven stories high

All their dreams have been realized

Are being realized

And those grey eyes

Just light up and shine

When I touch her face with mine

Out in the streets

It's a whole other number

Out in the streets

It's on with the show

Too well I know that crowd of strangers

I've played my part in that lovely show

Out in the streets

Hear them racing their engines

Out in the streets

They got nowhere to go

I know it's just a shade of grey

And these peaceful moments never last

They're gone so fast

But those grey eyes

Beckon me once more

And we're riding out the storm

Out in the streets

They're all waiting for morning

Out in the streets

It just may never show

Out in the streets

Night flows like a river

Out in the streets

Time sits like a stone

Out in the streets

They've all got each other

Out in the streets

How come they're always alone

It's too late to find a lover

It's too early to go home

But up here in the sky

All their dreams are being realized

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