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Moses Mayes... meh...


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So me Alexis and FairySari showed up just before setbreak. Meh... Not that it was bad per se, just not sick or a "must see show". The DJ was definately sub-par, in my opinion, and the music was generic lounge fodder... Definately more suited to a heady Hamilton crowd than the snooty Toronto crowd I had the unfortunate pleasure of hanging out with tonight. Plus, showing up that late and getting the "sweet deal" of paying $5 for half of a $6 show didn't sit that well, especially when the crowd was so small... No love for Moses Mayes here, although I might be conviced to see them in a better town on a night other than Tuesday. While I set my expectations low for this show, those expectations still weren't met. Oh well, I guess it beat sitting at home doing nothing (barely)...

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picky picky picky...

glad you get swayed by the crowd's vibe. Jay - i can't wait to party with you again. we'll hit it up and get you to forget about all those toronto hipster dorks.

hope you had fun...don't forget to realize that not all bands are like the slip...sometimes it's just time for a good time and not the time of your life.

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Plus, showing up that late and getting the "sweet deal" of paying $5 for half of a $6 show didn't sit that well, especially when the crowd was so small...

fu©k dude, these 6 guys are coming from half way across Canada trying to make a few bucks entertaining you and you're pissed for having to pay 5 bucks, give your head a shake.

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Ouch, I'm a subpar DJ, that one hurts...lol..i do what i can for the band and try and not be so flashy or 'crazy' on the decks, just adding my two cents to a big sound - sorry i was no kidkoala. alsom sorry you didnt like the show, i thought we played pretty good considering, hopefully we can impress the next time. hopefully they'll be a more up for it crowd and you can help them start dancing?

LOL, to each there worn right?

but thanks to those who came out and see you next time we swing through...



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Plus, showing up that late and getting the "sweet deal" of paying $5 for half of a $6 show didn't sit that well, especially when the crowd was so small...

fu©k dude, these 6 guys are coming from half way across Canada trying to make a few bucks entertaining you and you're pissed for having to pay 5 bucks, give your head a shake.

Well, we showed up 1 song before setbreak, only to be told we were getting a "sweet deal" for $5... I was expecting to, and gladly would have paid the $6 cover that was advertised. I just laugh that a sweet deal to some people is $1 off for half a show. A sparsely attended show at that. I know of other bars/promoters who will cut a better deal than that just to get you inside and fill the place up. A packed bar looks a lot more fun than an empty one, and might drum up a few more customers... Plus, most bands I know would rather play to somebody rather than nobody. I saw people show up after the second set started, only to be offered a similiar deal, who turned around and walked away. Hey, I went out and paid my cover, and did my best to support a band I didn't really enjoy. I gave an honest review, and the "sweet deal" comment had nothing to do with trying to short change an obviously struggling group of musicians. More of a dollars versus entertainment value comment.

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Ouch, I'm a subpar DJ, that one hurts...lol..i do what i can for the band and try and not be so flashy or 'crazy' on the decks, just adding my two cents to a big sound

Sorry, I didn't mean you in particular, just DJs with bands in general... It always comes off as sub-par in relation to the music (other than maybe DJ Logic, when he's having a great day). I'm a fan of DJs, but I didn't see a whole lot being done last night. Remember, I said I'd see Moses Mayes again in a different setting... I think a more upbeat crowd might have pumped up the band a little bit, and given the DJ a little more to work with. I was pretty drunk when I wrote my review, so I didn't take the extra time to word everything as carefully as I should have...

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I thought the show last night was pretty good. I was ridiculously tired though, and couldn't really bring myself to dance, and didn't really stay very long either. I think the need to sit and watch (as opposed to dancing) was at least in part because of the venue - I don't really like seeing shows downstairs at the el mo, too many tables, and people just sitting around. Upstairs may not be as "nice" but i think its more conducive to high energy dancy type shows (maybe it's just the dance studio vibe...)

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I had a great time...

I thought it was a great show! Tight as nails Band, with lots of great tunes. I was very impressed with the DJ myself. I thought the effects and samples he chose were really cool and added a whole lot to the vibe of the night because you could tell he was having a good time. The Horn Players were deadly, as was the bass player and keyboardist... My only wish was more guitar solos (being a guitar player and all).

I thought the crowd was pretty interesting, I don't think that there were too many people there who knew eachother, so it was a bunch of small groups. Other than "the dancin' guy" no one really gave'er on dance floor, instead dancers were spread out all over the room mostly near the back... so the dancing vibe wasn't really "there"

I'm sorry Del, that deal wasn't as sweet as you hoped. I can't help but think that unless you are a fan of DJ music, you can't really get what MM is doing, they've really been able to caputre that Acid Jazz/House Studio sound live, layering all these instruments is a very tasteful way. Hopefully they will come back soon.

thanks to all that showed! And I loved the Herbie Handcock encore! What a deadly rendition..! Thanks to Moses Mayes for commin' out.


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I'm sorry Del, that deal wasn't as sweet as you hoped. I can't help but think that unless you are a fan of DJ music, you can't really get what MM is doing, they've really been able to caputre that Acid Jazz/House Studio sound live, layering all these instruments is a very tasteful way.

Dude, I'm a huge fan of DJ music... Been listening to rap and techno DJs for years... Not a fan of lounge music per se... I said I'd see them with a different crowd (ie. NOT in Toronto). As for the deal, not a slag on you, just I've seen it done differently (and better, in my opinion) than what occurred last night. Call it "food for thought", if you want...

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