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Emergency Detox Information Needed


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So my sweet but dim brother has gotten himself into a pickle. He got baked a couple times last week only to find out that he is up for a promotion in 3 weeks once he passes a DRUG TEST of course. So he's freekin' out, he rarely smokes pot or anything and he doesn't know what to do so of course he calls me and I tell him to go into the GNC or whatever and just tell the guy straight up what you need it for and get something recommended and something that is %100 garunteed...Well he went to GNC and asked, and he got no help. I'm at the end of my knowledge never having to go through this ordeal myslef, I have no clue what to tell him.

I'm looking for suggestions, any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Help me help my bro maintian his status as the productive son and my status as the burnout. ::

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Either get Barrett to piss in a cup, or try this:

Get your bro to drink a TON of cranberry juice the day of the test. This might be an urban legend, but apparently, if you drink a shitload of cran juice, you test positive for everything, thus negating everything else.

Get my drift?

Googling might work.

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This is from my files on my computer that I had saved for no particular reason. It is from some message board... I didn't really take the time to read through it all.. I'll just post some of teh more informative-looking posts, separated by dashed lines. Umm, try to make sense of all this. Hope it helps.:


Worried citizen, Bottom line is NOTHING really "cleans out" your system except your natural metabolic processes over time. The faster your metabolism, the faster you will metabolize the THC and Cannabinoids--- When you metabolize those you wind up with is the metabolites or breakdown products of the THC and Cannabinoids. It is the metabolites, the breakdown products that the typical urinalysis looks for, not the THC or Cannabinoids, which breakdown relatively quickly.

While the metabolites are eliminated in urine, they don’t breakdown quickly and are also stored in fat. As you go about your day, you burn some fat and store some new fat. If you are still ingesting THC, then as you store new fat you are storing metabolites too. If you are not still ingesting, then you are steadily eliminating those metabolites as you "burn fat" and not adding anything new as you store it. Your overall levels of metabolites are dropping.

The metabolites and fat cells containing them are constantly circulating in your body. Circulating fat cells actually return to the intestines where they are broken down into fatty acids by the action of bile, which is produced by the liver. The metabolites are then released into the intestines and are resorbed into the blood stream and eventually find their way to the kidneys and then the bladder-- however, the concentrations in urine is very low-- drug tests are looking for 50 nanograms per liter (a nanogram is a billionth of a gram)

Increasing your rate of urination doesn’t hurt in accelerating the elimination of the metabolites but if you are not concurrently increasing the rate at which you are burning fat cells containing them, it really doesn’t do a lot of good. Far better would be to address the situation in your intestines; Taking lecithin, or fiber supplements for example would result in more circulating fat cells getting eliminating via the feces instead of being digested and resorbed.

Increasing your metabolic rate through exercise of your large muscle groups (esp. legs) is a valid strategy but be aware, it takes weeks of regular exercise along with a balanced low fat diet to have any affect on your metabolism. It does not change from storing to burning very quickly.

Don’t cut all fat out or go on a very low cal diet in order to burn what you already have-- the body doesn’t work that way unless you are truly starving. If you suddenly cut way back on food your body goes into "starvation mode" and will hold its fat stores instead of burning them (this is a relic evolutionary survival mechanism from a time when the human animal might not encounter food for extended periods).

Ironically, low activity and high caloric intake also triggers storage, for the same reason. Only vigorous exercise and a caloric intake roughly equal to or just less than what is burned on a daily basis will change your metabolism and make you a "better butter burner"

If you read fooling the bladder cops you discovered that there are essentially three effective strategies. Adulteration: adding something to the sample after you give it, Dilution: either before the sample is given by consuming excess liquids or after by adding water to the sample, and Substitution: using artificial or someone else's urine instead of your own.

Aspirin is kind of an ingested adulterant exception. For some reason aspirin interferes with the assay test (it is worthless for a GC/MS test) and causes a false NEGATIVE-- the labs do not seem to have overcome this and they don’t talk much about it because 1) they know guys like me watch them and are looking for weakness i their methods and 2) they dont want customers to think that the tests are easily beat. As soon as someone figures out how to overcome aspirin's effect, you can be sure they will be bragging about it. I tested the aspirin effect with home tests when I was VERY POSITIVE, it worked like a charm.

I've read study after study that reveals that virtually every over the counter product either does not work or works only because you consume so much liquid that essentially you are diluting the sample.

IMO Dilution with aspirin or substitution are the most effective means of beating the test with substitution being the most effective hands down.

The risks of dilution are that some labs look at the specific gravity and creatinine levels to determine if the sample is dilute. If your specific gravity and creatinine are too low, they will peg you as dilute--the best that can occur at that point is a retest with GC/MS and you cant beat that with anything but substitution.

