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Friday night in Kitchener (review & thoughts)

mark tonin

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Now that I am back from Chatham and (partially) recovered from an awesome weekend of live music and partying with great people, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who braved the crazy weather to make it out to the show at the Lancaster Tavern in Kitchener on Friday night. We had about 120 paying customers through the door, and that along with the band members, volunteers, and drum club made for a really great night. To be truthful, I didn't know how many people would come out given the crappy weather - I know that lots of people stayed home but enough people still came out to make it a great night.

Diesel Dog was on fire - especially for the second half of their set. The song "All", which is on Greg Hemming's video "A Head's Tale", is rapidly becoming a fan favourite. The crowd really started partying when the band played it and didn't let up until the end of the night. I had a number of people say to me that Diesel Dog should be headlining shows ... I wholeheartedly agree!!! Full-on feel-good groovy jam rock at its finest.

And nero ... what can I say!!! These guys continue to amaze me. At times I thought "wow, I can't believe how tight they are." And Eric Warren had them sounding super-sweet, although I agree, next time we'll have a sub for sure to fill out the bottom end and bring out the kick drum a bit more. But that phat bass still came through ... I love the heavy funk that Chris is playing these days.

Two other personal highlights for me were watching my partner Liana dancing up a storm, especially during the drum circle, and calling out a number (my 4th try) and finding out that Deb Huggins held the winning ticket ... Scot Regan brought up the ticket and I thought he was just goofing around ... but no ... he actually had the winning ticket!!!

Thank you to everyone who made it out to the show. I had a lot of people thank me that night, and I say thanks right back to you. Without your support these events could not or would not happen.

Peace, Mark

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i have to say that friday night was AWESOME!

i havn't danced like that since the bombshelter gig with GTB/FAT CATS/& D-DOG....(after almost 300KMS on the road that day i was ready to party)

I have heard some NERO on disc but that was my first time seeing them live and I have to say I am hooked (hookahd?) - they are quite a unit, and nice guys to boot!

thanks Chris(?) for the great sound and Mark for another great party...

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Special Ed did not make it because of the weather. In some ways it worked out better that way, as we got behind setting up because of the weather and it would have been very rushed to try and get ready if we had to start early enough to accomodate all 3 bands. Hopefully there will be another show in the future that includes Special Ed.

Peace, Mark

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Yeh, I totally understand the Ed guys not wanting to make the trip - I was thinking up 'til the last minute that we were gonna try to do it, but my wife (a.k.a. the brains of the operation) said "ah, honey you do know we drive a Hyundai Accent right? You do want to live to see future shows, don't you?" Both good points! [Razz]

Sorry we didn't get to see ya Mark, I guess it'll be May at CTMF, if not sometime sooner.

- M.

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Well what can I say?

Friday kicked ass! Great job Mark was great to see you again.I had one fun-ass time.Look forward to doin it again as soon as possible.

I have to say, this was a great four days of music for me.WOW

Great to meet all the people I haven't met before and also to see those I do know.

See ta'll again.

Nero > Nero afterparty >

Nero preparty> Nero/Diesel Dog > Nero Afterparty >

Nero preparty >Nero/Chank >Chatham crazy afterparty>

Fat Cats > Unconciousness [Eek!]

~One Gear~


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Good time in Kitchener Friday. I was very happy that I made the trip. We saw about 7 cars in the ditches during the London-KW stretch! Yikes..

The Lanc is a nice place. Love the nautical theme. I did feel a bit sea-sick when I first got there though... [Wink]

So I won two tickets to go see The Slip and nero on the May 23rd!!! Woo hoo.

Great weekend.


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Hey Mr. M. and anyone else that is interested:

The upstairs room at the Lanc is a really sweet room - great sound and a warm atmosphere (wood, carpet, etc.). There is a small stage, but it was big enough to fit Diesel Dog (6 guys).

Having said that, you need to bring in some sound gear - there is some stuff up there, but we brought everything but the 2 main Elite speakers. And we also brought in lights, although you could make due with what is there.

The biggest issue is that the bar does absolutely no advertising, and the Lanc is not downtown so you will get no walk-in traffic. The room is basically a "free party room" - as long as you can bring people out for whatever reason, the owner will let you have the room. As well, there are some regular "characters" that hang out in the main floor section of the tavern ... I think some of them might live there if you get what I mean.

If you are interested in booking the room you should contact Mike Kelly at (519)743-4331.

If this room was in downtown Waterloo it would be the perfect small live music venue!

Peace, Mark

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As well, there are some regular "characters" that hang out in the main floor section of the tavern

Hahahaha, yep Mark "characters", you said it.

Best was the guy who walked up to me, wanted me to tattoo him, then when I said I don't do em, I just get em, he replies with "I don't care how many you have" I only want one!!I went back upstairs laughing.

I had a blast and found that really funny.

Again great job Mark.

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Thanks Mark - hey are there any good music clubs right downtown? Circus Room has sorta the same problems, it's off the main drag so the audience is what it is - they do some promo but there's not really much walk-in there either.

Didn't New Deal play some downtown venue in the recent past, or did I dream that? Sometimes I dream things like that... [Razz]

Back in the day I used to see some of my friends in the band Squirm play at a place that I think was called the Volcano(?) but I understand that place is long gone.



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tND played at club wax. It was an HOB production and I know that there is signifigant overhead for putting on a show there. That being said, it was a great show.

Hey Mark, sorry I missed out on Friday, but I was working out of town. Glad to hear that it was a rocking good time.



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Mark...another great show...I love the Lanc...especially 'cause i'ts 5 minutes from my house! The bands were on as usual, and Eric had the sound down...can't wait to hear the recording of that show...I took 3 rolls of film (only Deisel Dog...I ran out of film for Nero!) and there are some nice pictures...going to scan them in this week and hopefully get them posted somewhere. Nice to meet you backbacon...sorry I wasn't a little more social...sometimes when I shoot, I get into a "zone" and I'm a little unsocial! Hey who else was shooting that night...I met a guy shooting with a Canon digital camera and forgot to introduce myself before I left...anyway nice to meet you too!

Thanks for another great show Mark...


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I just had a super time at the lanc in KW. It was my first time there and I liked the whole atmosphere of the place. It took me a little while to get my engines warmed up because of the debauchery the night before (anyone at crow's place will know). It's always a real treat to see Diesol Dog and Nero in the same night. Also, KW has alot of groovers which is always good to see.

Keep puttin on the parties.


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first of all quality show tonin.. both acts were on form. ya i love the set up, sea sick eh backbacon, funny.. deisal dog wow.. we listened to them loads at crows house before, danced up a storm and then seeing them live produced some dance steps i didn't think i could do with a camera. Photo geek that was me stu dog shooting, ya sorry we didn't introduce ourselves, but i did get a nice pic of u shooting with the strobe.. maybe u can pass me your e mail i can send it to you.. and to close this off it was great to meet loads of strangers from the board.. all the best hope to see u all soon ..dog [smile]

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Hey StuDog (or whoever knows), what Diesel Dog were you listening to before the show friday? I'd love to get my hands on some. All I've seen is the 4 songs off their site. Did somebody tape a show or two? Somebody did tape friday right? It'll be out soon enough?

Don't mean to grovel, but I'm grovelling....

Sorry and thanks.

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