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::FAT CATS:: Pepperjack Cafe, Hamilton Fri. Aug 20


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i dunno, i tend to agree with jazz here... we've all seen the fatties a billion times, and that's cool... that's cool... but, its a treat when a west coast band comes our way, we should give it up for 'em... especially a band of the calibre of Blue Quarter.

regardless of which band is better, or in what style, cover or not, thats all just a matter of opinion.

just my spare change..

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neurons tickled, party has been raged! ::

awesome crowd

was really a treat seeing Blue Quarter again.. super stuff outta those guys... the order could've gone either way looking back on it, certainly was enjoyed though... the cats tore it up... was really like seeing two seperate shows on the same night

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Rachael and I came late and unfortunately had to miss Blue Quarter because I had to attend a Stag and Doe for a ol' high school friend who is also a coworker.

I'm still glad I came late as the Fat Cats were amazing last night. I think it had something to do with the fact that this was the best and biggest crowd I've seen out at PJC since the Cats played with the Burt Neilson Band for Halloween last year.

Great job Fat Cats and Ken too.

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I for one loved the order of the way things went down last night. Blue Quarter ripped it up and then the Fat Cats shredded. For me and a few other people, we never get to see the Fatties 'cause we live out west. They are sounding amazing! That David Bowie tune?!?!?!? wow.


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i've heard it a bunch of times, but each and every time, girls go NUTZ when the fatties start Golden Years...

Its like the pharamones in the bar rise 100 fold. Every female is dancin 'like no one was watching...'. Awesome.

I'd just like to say, Dave Hill kicks serious, serious, ass on bass.....fu©k is he good! That whole band rocks.

Hamilton shows the love for the Fatties. Close to 150 people through the door last night i'd say, or maybe even more!

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The Bowie tune was golden! ::

A great night of music in a bar filled with lots of smiling faces and dancing bodies.

I'd just like to say, Dave Hill kicks serious, serious, ass on bass.....fu©k is he good!

I second that emotion!

And all the best to Blue Quarter as they head East ... they are going to blow some minds at Evolve, playing late at night between DJ's.

Peace, Mark

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I also missed BQ because of........ well, because of drinking, basically but have to say that was perhaps the most solid Fatties show since their little break a little back, certainly the best one I've seen with the new line-up. They really do have a rock solid catalogue and they kept the energy level at a pretty high level Friday night. It's good to see a band just RAWK the fu©k out!

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Wow! Thanks for all the kind words everyone. That was a blast on Friday. The room had a great vibe to it. Thanks to all that came out. We always have a good time at Pepperjack's. I was very impressed with Blue Quarter! They are super tight! I would definately recommend checking them out! As far as covering Duran Duran tunes, it's in the works. Maybe "Rio" or "Hungry Like the Wolf" from their '84 tour. That'll get 'em dancin'.

Thanks again for the night and also thanks for stickin' up for us.

Cover band.

That's funny.


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