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Guest Low Roller

Let's say I wanted to do my MBA degree to get out of my current job and find a better one.

On one hand, the company I work for says they would pay for it if I did it part-time. That would mean two more years doing a job I hate, but financial safety assured.

On the other hand, if I did a full-time MBA, I would go back to University and probably enjoy life a whole lot more, but all the money I saved up over the course of the last five years would be gone, as would my car, and all the things I've accumulated as well in order to pay for the degree.

Financial stability or happiness? What's more important?

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Thats soo tough I reckon....

You should go for financial security, but somehow work a year sabatical into the equation after you're done the MBA. Plus check out the deal, you may very well have to pay the employer back if you don't stay for a set period of time after completion.

I know how you feel though. I just finished my law degree, and had been making the choices for what looks now to be the wrong reason (putting stability over happiness), but then at the same time, I wasn't as happy as I like to think I was when I was broke. You dig?

I somehow romanticize about being a dirty hippy with no dough, but most of the time it sucked. Maybe not most, the highs were high, and the lows were low...

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If I may LR, if the money is sitting in your bank account then why not? I might propose otherwise if it would mean putting yourself into a sh!t load of debt because living in debt is no fun, but if you have the money, go for it! Remember, you can always make more money and get more material items. Happiness is of the utmost importance. What if you died in the next two years. Unhappy and with money in the bank?

I know how miserable your job makes you. You deserve better. Decisions to improve yourself are rarely regretted.

Just my $0.02. You gotta do what you gotta do. I'll love ya either way. :)

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Guest Low Roller

Mucho thanks for the advice folks. It's great to have a bunch of support from y'all as my brains slowly start leaking out of my ears due to stress.

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plus, like we talked about, you will probably have to sign a contract...and work at your current job for any number of years if they pay, they wont pay then let you leave, its like signing your soul to the devil.....fight the power....stop working for the man ;)

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