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top 10-- come together review...


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1. That (guess-stimating) around 500+ people did Come together at Izzy's and partyed their asses off with complete reckless abandon, and (correct me if I am wrong) but no one got seriously hurt or ill, (except for Schwa's dislocated finger from swinging on the rope) nor was anyone kicked out or arrested over the entire weekend.- at this point, I give thanks to all of the workers at Izzy's that allowed us freedom, but, made sure everyone fELTt safe and secure in this particular environment.

2. That after 500+ or so individuals had come together and left, after three days of non-stop--and I mean non-stop---as in no recess, no break, no pause from total reckless partying abandonment, the park itself was left for the most part---clean. Kudos to those who left last, for example, at our campsite-- Schwa, Vixen, Marie---the ones that cleaned up evrything that was left behind at the site.

3. That Thursday July 1

9 p.m. Burt Neilson Band

midnight Mark Wilson & The Way It Is

Friday July 2

4:00 - 5:30 Contact

6:00 - 7:30 Mr. Something Something

8:00 - 9:30 Stephen Franke & Noises from the Toolshed

10:00 - 11:30 Fat Cats

midnight - ??? Raisinhill

Saturday July 3

1:00 - 2:00 Turvey/Berkley/Bastian/Lafoucade

2:30 - 3:30 The Riderless

4:00 - 5:00 Grassy Knoll & The Magic Bullit

5:30 - 7:00 Guesthouse

8:00 - 9:30 nero

10:00 - 11:30 The Zen Tricksters

midnight - ??? The Wassabi Collective

That all of these bands decided it would be a cool thing to make room in their busy schedules to come together in Waterford for the enjoyment of 500+ heady admirers. Kudos and thanks to all of the bands---- fu©king top shelf performances!!!

4. That outside of the artists on the stage, that 500+ or so, inspiring musicians, writers, photographers, painters, crafts/persons, dancers, and those that like to express themselves in one form of or another, decided to take time out of their busy schedules to come together at Izzys to show their appreciation of the most talented and creative music scene going, and share their expressions in one way or another with those in attendance--- fu©king wow-sy wow-wow.

5. That Princess has taken the time and effort to collect the most interesting and diverse of collections of prom dresses on planet earth and share all of them with her friends--- and kudos to the giv'er gang for coming together and dressing up in these priceless party attires and gettin' down the tirelessly rehearsed out of this world dance steps for all of our entertainment... and this gratitude expands to the robot dance-- and Kung--and the guy in the furry pants costume...

6. That old friends that have not seen each other for some time due to one circumstance or another-- that they were able to come together over the holiday weekend and make the day of someone by JUST BEING THERE. (That's the essence--no?)

7. That even when the music stopped--- that many of the musicians there, both in the bands performing and those who were not did come together at the campsites and jammed some sick drum circles and ecoustic sets for the entertainment of those who ignored sleep and rest--you know who you are you crazy bastards---- a special kudos to Mark Wilson who missed out on perfroming on thursday night-- but jammed on an axe at around 6-7 am sunday morning for the enjoyment of many. :: :: ::

8. That on the way into the come together music festival, I listened to the Grateful Dead 5/8/77-- Cornell, the last song I listened to on the way in (actually listened to it twice in sucession) under the light of the full moon---the song was Morning Dew... I secretly wanted to stick that in a cd player all weekend, but didn't get up the nerve to ask-- and having Zen Tricksters pull it out in their last set, followed up by One More Saturday Night-- which for those that are familiar with the Cornell show-- that song follows Morning Dew as well--- this moment blew my mind--- needed some extra dance floor space to get down to that one!!! :: ::---(love it when that sh!t happens)

9. To Mark Wilson---who worked tirelessly for all of this to take place... For example, the sound on thursday night had a major buzzing issue, that the Burt Nielson Band overcame--- man what a show of improvisation!!! Well, Mark had to sacrifice his own show to change the wiring and remove the problems of thursday night before friday--- no giving up in that guy!!! Big Fuckin Thanks-- Mark! ::