When I dilute I take creatine supplements for as many days prior to the test as possible, and I dilute with salted Gatorade or pedialyte in order to try to keep the Creatinine level and Specific gravity as high as I can-- I have no idea if my creatinine or SG were ever checked but I figured it could not hurt to try to influence these two measures, I also take a lot of aspirin.

perhaps I am just better at BS detection than most- but I can usually recognize posts that claim that XYZ helped me pass when in fact the person does not have aclue why they passed. They may be truthful with respect to whether they passed or not but they dont know why-- and in fact plenty of posts could just be out and out infantile BS.

WC, you just need to keep reading a lot of posts and look for common themes in terms of the rationality and maturity of the poster and the method(s) used. Dilution, boosting Specific gravity, boosting creatinine levels by consuming creatine (and red meat) and aspirin seems to me to be most effective outside of substitution.

final note about creatinine: eating red meat a few days prior is a common but ineffective practice--creatinine increases very slowly and there is not much difference in the creatinine level between vegetarians and meat eaters, so you better be planning on eating ALOT over a period of weeks, not just a bit over a couple days. Creatine powder is actually a pretty effective source of creatinine-- that’s my suggestion--


Thanks you S2 for the non-BS post. I've been reading like crazy on the internet also and like WorriedCitizen, it's all very confusing and conflicting.

I too, see the theme being drinking liquid before the test and taking asprin.

I have one week clean and my test could be from any day now to 4 weeks from now. I'm 43 years old, 123lbs, not much body fat, never exercise, 5'5", regular user for years (2-4 of crappy stuff) a day.

I'm trying a new thing also. I'm taking questran. It's a bile acid sequestrant that's used for lowering cholesterol. It binds to bile in your intestines and makes it impossible to get reabsorbed back into your system. I've been taking this for a week and plan on taking it until the test.

My other plans are to use the gatorade you suggested. One small bottle before the test to make sure it's not too diluted and 4-5 asprin 3 hours before the test. I'm hoping all this works


regardless of the technique I use, I would always do dry runs with home tests to see if it works. the added salt (and yes I add it to pedialyte is to keep the specific gravity as high as possible. as you urinate during the period you are drinking the excess fluids you are eliminating your body salts thus lowering the SG of your urine over time, by adding salts and minerals you are replacing lost fuid with salt rich fluid in an attempt to keep the SG up. you could also chew a bunch of rolaids or tums to add calcium and magnesium--the excess will also add to the SG-- dont go crazy with it though, a calcium overdose can mess with your heart rate.

Carmen, drink no less than a quart-- agian, experiement with home tests until you are condfident in the right quantity

even with gatorade/pedialyte you want to take the multi or b vitamin to keep the color from becomeing too pale

If you search my posts here in the urine testing forums you wil find a couple where ipost the actual dilution aspirin regime that i have used when I have a chance I will locate one and add a link to my signature--no time right now.


I smoked the last couple of days so decided to try the water/aspirin regime with a home test. I took 4 aspirin and drank 5 - 8 oz. glasses of water. I took 2 more aspirin and drank 2 more glasses of water. Test results were negative- in fact I got the clearest test line with home testing so far. I do see tho why you would need to take some B complex when using this method as it does make your urine almost colorless. I have more home tests on order and plan to do another test where I will use the aspirin again but only drink about a quart of water. I will post the results of that test also, perhaps by the end of the week.


2 hours or 3 before your test, power guzzle 16 ounces of water...15 minutes later power guzzle another 16 and take 2 Vitimen B tablets (which will keep everything looking nicely yellow).

Pee frequently for next 2 hours and go take your test.

This is basically the same process that products like Test Pure and Zydot tell you to do, but the truth is, those products don't do sh!t. You might as be drinking Cool Aid. It's the water and Vitamin B pill that really do it.

Once you have flushed out your system for about 2 hours, there is very very little "toxic" material left.

I have passed several tests this way...sometimes the night after smoking plenty of sticky Icky. Good Luck.


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Here's some more crap to sift through:

Physical activity can increase your metabolic rate as much as two thousand percent! Nothing beats proper training taken to an extreme. A high calorie diet is the next best way to increase metabolism. Consuming mass quantities of high calorie food will increase metabolic rate by up to 10 percent. On the contrary, a malnutritious (light) diet could lower your metabolism by 10 percent. Speed (the drug) will also increase metabolism. Unfortunately, labs usually test for speed, and could get you into trouble. So exercise with intensity, and eat big.

