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COVENTRY is officially sold out.


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COVENTRY is officially sold out.

There will be NO tickets sold at the gates. People without tickets will be turned away. Unless all passengers in a vehicle have tickets, the vehicle will be turned away.

To those who have purchased tickets, please discourage those without tickets from coming to COVENTRY. Ticket-less travelers compound the traffic congestion, add unnecessary stress to our staff, the police and the local community and ultimately diminish the quality of everyone’s experience.

We cannot emphasize enough the value of carpooling to COVENTRY. In addition to conserving precious camping space, we can collectively make a truly positive environmental statement.

Thank you.

Phish & Great Northeast Productions

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I got my tickets before the sad announcement. Phish weekend festivals when they do happen have always been a top highlight of the summer, heck, the year.

It will be sad to think that after Coventry this year that there won't be anymore of these weekend festivals. I'll stop now as I respect Trey's decision and will just have to accept whatever future endeavors he takes part in.

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Who is just as dumb as me and didn't buy any tickets to this?

You see, Ollie and I don't know Phish very well. We've only just started listening to them this past year. We hadn't given much thought to Coventry. But in the past month, many people kept saying that we have to go, that it'll be the place to be. So we were just about 90% decided to go. Just this past weekend, we were listening to a Phish show, and I said "Wow, this is great! Looks like we'll just have to go to Coventry". And just now Ollie tells me this sad news. I thought I would just shrug it off, and be happy about the money I'll be saving by not going. But instead I feel sad and disappointed in myself. Here I was taking my sweet time buying the tickets, not realizing that it would sell out so soon (this proves I don't know Phish very much).

Also, I feel like a horrible girlfriend. August 14th is Ollie's birthday. He's starting not to like birthdays because he's now in his 30s. A Coventry ticket would have made a wonderful gift, yeah? But "procrastination" is my middle name nowadays.

Time to listen to happy music. Hey, I'm going to two Dead shows this summer. Hooray for that!

So who is going to Coventry anyway?

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dont worry about tickets. i got inside information(wook18, got his information direct from the high wook himself. ) that this is going to turn into the biggest free concert vermont has ever seen. let the ticketwanker holders in on the first day. then stroll in with the rest of the wook world when they rush the gates.

if you currently dont look like a wook. start your dreads today and dont change the clothes your got on till after conventry.

:: ::

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Hey, thatpatguy, there sure are a lot of threes in your profile...check out your last post...you registered on 03/03/03, and have 33 posts. And your avatar is a clover. Did you do that on purpose? You must feel lucky today!

OK well keep me up to date on that extra ticket, however I would need more than one.

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Hey, thatpatguy, there sure are a lot of threes in your profile...check out your last post...you registered on 03/03/03, and have 33 posts. And your avatar is a clover. Did you do that on purpose? You must feel lucky today!

OK well keep me up to date on that extra ticket, however I would need more than one.

whoah crazy.. totally didn't see that.. cool..

I'll let you know about the ticket situation.. but I would be surprised if a couple didn't come around for sure.. I'm figuring a lot of people bought tickets before the finalized plans just to ensure they got them and knowing full well they would be easy to unload if they had to (which is exactly what I did).

I'm totally looking forward to the show.. it will be my first though I've been big time into them since about 95

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at last year's IT festival on Sunday at 5PM, I strolled in, there were no security or gates people, so I caught day 2 of the festival, taking in 3 gorgeous sets... so I can vouch that they do have a tendancy to open things up after they've made their cash of the ticket holders and gate rushers.

Unfortunately I can't make conventry, I've got a wedding that weekend.. but I'll be there this Sunday --

Given'er.. sure glad I got these tickets!

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dont worry about tickets. i got inside information(wook18, got his information direct from the high wook himself. ) that this is going to turn into the biggest free concert vermont has ever seen. let the ticketwanker holders in on the first day. then stroll in with the rest of the wook world when they rush the gates.

if you currently dont look like a wook. start your dreads today and dont change the clothes your got on till after conventry.

:: ::

jesus... good thing I got the uniform down, nice to know I still don't need tickets for these kind of things!!!

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Its a little tougher, or less imposing when you're a good 24 hour plane ride away from the action. Somehow getting tickets for an August show in the U.S. wasn't first on my list of things to do while in Australia (not sure why jambands.ca is though... easier I guess, or might have to do with my exam tomorrow...)

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