10. And last but not least, I had a personal moment that put everything in perspective on the weekend... no, it was not when I was talkiin jibberash to Marie, Bear, or anyone else on friday, no it was not when I passed out on the lawn and decided to remove my cast--- before tripping out and talking more jibberish to whomever I was in contact with--- no, this moment came on saturday night as I was dancing under the tree--- and I witnessed one of my best friends from home whom I have known for 17 years, and I have worked with, travelled with, done everything besides getting physically intimate with (hehe) go up to Ian---aka Thognor-- and introduce himself and start talking... You see, as I attempted to immediately articulate to Mudd in jibberish following my wonderful thought, I witnessed the coming together of two worlds, kind of like the league of justice and the bizarro league of justice... you see, I first arrived on the jamband.ca scene some 7 months ago... I created an alter ego that was a reflection of myself, I performed with frequence-- my thoughts, opinions, ridiculousness, and concerns to a bunch of complete strangers... Over the last 7 months, this alter ego became a part of my essence, as i was welcomed into a wonderful loving community of friendly strangers... and on saturday night, someone that has let me stick around in their world for far too long---hehe. crossed worlds, and all of the sudden I realized what qualities I look for in my friends... that my friends is what the come together music festival is all about...


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such an amazing weekend. it was so cool meeting all of you fine folk & being around you guys is just awesome.

everyone is so nice, thoughtful & generous, it's such a nice change from the people that i have to deal with everyday.

my favourite part was spending 6 hours at the simcoe general hospital with simone & schwa....heh heh heh...but i guess that's what you get for not being drunk at 2pm, right? haha

the bands were all incredible, & to all the drummers who participated in any of the circles> you guys amaze me.

thanks to all of you who jammed it out at our wonderful little commune till the wee hours of the morning almost every night. truly amazing.

and to all of those who missed our morning swim with marie in her prom dress, well, you guys really missed out. absolute hilarity.

every time i leave a function that my sister has taken me to, i say, "man, i wanna hang out with these people all the time"....you guys are awesome & thanks for the amazing weekend!!

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nice words, #2, you summed it up well...

i had a weekend that was really amazing on all fronts.. the weather, the music and the company of great friends old & new, all perfect. big thanks to mike F & stephen F for making the best of the sound situation thursday night, nothing like acoustic guitars and singing around a campfire under the stars in the summertime. it was a real treat.

i could go on for days i think.. highlights were definitely the impromptu fire singing mentioned above, nero, shakey playing with wasabi, and best of all getting to spend three days being goofy with a whole bunch of wicked people. oh - and musn't forget - the return of ROBOXY!!!!!! hahahaha...

anyway at the risk of being redundant, thanks to everyone who made it all happen, these are the days. ::

PS it was great to meet you melissa! hope you come out more often ;)

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what a great weekend. these are the days indeed.

for those interested - zen tricksters list:

Sleepwalking> China Cat Sunflower> I Know You Rider, All Night Long Blues, Shine Your Light,

Cats Under the Stars, Last Ten Years> Jam> Light of Life> Sleepwalking (reprise)> The Other One>

Morning Dew> One More Saturday Night*

E: The Golden Road

*with dude from caution jam

and holy freak was that ever a wicked other one>morning dew. i thought the sat night was a weak end to the set - not as tight as the jam that took em into it - but the crowd seemed to disagree and really got their dance on. golden road was a sweet way to end it. wished they coulda gone on all night :(

i thought the stephen franke &asdjnhskf was great too ::

was anybody taping the frankenfreak or the tricksters shows??? i'd like to get in on that.

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i had another great time as well...

i REALLY wish we could have seen the Thursday night jam with Stephen F and Mike F. WOuld have been my hilight for sure!

but instead my hilight was indeed Stephen Franke....by far my favorite musical act.

I was somewhat disappointed with the Tricksters, i really couldn't see what was setting them above the average dead cover band.

The Other One > Dew was great, but it really showed that they are just that, a cover band.

nero was fun, as was Wassabi. fatties rocked, but they always seem to rock!

Weather was so much better this time...which made for a much dryer weekend.

I"m bringing my boat Labour Day, so i'll be checking out the music while fishing infront of the stage...

Oh, i also really enjoyed Guesthouse.

Can't wait to see Franke again!


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This festival gets better everytime... I am always sad to leave, always wanting more.