Selective ion monitoring has been used to improve the GC/MS results. This procedure is the most costly, averaging approximately $200 per sample to test.\]

The GC/MS is typically used to confirm "positive" EMIT test results. GC/MS will indicate precisely what chemical is present. This is necessary because the EMIT will only indicate whether something similar to what's being tested was found. The GC/MS is difficult and more costly, which is why the EMIT is given first

2.7.2 Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique: The EMIT is the cheapest, easiest to perform, and most common; also the easiest to fail. It's the easiest to pass if you're well informed (ie. reading this text). Most pre-employment screens will give you the EMIT first; though some businesses will surprise you with a GC/MS test up front (discussed later). Unfortunately, there is no standard procedure to expect. (One who has read this file and is well informed may still fail because of the random nature of drug testing labs.) If you don't know which urinalysis will be administered, focus on beating the EMIT. If you pass the EMIT, you're off the hook. If you fail the EMIT, they'll give you the confirmation GC/MS test, which is extremely sensitive. Lewis Maltby, director of the Workplace Rights Office, said the EMIT test is wrong 25 to 30 percent of the time.

6.1.1 Water: Drink at least eight hefty glasses of fluid (preferably water) just prior to the test. Many people start drinking water several days before the test; which is useless. Water does *not* clean any THC metabolites out of your system because THC is not water soluble. Water only dilutes urine temporarily. Do not over do it; you can get water intoxication. People can actually overdose and even die from water intoxication. It's very hard to do, and you'll vomit before anything gets serious.

.1.2 Creatinine level: Eating red meat will boost creatinine levels. If you eat a lot of red meat for the 3 days prior to the test, your creatinine level will be normal, and the lab won't know that you've diluted your urine sample.

6.1.3 Vitamin B: Color your sample yellow by taking 50 to 100 milligrams of vitamin B. Many vitamins will work, but B-2 or B-12 (found in B-complex vitamins) are the most effective, though some will argue that vitamin C is better. This will also help if you plan to dope your sample (section 7). This does not guarantee that dilution will work. Diluted samples have been red-flagged when specific gravity and creatinine levels are tested and below normal. If you're taking vitamins at the last minute, check to see if they're time release. If so, crush it up and consume the powder. Coloring your urine isn't all that important because it's normal for people to have clear urine even when they don't consume much fluid.

6.2 Diuretics: Diuretics make people urinate frequently. Coffee, cranberry juice, beer, iced tea, herbal tea, and Pepsi are all good diuretics. Grapes are known to be very good diuretics. Diuretics without caffeine or alcohol are recommended because caffeine and alcohol have negative side effects. Cranberry juice is also the cheapest. Avoid salts. Herbal diuretics do better than home remedies like juices.

6.5 Fiber: A high fiber diet will help by redirecting fat soluble metabolites to the colon rather than bladder. "THC is eliminated primarily in the stool via bile acids. Both EMIT and RIA detect a secondary metabolite which is reabsorbed from the intestines. Thus a person with a high fiber diet will excrete a majority of THC [metabolites] in the stool" (anon1). A fiber-based laxitive will also help by binding bile-acids. Use caution. Fiber laxitives can alter one's bowel schedule and lead to dependancy.

6.7 How to give a clean sample: Don't give urine from your first urination of the day. It's the dirtiest, and can be heavily filled with metabolites. Urinate a couple of times before giving a test sample. Also, don't give the beginning or end of the stream. Piss in the toilet, then quickly stop and go in the cup. Stop, and shift back to the toilet for the last portion. Only give a midstream sample. Just be sure to give 60 cc's.

6.8 Exercise: Athletes have a big advantage over normal civilians. When fat is burned, THC byproducts are released into the blood. This is the only way to get THC metabolites out of lipid tissue. "Normal living will burn them slowly, as your fat reserves get turned over" (Dr. Grow). Due to an athletes high metabolic rate, THC moves through an athletes system significantly faster. Exercising between drug tests will clean THC metabolites from the system at a faster rate, thus lowering the detection period. It is important to stop burning fat cells near test time. On test day, it doesn't matter what's in your lipid tissue. What's in your blood and urine does matter. Exercise increases the amount of THC metabolites in the urine; so quit exercising a week before the test. Be lazy, and eat big. This will put the body in an anabolic fat-storing stage. At this point, the "buried" THC metabolites won't escape and go the the urine. There are drugs that will increase metabolism the way exercise does, but these are the same drugs that they are usually testing for. Exercise should only be considered when the subject knows that he or she will not be given a pop quiz in the near future.

7.1.1 Aspirin: According to Jeff Nightbyrd, there is testing industry data that taking 4 aspirins a few hours prior to the test might help you. ". . . aspirin interferes with the Syvia [sic] EMIT assay. It seems that aspirin absorbs at the same wavelength that NAD does which is how it interferes with the assay" (Clin Chem 34 (90) 602-606). Two reliable sources have tested aspirin and found it to interfere with the EMIT. In the future they will try to find a way to circumvent this test flaw. Until then, I certainly recommend taking advantage of the situation and using aspirin.

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Guest Low Roller

He should do what all our brave Olympic athletes do: have a small plastic IV bladder of clean urine taped to the inside of his thigh, with a small tube to "pee" out of.

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