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Question Du Jour -Low Roller is a headcase edition

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

If you were currently involved in a great relationship, yet you knew that there was a defined time in the future when that person will be moving away (across the ocean) for four years, what do you do?

Enjoy the relationship while you can?

Break up now knowing you will eventually be separated?

Hope beyond hope that things work out?

Hide under your bedsheets because the monsters can't get you there?

Something else?

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Facing similar situations currently (albeit a year), I've resolved myself to the fact that stopping anything prematurely is useless. Your feelings should be allowed to develop or wane naturally. I think it's important to understand that ultimately, the person is probably going away to improve their life, which is all we can ever ask for in our own.

Remember too that leaving and being away is tremendously stressful. Things are not going to be normal either way but maybe having you there for the launch and for North American support team may in the end be beneifical for this person you care (I assume) about.

my2sense anyway. Be there.

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Nice TPB references Booche. Last night's episode was frickin' awesome.

Enjoy it while you can. I can't say that enough...for Ms. Hux's reason as well as the emotional side. Making a clean break while you're both in the same city is something you'd regret when she's gone. Enjoy the physical and mental stimuli as much as possible.

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i say enjoy every moment you have together, and break up officially when she leaves. trying to keep it together while you're so far apart is only going to cause both of you heartache. you'll just end up spending sooooo much time in a fantasy world dreaming of what it will be like when you're together, you could both potentially overlook things right in front of you that could be just as wonderful. if you two are meant to be together, your paths will cross again when she comes back.

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Guest Low Roller

It's a "she" you cracker.

Thanks for all the advice folks. Ironically we are already in a long-distance relationship, but this one at least is driving distance.

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You know what I'd do (did).

Give it your all while you can. May as well make some sweet memories rather than wonder what the short time could have been like. You'll get over the seperation eventually, OR, she'll figure out what a great guy you are and decide that is more important than whatever is across the big ocean.

Make sure that you have lotsa desserts with her and remind her that cheesecake is better shared.

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You know what I'd do (did).

Give it your all while you can. May as well make some sweet memories rather than wonder what the short time could have been like. You'll get over the seperation eventually, OR, she'll figure out what a great guy you are and decide that is more important than whatever is across the big ocean.

Make sure that you have lotsa desserts with her and remind her that cheesecake is better shared.

Oh Bouchey, staying was the smartest choice I've ever made. No regrets whatsoever. I love you.

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Guest Low Roller
You know what I'd do (did).

Give it your all while you can. May as well make some sweet memories rather than wonder what the short time could have been like. You'll get over the seperation eventually, OR, she'll figure out what a great guy you are and decide that is more important than whatever is across the big ocean.

Make sure that you have lotsa desserts with her and remind her that cheesecake is better shared.

Oh Bouchey, staying was the smartest choice I've ever made. No regrets whatsoever. I love you.

Hey! Get a chat room you two! ::

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