The unescabable warmth was everywhere... beautiful people, beautiful area, and of course beautiful music. I just wanted to hug everyone.

Thank you to all for making my temporary escape from reality an intoxicating experience. There is nothing I like more than transmogrifying into my alter-ego and letting loose... and thanks to the plethora of drummers for allowing me into those diabolic drum circles even though I am very new at drumming.

I am looking forward to the Labour Day weekend... would not miss it for the world... and if there are any other festivals around before then... let me know.


Kevin (a.k.a. Paan)

P.S. Man, my hands and body are so sore from all the drumming and dancing... but it hurts gooooood....

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and if there are any other festivals around before then... let me know.


Kevin (a.k.a. Paan)

If you cant wait until Labor Day, remember there is the Lose Yer Shoes Festival coming up in August. Caution Jam, Fat Cats, Diesel Dog among some of the bands playing.

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i had a blast all weekend. highlites include:

  • the acoustic guitar jam
  • newrider in a green dress
  • bocce
  • lambchops and other goodies..
  • time spent with friends
  • smoking bowls all night waitng for the moon to 'go in the hole'
  • stephen franke, mr. something something.. my two fave acts from the w/end
  • swimming in the lake
  • schwa's t-shirt

truthfully, im forgetting a whole lot here, too much fun stuff to recall or to write about. sorry for anyone who missed it. big thanks to MARK WILSON! he's doing alright, he's on his trip and he's the man!

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super sweet times for sure

campfire jams were a definate highlight, beautiful

totally enjoyed pretty much all the tunes (including The Zen Tricksters who I pretty much expected to be a Dead cover band, I thought they played amazingly.... the one dude is almost scarily Jerry-like... got a kick out of the "One More Saturday Night")

awesome kicking around with such a great gathering, so many smilin faces... couldn't have asked for better weather to boot... sleeping in a canoe saturday morning with the waves gently rocking was damn sweet


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Wow----> golly-oh-gee-bee-gosh!!!!!

Here are 10 of my favourite memories amongst all

1 000 000 x 10 to the exponential 9 999 999 999.824 ...

1. Swimming in my peach and shiny ball gown.

2. Dance practice -- with Becky, Missy, Simone and Meagan

(and Becky--> the best dance teacher ever!! )

3. Those long toes!!

4. Trying to shoot marshmellow's into Chase's Mouth....and getting a marshmellow into his mouth after 987 324 120 shots.

5. Friends...old and new.....by the way....we can party at my mum's house before and after Mark Tonin's bday party this friday...if there's nothing else going on!!!! --> I can't wait to see everyone again..i'm already going through withdrawal from you all!!

6. Chatting with the Lady's (Meagan & Simone) on our hike --> completely wasted and soo jealous of Simone's athletic short shorts.......hey...can i borrow them some time??

7. Doggy Paddle Races...actually....seeing Kyper's doggie paddle was pretty freakin' funny!!

8. Mr. Something Something, Fat Cats and Wassabi....my favourite acts!

9. Craig and Schwaaa finding more creative ways to drink beer!!


9.5 Beer and other things.....getting silly....:-)

9.75 Having completely caked on muddy-brown-gucky feet.

10. Partying with some of the best people that I have ever met, that I hope to get to know even better, that I hope to keep in touch with for always and forever...... our campsite...the dumming circles.....Eden (so adorable)... and the fact that Chase has a mullet!

Thanks guys for a great weekend!

Love you all.


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I only saw the Saturday night and really can't imagine how you all made it through the whole weekend. Of course within being there for two hours I was more than well caught up with the folks who'd been there for days. Apparently kung didn't get the memo that he's dead. This was about the time that I began my municipal run for Mayor of Mootown in the 4th and 5th dimension and my provincial bid for PMPP (Psychedelic Member of Provincial Parliament) in the 6th, 7th and 8th dimension. Don't ask where on god's green earth I come up with this sh!t. Apparently some random guy has an hour or so of me talking ass during the dark night of the soul. Also heard that Lauzon took sh!t from Izzy who thought he was me, or guilt by association, for being that drunk ass with the gun! Thought Wilson was going to hoof me at a few points. Trust me when I say that the irony of being the biggest freak at the mother of all freakshows is not lost on me (to quote someone 'this guys crazier than Bobby Jones'). Not sure how I feel about all of that. As usual I'm sort of or really embarassed about my behaviour but at the same time they shouldn't even call these things festivals just Drug Bashes. Pots, kettles, blackness. Feel like I took a few more years off my life and am really wanting to actually take the major step back from this scene I have been threatening for awhile. Oh and the music was good too especially that nero tune.

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I can't believe it's not sugar...Megs!

What a great time!

One night only! :( but I gave it all I could for the one night. :)

There were times early on I thought about passing out or napping but I said to myself...I'm here only one night. It's time to GIVER!

And giver I did.

What wonderful weather, music, people, vibe, srooms ;)

Can't wait for the next one. I'll make sure I'm there for the whole weekend this time.

I'm still in awe of this weekend.

What fun!


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WOW, what an awesome time! First a big THANK YOU to everyone's kindness and generousity throughout the weekend. Thanks questcequecest? for the ride down to the party, thanks to Canned Beats and Fairy Sari for the bouncy ride home!

My highlights were the Fat Cats, Mr. Something Something, Contact, Turvey/Berkley/Bastian/Lafoucade (who I heard were changing their name to "Kathleen Turner Overdrive"), Zen Tricksters and Wassabi. Had a blast with the give'r girls prom dressin' it up! Mike from BNB late night acoustic show Thursday night. Swimming in Lake Izzy and not sleeping for 3 days.

Bring on the pictures!

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ok in top ten format let's see what i got

10. the great vibe at izzy's - great staff, beautiful site, and no hassles or trouble start to finish. in fact, having a couple of izzy's staff come hang out and smoke me a joint :)

9. bocce

8. the lake - gorgeous water and perfect listenin location

7. the freaks!!!! oh how i love to do my own thing and feel like i belong ::

6. the faces! so many great people --we need to gather for at least a week next time so there's a chance to spend more time with everyone! old friends and new, this was a great collection of people.

5. the moon, clear starry night skies and beautiful sunny daze. couldn't have asked for better conditions.

4. the bands. highlights - mr somnsomn, fatcats, franke'nfriends, tricksters... bnb did a sweet terrapin before having to shut er down for the night

3. that the come together weekend started on thursday. every weekend should be four days long.

2. music in nature - does it get any better??? drum circles, campfire jams, rockin electric sets on stage.... heaven i say. absolutely.

1.5 people gettin their groove on

1. that so many people came together with such positive energy, created some magic, and then returned to infiltrate themasses. good people rock. let's make the world a better place.

other gems:

schwa's shirt!!!

contact explaining what genre of music they play in between songs.

aaron in a lovely emerald green evening gown. (that really is your colour, brah)

more heady vegans than i knew existed in ontario!

oh the fungus.

the über-fromage of wassabi


cheers, til next time!

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Unbelievable band line-up - Fat Cats CAME TO PLAY!!, Stephen Franke, Mr. Something Something - love the afro

beats, BNB - Terrapin Station!!

Thursday Night campfire jam - very nice, cheers to all who participated

Our wonderful neighbours - awesome crew, go giver gang!

Lots of familiar, lots of new faces - great conversations with both

Being able to dodge most marshmellow shots

Bocce with the neighbours - although i'm sure Marie was cheating!!

Phantastic weather - especially the delightful breeze through the van during 'battery recharge' time

Having Elaine and little Eden with their smiles, love and kindness join us for the weekend, cheers

Being able to record just about all the bands - the shows sound amazing!!!

Morning swims, afternnon swims, evening swims

Number 2's stories about his Friday night adventures - hmm, they don't taste too good, but man what a trip!!

To staff at Izzy's who provided such a friendly and kind environment for the festival

Finally, Mark Wilson - for bringing it, cheers. Thursday night was such an unbelivably frustrating struggle with sound, thanks for doing all you could, getting BNB on, having to strip the entire sound system and start from scratch, getting it all sorted out and providing great sound for the bands. Like you said Mark, '1 man doing the job of 3.' - cheers to you.


Not beating the red team in bocce - but green's day will come!!

Missing Marie swimming in her peach prom dress

Not taping Guesthouse!! - wanted that Trenchtown Rock

Saying, 'see you next festival' to alot of people, then looking at the calender. that's like 60 more sleeps!!! :(

Geat time as always - really looking forward to hooking up again this weekend for Mark's birthday. This is the giver gangs home turf, isn't it? ::

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thank you number 2 for gettin' the ball rolling!

hmm.. what can i say that hasnt already been said... i'll try a different format to keep my thoughts organized...

thursday: despite the sound problems, BNB played their asses off from the getgo, and a HUGE THANK YOU to Mike Filipowitsch for treating all us folk down in "the village"

to a great nite of acoustic camp fire jamming... guested by stephen franke, steve murphy, and if memory serves correctly, mark tonin! thanks to you cats, too, easily made my weekend! Had some great personal moments chillin by the lake on my own, trippin balls on some great shroomies right after BNB... around the fire shared tons of laughs with great folks, and thats what its all about..

Friday - fu©k, is it ever hard to stay sober at these things! i pulled it off though.. had to.. Contact was great as usual, Stephen Franke and Noises From the Toolshed were a huge surprise hit for me, really glad i caught them, the Fat Cats put on probably the best show i have ever seen them do, it was rock and roll, it was danceable, it was what it should have been... i KNEW they were comin with Shakedown to finish it off... and then RAISINHILL!!!!!! man, yeah, i SERIOUSLY dug those guys... great night of tunes, had to leave after that.

Saturday - "maybe you had too much too fast" - definately.

and luke, as long as you got your creamy democratic pudding, full of flavour and rich in textured togetherness, you'll be alright.

thanks for the great weekend, folks.

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hey everybody!...it's vixen not schwaaa- i can't remember my freakin password!!

anyhoosy, this weekend rocked, of course! i am very new to this seen and i'm loving every bit of it, especially the people- i love you all! o.k., enough with this cheesiness and on to the top 10 hits: ( no numbering as it is too logical for me)

*i know it is redundant, but the people are one of a kind- met so many new faces and caught up with so many old ones! being with you guys makes me want to be more like myself!

*that i can be my crazy self and no one even glances

*falling asleep on the point on thurs night with a certain someone with a big-ass afro and the o.k. tree

*bare foot dancing to wicked music - highlights: fat cats, raisin hill, bnb and acoustic jams around the campfire

*cheesy boy band moves with the dance troup- girls, i thought we'd split up by the end of sat, but we pulled together and found our inner strength adn put on one great show ( at least i'd like to think so!)

*lady chatting while speed walking while high on mushrooms and posing as a crazy-workout mama ( at least we got one hour on the hike and then one hour swimming and another four hours on teh dance floor- a little shy of my normal routine, but not bad for a party weekend i guess! approx. 38 569 987 kilocals)

* hanging out at the emerge room all day on sat adn having a threesome with one of the nurses and schwaa and then meeting up with wasabi and partying with them in simco

* the fu©king wicked drumming session that sucked you in so you had to stay until it was done( kenny- you rock!)

* rope swinging

*deep orange moons set in crimson rippling on the black expanse of water

*mmmmm...yummy cacktails

*my beep beep mmm beep beep mmm birthday celebration present ( especially the giver gang sluts- guys, you really have to lighten up a little)

* and last of all ....ROBOXY #2!

thanks for the great weekend- it was the first party weekend i let myself have since graduating and it was great. can't wait to get to know everybody better!

hopefully see some of you crazy folk at 'The Lancaster Tavern' on Lancaster road!

luv vixen

beep beep mmm beep beep mmm yeah!!!

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ok, now that i've let the vixen have her turn let me try and type this shyte with a screwed up finger.

i can't even begin to describe this weekend. For those of you who have been to a number of these like myself, the rant almost sounds like a repeat over and over, but thats the point isn't it? 'I had such a great time, i met sooo many great people...' i myself don't get tired of it and never will. so kudos to all, you know who you are and i love you all.

memories of this years CTMF:

- this is out of chronological order but it was the highlight of my weekend for sure. Becky, Simone, Meagan, Marie and Missy, my birthday dance was so AWESOME!!!!!!! i was dancing my but off in the front of the stage to nero when out of nowhere comes the Vixen and drags me right out of there. i first thought something was wrong because of the urgency but then she just says 'ok, just stand there, this is your birthday present' they proceeded to pull of this number that made me melt. So much thought and effort for little ole me. I was so touched ladies, thank you.....and the giant hug after you were done made me look like the coolest pimp at CTMF ;)

- bnb, playing down with the sound ( i f'n love that song )

- the Stephen F and Mike F performance back at our site, one of the highlights of my whole weekend

- as mentioned above, one of the most romantic nights i've ever had, sleeping on the point and watching one of the most beatiful "moon-sets" i've ever witnessed with one incredibly special person xoxo

- going to the rope swing and coming back with one very gruesome finger. MISSY!!! In case anyone didn't know, this kind soul drove me into town (i was too drunk to drive at 3pm) and then waited for no less than 5 hours while i waited in the worst hospital i've ever seen. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 5 feet of fury, i won't ever forget your kindness!!!!

- the best neighbours anyone could ask for, keep on rockin St. Catherines!

- coming back to the campground and getting 'speed primed' for the Fatties who were, in my opinion the hit of the weekend. Great job fellas, you stole the show for me, best fatties set EVER!

- being able to give everyone the finger when i got back, even if i did like them.

- THE LOOK ON NEW RIDER'S FACE WHEN HE SAW THE SHIRT WITH HIS PIC ON IT. that sucker was a hit and there will definitly be more in the future (5 bucks a pop people)

- The toast to one of the most missed figures of the weekend, mr. backbacon. We had a huge toast to you brother, you were very missed.

- my surprise at how much i like Raisinhill

- Earthfreak firing up a nice big PR for me while i was panting in pain from the whole finger thing. THANK YOU!!

- Zeddy trying to pull my finger back into place and then actuall thinking that i was mad at him. I could never be mad at you bro, and it made for a story that i'm sure neither of us will forget for some time to come

- Mudd's pics of the finger. i know i'm beating this horse here but man that is one fugged up pic!

- nero. you guys fuckin rock. I mentioned to the PEI Punk while we were boogie'n that it was wicked to actually party with him, Jay and Dave in the audience for once. Kudos boys. Gentle monkey, fatty hugs all around!

wow, that's a lot of stuff.

And last and certainly not least...the Giver Gang/Chatham crew. You've probably heard me say this before but i have been blessed with two groups of friends to die for. you guys are amazing souls and i am certain i will die still knowing all of you. Here's to Blair and Christie's wedding in two weeks, HOORAY! I have had the pleasure of sitting back and watching these two amazing groups of people become incredible friends and it fills my heart with joy to be smack dab in the middle of it all. i am truly blessed.

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ahhhhhhhhhh, nothing says campin' like a trunk full of prom dresses.... heeheehee!

so top 10, eh? well, PalacePrincess' Picks (in no particular order):

- the prom! particularly our prom queen, newrider -- dahling, that green number was just dashing on you! i am still laughing at aaron coming up to me the next day, trying to arrange & settle exactly what time that day's prom would begin. ahhahaha, you rule, aaron. overall though, i was very pleased with the positive reception the gowns received ALL weekend long. huge high fives to all prom participants, i am SO happy you enjoyed the gowns and got right in there with 'em! also, thanks to jonas & newrider for adding accessories to the *five feet of fury*'s pirate prom attire, and vixen & sweetmarie, your own gown contributions were hugely wonderful and really added to the prommy fun. marie, i am positively crushed that i missed your prom dress swim!!!!! and sugarmegs, you SO have dibs on the toothpaste green number from now on!

- speaking of the *five feet of fury*, oh darling sister of mine, thank you soooooooooo much for taking care of my drunkass ghetto gangsta prom self on thursday night. ah, you, me & bushie, how fun. i also really appreciate your help in transforming my ghetto prom dress into a ghetto tutu. oh and if i did anything to offend anyone on thursday, that my super drunk ass does not remember, big apologies! also missy, thanks for putting up with my tantrum on the way home! i'm so glad you came this weekend & are now back on the board. i hope you will join us on friday for mark tonin's birthday.

- instagator's wonderful toast to keri kennedy! also, overhearing schwa the next afternoon saying "wow, great keri toast last night". it's pretty awesome when the most popular boy at camp isn't even there. i got to hear lots of wonderful backbacon stories all weekend long & i had people coming up to me allllll weekend whining about him not being there. the "spacey keri" shirt was also a hit, it was fun having a pack of girls come rushing up to kiss him (& well, me underneath! teehee). of course, sick of hearing about how awesome this keri kennedy guy is all weekend long, and supremely jealous because she hasn't met him yet, the *five feet of fury* delivered a big punch to spacey keri (uh, thanks, missy, i was underneath that picture you know! haha), but that's just her own personal flave & part of the many reasons why i love her. haha.

- to my darling, wonderful give'r goddess dance troupe, you guys are FANTASTIC dancers, and it was my supreme pleasure and a downright honour in leading you all in schwa's birthday number. you ladies are model students and you picked up the moves with lightning speed! sorry vixen, etc., if missy & i scared you with our sisterly squabbling over the exact timing of the boyband moves portion of the routine, but we all pulled together & made it a smashing success! we will definitely have to bring that sucker out another time soon for sure, and schwa, i am soooooooo happy you enjoyed it.

- getting to meet & hang out with earthfreak! you rule lady, and i am very excited to see you again. i am glad you were there for our swim (aka the give'r bikini splash fight! another highlight in its own, really :: ), you & vixen really inspired marie & i to overcome our fear that if we went more the 5' away from where we could still stand, we would drown. heehee.

- the darling & wonderful & superfun miss meggo!!!!!!! i had *SOOOOOOOOO* much fun with you ALLLLLLLLL weekend long, i was absolutely ecstatic you were there! i particularly enjoyed our princess beauty spa swim (mmmmwaaa!!!! thank you SO much for that! your travelling beauty parlour was my favourite part of the weekend), and of course, our romantic ice cream date. heehee, good times.

- mark tonin winning contact's dance contest because he was givin'er throughout their entire set! you rule mark, you earned that prize & you made us all proud!

- it's been said before, & i'll say it again... ROBOXY V.2.0! instagator, you did a FANTASTIC job. kudos on the revolving head & faces to choose from. beer drinking roboxy was a definite highlight.

- blair & the lovely miss mudd's clothing giveaway! you totally saved me a trip to the dooblavay, and i am so happy to say everything fits! thanks guys, you ROCK, and i am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy you made it this weekend! OH, and while i'm givin' props to blair & mud, other babsy muddlecock highlights include: seeing blair take benson out for a float on the raft, and having someone come up to me on the dance floor and say "look at those two! that's like the most in-love couple i've ever seen!", while watching the future mr. & mrs. dance the night away. awwwwwww.... how very true! you guys are what happily ever afters are made of. :D

- having some guy invite me back to my own campsite! hahahahah

guy on dancefloor: "you should come back to the fire after, it's really great there, blah, blah"

me: "oh yeah? which fire is that?"

guy: starts to explain, & is then interrupted by his friend: "dude, she lives there. that's HER campsite"

hahahahahhahaha -- so, in other words, huge props to misspink & instagator for getting there super early & setting up our AWESOME tarp city, to brian smart for keeping that fire a-raging, & to the best ctmf neighbours ever, the st. kitts crew, for once again popping your van city up beside our give'ropolis!

- seeing gentlemonkey drag an unwilling member of contact up to the stage during wassabi's set & basically pushing him onstage. jay, you fricken crack me up buddy. way to go though, that TOTALLY added to their set!!!!!!

and speaking of nero-ness, fun set boys! velvet, i'm SO glad you finally got your ass down, although what the hell, y'all totally disappeared after nero. can i say pei siss? heehee!

okay, i'm past 10 now, so i'll shut the hell up, but i have to say, another highlight was seeing a number 2 sans cast & finding out he removed it himself while in mighty mouse mode.... only to see it back ON the next day when he sobered up. heeheehee.

so thanks again to mark wilson for arranging another fantastic festival, thanks to all the awesome people who made it that much more fun, and to the fu©ckers who decided to steal all my beer on saturday night, may karma bite you firmly in the ass. ::




oh and p.s., vixen.... can i just say i almost peed my pants when i read "cacktails"....heeheehee! i love you lady! i am so happy we are dating!

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